1. Go to the Library Tab in Blackboard. Find the Databases section and select the Go to A-Z List icon.
How many databases are in the list? 124 databases
2. Change the All Subjects menu dropdown to correspond to your field of study at Herzing.
(For example if you are an Accounting major, select Business; if you are a Criminal Justice major, select Public Safety; if you are a Medical Assistant major, select Healthcare; if you are a Nursing major, select Nursing, etc.)
List your field of study/major at Herzing University: English Literature
List the corresponding subject from All Subjects dropdown: General Education
How many databases are in the list? 64
3. Go back to the Databases section of the Library Tab in Blackboard and notice that the same Subjects are listed. Once again, select your subject area.
Back on the A to Z list for your subject area; browse the list of databases available.
If you were assigned to write a paper about the most current issue facing your profession, which database would you select to conduct research on this topic and why?
Database name: communication and mass media collections
Explain why you chose this database:
The database provides useful information that describes issues that affect my profession. The ideas are well organized and the information presented was properly researched.
4. Towards the top of the A to Z list, look for and select Clear Filters to clear the Subject set of databases.
Using the Letter menu (row of letters) select C to jump to that section, and scroll until you find Credo Reference.
Read the description.
What types of resources does this database offer?
It provides a database content of books and articles.
5. Select Credo Reference to launch this database.
From the Subject s menu on the right, select General Reference.
On the results page browse using the Narrow Your Book Results menu on the left.
List a title that is of interest to you.
United States Marine Corp
6. Close Credo Reference and go back to the A to Z list. Once again, select Clear Filters.
Using the Letter menu select P to jump to that section, and scroll until you find ProQuest Central and select it.
This database will open up to the Basic Search Page.
Enter search terms related to a medical topic of your choice.
List your key words/search terms: Treatment of Bipolar
Hover over the I next to Peer Reviewed and Scholarly Journals.
What process do peer-reviewed publications go through?
They are sorted based on their relevance to the keywords on the search terms
Who authors scholarly journals?
Scholarly journals are written by accredited researchers or scholars.
Check the boxes next to Peer Reviewed and Scholarly journals (for this step leave Full Text unchecked) and run your search.
How many results are displayed? 77,003
7. Now limit to full-text by doing one of the following: either check the box for full-text and hit search again to add that limit; OR look for the plus sign next to Full-Text in the left margin and select Full-Text.
How many results are displayed after applying this limit? 67,572
8. Explore the other Narrow Results By section on the left side of the screen.
List two options:
Oldest first
Most recent first
9. Find a result that is of interest to you and select the blue title words to reveal more details about the article.
Treatment of bipolar disorder in the Netherlands and concordance with treatment guidelines: study protocol of an observational, longitudinal study on naturalistic treatment of bipolar disorder in everyday clinical practiceRenes, Joannes W; Regeer, Eline J; van der Voort, Trijntje YG; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph W. BMC Psychiatry; London Vol. 14, (2014):
The article discusses treatment of bipolar disorder in Netherlands
In this view of the article notice the tools at the right for downloading the PDF (if available) as well as Cite, Email, and Print. Select Email.
If you want to send to more than one email address, what do you do when filling out the form?
You can add more than one mail when filling the form
10. Close out of this database and return to the A to Z List. Once again, select Clear Filters.
In the All Subjects drop-down menu, select Business. You will see a Best Bets! section at the top of the list, these are the most relevant databases related to that subject matter.
Select Business Source Complete - Ebsco from the list.
10. Business Source Complete opens up to the Advanced Search Screen
Enter search terms related to a business topic of your choice (example advertising and sports).
List your key words/search terms: impact of recession
In the Limit your results section, check the boxes for Full Text and Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals and run your search.
List the number of search results: 154
9. On the results list, using the Limit to options on the left side of the screen move the date slider to change the date range of your results. Set the date range from 2010 to the present.
List the new number of search results: 50
10. Select any article by clicking on the title. Notice the Tool options on the right side of the screen.
List two of the tools available:
Google classroom
11. Close out of this database and return to the A to Z List. Once again, select Clear Filters.
Using strategies you have learned so far find and select Films on Demand.
Search for study skills by titles (default).
List one of the Films on Demand titles from the results list.
Stress management
12. Did you know about Guides from the HU Library that contain links to the HU Library databases? Go back to the Library Tab in Blackboard and look for the Guides section. Select a Guide of interest to you and provide your selection:
Nursing guide
Select the Find Articles Tab and list one of the databases from that you find:
Biology Database-ProQuest
13. Feel free to go back and explore any of these resources. Remember when you have questions on database selection and using the tools, please contact the Herzing University Librarians. We are here to assist you and all Herzing University Students.
Please describe your experience completing this assignment.
The assignment easy to handle and it enabled me to explore different databases that I was not aware of.
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