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Free United States Thesis and Essay Examples

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Exploring Latino Culture: Understanding Spanish Language in the US

My intercultural field experience made an emphasis the one of the minority groups in United States of America. I selected in my study was Hispanic/Latino. It is worthy fo...
6 Pages 
(1446 Words)

Exploring Hispanic/Latino Culture: A Key to Unlocking the World's Languages

The culture that I selected in my study was Hispanic/Latino culture. It is worthy for people to understand other people's language in addition to their languages. The sel...
6 Pages 
(1435 Words)

Essay Example on Puerto Rico Facts

Puerto Rico operates under the US constitution but has authority over its internal affairs, just like all other states in the US. The US federal government has jurisdicti...
5 Pages 
(1213 Words)

The Concept of Special Interest Groups in America - Paper Example

Special interest groups are formal organizations of either individuals or organizations that share common concerns and attempts to alter public policy by their interests....
3 Pages 
(655 Words)

Essay on Chicano Heritage: Mexican American History

In the history of America, it is recognized that civil movements played an integral role in the formation of various ethnics community and had managed to shape the Unite...
4 Pages 
(1006 Words)

Was Slavery a Precursor to the American Civil War? - Essay Sample

Since the end of the American Civil War, there have been disagreements over the years among scholars on what actually led to the outbreak of the war. Some academics argue...
4 Pages 
(1098 Words)

Analysis Essay on Truth Sojourners Speeches

Women suffrage in the United States resulted from a lengthy struggle spearheaded by a coterie of black women activists and their like-minded male counterparts. Elizabeth...
3 Pages 
(615 Words)
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Research Paper Example on State Experiences with Implementing the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a federal statute of the United States that was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010 after being enacted by the one hundred...
7 Pages 
(1870 Words)

Paper Example on Sustainability Problem in New York

New York City is the largest in America and the most diverse city. While the town appeared to suffer social, political and fiscal stress, it has emerged to be the safest...
3 Pages 
(671 Words)

Paper Example on Western Africa Immigration to America

America is occupied by many ethnic groups which according to history they migrated to the country. Most of these ethnic groups immigrated to the country unwillingly but l...
3 Pages 
(604 Words)