1. What was Jefferson's vision of the President?
- He wanted a unifying presidency that would satisfy his deep commitment to personal freedom. He had a vision of America that was free from federalists and advocated for egalitarianism, agriculture and territorial expansion.
2. Jefferson disliked many members of the White House and the Federalist judiciary. What did we say caused this?
This was because many of them were federalists who never considered others shower of lower status.
3. What did we say was important about the case Marbury v Madison?
-It formed the basis for the exercise of judicial review in the second article of the US constitution.
4. What were two key aspects of Jeffersons economic policy?
-He accepted the National Bank as essential for economic growth
-Reduced the federal budget.
5. What were two important things we learned about Jefferson's dealing with the ransom demand of the Barbary Pirates?
--Jefferson was so much determined to end the extortion by the Islam two he was trying anything to make liberty real for everyone.
6. What was the main reason Jefferson achieved the Louisiana Purchase?
- This was caused by the renewed warfare with the United Kingdom that prompted Napoleon to sell Louisiana to the US.
7. What was the Embargo Act of 1807 about and what happened as a consequence?
--This was a law that was passed by the US Congress that prohibited American ships from trading in foreign ports. It sparked bitter protests as some people viewed it as a threat to national unity. This gave mileage to the Federalists Party and consequently an increased representation in 1808
8. Madison changed the Embargo Act to the Non-Intercourse Act. What did the new act say and what were two consequences?
-The new Act lifted the ban that had been held by the Embargo ACT that was applied on all American ships bound for British and French ports.
It caused the War of 1812, and also the damaged to a greater extent the US economy.
9. What were three issues facing Madison upon declaring war with Britain in 1812?
-The US had a few warships and gunboats to use against the all-powerful Britain.
-The American people were divided during the war.
-There existed few men who were available to fight as soldiers.
10. What were four socio-political outcomes of the War of 1812?
- It resulted in two centuries of peace between US and Britain.
-The worry over the Native Americans was overcome.
-The plans of the British to create a buffer Native American state was thwarted.
-The America's quest for honor from the Britain was achieved
11. What were four economic transitions after the War of 1812?
- Thorough speculation of public land.
-Criticism of the New Republicans financial policies, tariffs and internal improvements.
-The transition from colonial commercial status with Europe to an independent economy.
12. What is a market-based economy?
This is an economy where the resources are owned and controlled by individuals and are allocated through voluntary market transactions governed by the interaction of supply and demand.
13. What were five immediate changes that came with the new market-based economy?
-There was an availability of various goods and services as firms strived to differentiate themselves in the market sector.
-Increased participation in the economic activities as people realized the need for money for survival.
- Enhanced innovation since the market provided a competitive environment and therefore increased the chances for wealth.
-The Higher competition resulted in efficiency in the provision of goods, as businesses that had fewer costs were more competitive and made more profits.
-Freedom of individual choice as the market provided options for developing businesses, purchasing goods and services.
14. What was four consequence of the market-based economy?
-Land ownership opportunities
-Economic Gain
-Geographical mobility.
-Political participation.
15. What were the three areas of the growing urban recreation?
-Theater performances
-Music industries.
16. 2.4 million people immigrated to American between1845-1854. What three main factors contributed to this?
-People were fleeing from the religious persecution in Egypt.
17. What were three immediate consequences of the immigration influx?
-pressure on social amenities.
-Rise in social evils, i.e. prostitution
-18. In what two ways did technology affect skilled workers such as artisans?
- They lost their jobs as they were replaced by machines
-Loss of indigenous crafts some of them graduated to the use of machines thus ignoring traditional crafts.
19. In what three ways did mass production affect labor?
-Mass production of goods paved the way for mechanization of labor
-Artisans were replaced by specific people.
-Created more jobs.
20. What were the two main reasons that Madison supported the 2nd National Bank?
-To create a seemly stable national currency.
-To regulate the public credit dispensed by private banking institutions.
21. We saw three major court cases during the Madison Administration. What did we say those cases reflected about the Supreme Court?
-These cases showed that the Supreme Court reserved the power to make impartial rulings as it made rulings some that went against the federal system that had doctored its setup.
22. What were the three compromises managed by Henry Clay to support American nationalism?
-Internal improvements that made America self-reliant
-The commissioning of the Second American Bank
-Protective tariffs that imposed taxes on imported goods from Britain making them expensive thereby making the people buy only American goods.
23. What were the four principal causes of the Panic of 1819?
-Changes in the global market after the Napoleonic wars.
-Speculation of public lands.
-The uncontrolled issue of paper money from banks and business.
-Desire by the Second bank to recompense for its slackness in the control of the credit market
24. What was the heart of the issue of the Missouri compromise?
-The balance of power in the US Congress between the free and slave states Slavery.
25. How was the Missouri Compromise resolved?
- It was resolved by the repealing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the subsequent declaration by the Supreme Court in 1857 that declared that the Congress lacked the mandate of prohibiting slavery in the territories.
26. What was the Monroe Doctrine?
-This was a policy in the US that stated that any intervention by any external powers in the American politics is a potentially hostile act against the US.
27. What was the outcome of the Monroe Doctrine?
-The emergence of the US as a world superpower that could engage in the affairs of other countries.
28. What was the outcome of the "corrupt bargain" that gave John Q. Adams the presidency?
-The Gerald Fords 1974 pardon of Richard Nixon after the resignation of the former president.
29. What were 3 actions taken by Andrew Jackson that changed presidential campaigning?
- Organization of grassroots party around him (Democratic-Republicans).
-Jackson's men rose against Adam and his programs that were advocating for increased allocation of internal initiatives which made him achieve nothing and lose contact with the common man.
-Accusations of Adam's administration over a corrupt bargain.
30. What was important about Jackson's wild inaugural party?
The initial two elections that were already past and in which Jackson had lost had been unfortunate with instances of strife and ruthlessness. The inauguration provided an opportunity for healing and bonding with the common man and also trust building.
31. Why was the Eaton Affair important to Jackson's Administration?
The Eaton affair tainted the image of the Senator and Martin Van Buren who had supported him in the congress hence upon his resignation; it provided an opportunity for Jackson to appoint Cabinet officers who were loyal to him.
32. What were the two main motivations behind Jackson's Indian Removal Act?
His concerns for the military safety of the USA
His commitment that all persons living within the states were entitled to the jurisdiction of the laws of those states.
33. What were two consequences of the Indian Removal Act?
Many people about 4000 lost their lives a majority from the Cherokee.
People were separated from their original homes, livestock, crops and places that had spiritual significance to them.
34. What did contemporaries warn Congress about the Indian Removal Act?
The contemporaries had warned by the inhuman treatment that the five communities would be subjected to.
35. What were two motivating factors behind Jackson's veto to renew the charter of the National Bank?
36. What was the Specie Circular and what was an immediate consequence of it?
This was an executive order that had been communicated by Andrew Jackson that all payments of public land be made on gold and silver only. This caused the Panic of 1837
37. What was the issue behind South Carolina's Nullification Ordinance?
This was caused by the popular belief that the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 favored the North Carolina over the south and thus violating the constitution. 38. What was Jackson's response to the Ordinance?
-He threatened to send government troops to enforce tariffs.
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