In the human society, it is clear that philosophy plays a vital role. Therefore, without the philosophers and philosophy, the society could face numerous challenges as this field of study is so significant. According to Azenabor (2010), philosophy plays a critical role in the modern society therefore, a human being might not survive without philosophy. This field helps a person in solving problems in life, therefore, this field is unquestionably based on the multifarious problems that are faced by man. Moreover, an individual is guided on what approach to avoid or adopt when faced with certain problems. Through philosophy, human being problems are rationally addressed despite this field of study unable to provide solutions to all problems that man faces. Peikoff (1991), was of the opinion that philosophy was a human need. Therefore, the human need for food can be equated to the need of philosophy by the same individual (Peikoff, 1991). Philosophy is the need of the mind, therefore, without it, an individual cannot obtain basic or secondary needs.
Some of the fundamental beliefs are changed by a person through the assistance of philosophy (Hausman, 2015). Our fundamental beliefs play a significant role in the way our experiences are interpreted and the way we take personal endeavors. The beliefs are not conforming to the rationality of man are questioned by philosophy. The people's mental faculty is sharpened and shaped by philosophy, for instance, and beliefs that do not conform to the requirements of the court of reason are bound to be rejected.
Human beings are also freed from dogmatism through the use of philosophy. Therefore, we might not accept something without justifying it rationally. An individual is freed from the prejudices that come from habitual beliefs, spontaneous convictions, culture, the environment, age and common sense (Akam, 1995). Through philosophy, an individual is made to stand out of a crowd as a person is provided with intellectual independence. Russell (1978) view that a man who lacks the tincture of philosophy is imprisoned by the prejudices from the spontaneous conviction, culture, environment, age, common sense and convictions that grow up in the mind without consent and co-operation of deliberate reason.
Philosophy provides a person with a platform for reasoning correctly. For instance, it is important for a case to be supported by evidence. Therefore, philosophy is concerned by the justifications made other than making claims. Moreover, the study of philosophy enables an individual to avoid errors in writing and speech and become a critical thinker. Agudosy (2009) urged that through philosophy, professionals get furnished with critical thought and become coherent in writing and speech. Through the criticality feature of the philosophy, we are able to question everything before accepting the issues as true knowledge. Therefore, philosophy assists in the removal of ambiguity hence leading to clarification of thoughts.
It can be noted too that the roles of philosophy are highly unquantifiable and immeasurable. For instance, philosophy plays an important role in ethnic relations in societies with different ethnic groups. For instance, there seems to be natural hatred amongst different ethnic groups. Hence philosophy comes in through the knowledge of accidents in metaphysics and substance that indicates that there is the sharing of one substance by every human being the humanity of a person. Through philosophy, a person is able to fit well in international, inter-ethnic and interpersonal relationships. Therefore, this leads to world peace through the order in the society. Jacque Rousseau, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and, St. Thomas Aquinas among other philosophers are behind the declaration of human rights through the idea of human rights and nature. Therefore, the study of philosophy provides a platform for the necessary ingredients for authentic and good human relations that are devoid of the tribal sentiments. Moreover, an unbiased assessment of human behavior is provided despite the ethnic affiliations.
Philosophy plays an important role in the political sphere, for instance, a society might experience different political dispensations and because a human being is involved in politics then a society might not develop or grow its political sphere without the aid of philosophy. In order for politicians to be truly rational in their daily activities, they definitely need a dose of philosophy. Azenbor (2010) was of the view that a dose of philosophy in the political realm is necessary as it enables the members of a society to appreciate their political heritage. Therefore, the practical role of philosophy is derived from the facts that the world is ruled by ideas. Moreover, in the political scene such as policy-making is a critical area that philosophy is appreciated. Individuals that have a background in this field are well placed to articulate policies that impact the society positively. This is in line with (Azenbor, 2010) argument that philosophers possess the abilities that help to determine societal progress, development and values based on the means of achieving goals and values, human activities and the ends of a human society.
Agudosy, F.I. (2009). Philosophy as a Profession. Delta publications
Akam, J.B. (1995). The Oracle of Wisdom: Towards Philosophic Equpoise. Enugu: Snaap Press
Azenabor, G. (2010). The Role of Philosophy in Society Philosophical Psychology. Concept Publications, pp: 32-49
Hausman, D.M. (2015).Philosophy of Economics in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Peikoff, L. (1991), Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand New York: Dulton.
Russell, B. (1978). The Problems of Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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