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Free Computer Science and IT Thesis and Essay Examples

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Research Proposal on Network Firewall Optimisation

TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc499498535 \h 2Background PAGEREF _Toc499498536 \h 2Problem statement PAGEREF _Toc499498537 \h 3Sub problems PAGEREF _Toc499...
7 Pages 
(1742 Words)

Effects of EHR Systems on Professional Nursing and Patient Outcomes

Successful implementation of the electronic health records systems in hospitals have significant effects on the operation of the facility, the performance of the nurses a...
4 Pages 
(1057 Words)

Project #3 Crazyflie Design and Analysis Using AADL

Q10: Update Crazyflie_Functional::Crazyflie_Functional_Chain.impl and its subcomponents with EMV2 properties to support the Functional Hazard Analysis FHA. You may adjust...
5 Pages 
(1106 Words)

Essay Example on IT Failures and Trends

Managing IT failures is a context of the development of information system that has received little attention.This failure is associated with the new trends in technology...
5 Pages 
(1151 Words)

Essay Example on System Request

System request is the general information used for improvement, an introduction of new product in the market by an already existing firm or better still the onset of a ne...
3 Pages 
(559 Words)

Computer Science Question and Answer

The use of a single unifying device which can handle internet, media, telephone needs, and entertainment is what is referred to as digital convergence. The unified, compu...
3 Pages 
(742 Words)

Accessing the Databases: Lab Report Example

1. Go the Library Tab in Blackboard. Find the Databases section and select the Go to A-Z List icon.How many databases are in the list? ___124 databases_____2. Change the...
4 Pages 
(1043 Words)
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Coursework Example on Digital Technologies

It is the capacity to view the same multimedia content from different types of devices. For instance, watching a YouTube Video from the TV via a connected laptop or going...
3 Pages 
(753 Words)

M-Changa: Levering Kenya's Mobile Money Market for Community

In the case of m-changa, the equity bank partnership would be more beneficial. Equity bank has a wider spread network of customers across six countries in East Africa. Th...
3 Pages 
(766 Words)

What are the most important aspects of Information and Communications Technology in Knowledge management?

Coming up with up a lucid ICT foundation for KM in conveyed conditions is a difficult errand. The tools which might be utilized without any trouble in incorporated enterp...
3 Pages 
(565 Words)