Michel Foucault was a key figure in the world of Philosophy. His main ideas reflect on the relationship between power and knowledge and how these two are used as a means of control in social institutions. Foucault is particularly concerned to critique of authority and rationality. Foucault describes critique as a form of art that exposes the illegitimacy of authority. It's a critical limitation of the limits of power. The idea of critique is important in questioning not only leadership but every belief that we hold. Critique is an art that takes into consideration ideas or beliefs based on their validity. The latter means that these used or beliefs are based on truth and are credible. Foucault argues that through critique, an individual is able to question and understand how power is administered.
Critique is helpful in challenging believes and practices and proving their validity. Instead of accepting everything as it is presented, a critique comes in handy in separating truth and what appears to be the truth. It expresses the need for accountability in leadership and ideologies. As individuals, we are able to hold people in authoritative positions accountable. Additionally, a critique of the beliefs and ideologies presented in the form of knowledge enables us to interpret facts and separate them from what may not be true. A critique helps us to decide the norms and rules we should be obedient to versus those that are oppressive and irrelevant.
Rationality is another concept that Foucault discusses at length. Rationality forms the regulation of social ideas. Problems within the society have a genealogy. They are categorized as problems because of their consequences to other people. Rationality allows us to act based on logic and reason. As human beings, we are entitled to out autonomy. However, we must act in a rational manner. Our actions should be governed by our ability to reason. Being rational does not only work to our advantage but to the advantage of other people in the society. It allows us to be objective in making our choices and in identifying and separating problematic issues from non-problematic issues then acting accordingly. Rationality also allows us to identify the reasons why some issues are considered problematic dating back in history and the reasons they are considered problematic.
We have to resist any principle or idea that does not prove worthwhile after a critique. Resistance is a way of communicating our beliefs and philosophy whenever we feel it is being violated in one way or another. As individuals who have to make decisions on a daily basis, resistance gives us the opportunity to decline or refrain from participating in activities that we feel violate the philosophies that we live by.
Foucault believes in that resistance plays an important role in protecting our lack of approval to circumstances that we do not agree with. Every day, we are faced with the choice to critique an action or a policy that we feel violates human rights. We can resist issues that concern us as well as those that concern others besides us such as fighting for the rights of the gay community. Resistance comes as a result of critique whereby we ask ourselves the validity of authority and the rationality behind it.
Most Interesting Thing
The most interesting thing about Foucault's philosophy is that it doesn't intend to impose on peoples beliefs. Based on the Alexander Nehamas' interview, trying to figure out the lives of philosophers is not as important as taking up their philosophy and applying it to someone's life. Nehama emphasizes the importance of harnessing all energy and personality into making it something worthwhile. In this connection, he challenges people to focus more on philosophical insights that the flawed lives of philosophers. It's important for individuals to identify the specific philosophies that are relevant to their lives and which they can apply to improve the quality of the lives they live.
In the application of philosophy, an individual has to have a constant personality. Taking on different personalities and trying to live them out distorts one's personality and contradicts the field of philosophy. Its therefore important for an individual to take upon a single philosophy say that of Socrates or Nietzsche and live according to its principles. It's important for people to be decisive and stick in a particular way of doing things. People who are constantly shifting from one idea or principle to another cease to be relevant or to make an impact. Such people can never be taken seriously. It's therefore important to make a stand on a daily basis, in our interactions with other people and in coming up with a set of beliefs and values that guide our lives.
Most Useful Thing
The most useful thing is contained in need to for a worthwhile human life. A worthwhile human life is lived when we combine arts and humanities and incorporate them into our day to day living. By introducing arts and humanity into our lives, we introduce virtues into them and make ourselves more interesting, complex and engaging people. By so doing we do not become morally upright or worse, rather we make our lives meaningful and are able to engage in deep, insightful conversations that give meaning to our lives. Combining arts and humanities and putting them to use in our lives is a significant way of the knowledge gained in philosophy. Philosophy is a way of life. It should be practiced on a daily basis as far as decision making is concerned. It guides our behaviors, influences our beliefs and makes us live a life of purpose. Everyone wants to live a life of purpose, that which is worthwhile and can influence other people. Choosing a single philosophy and abiding by it has the ability to impact other people and to make our lives well lived and deserving of appreciation.
In conclusion, from the audio and the readings, philosophy is portrayed as a significant part of everyday life. Whether we are philosophical or not, philosophy exists and its importance in the world today cannot be emphasized enough. Philosophy governs how we relate to other people and the world around us. It opens our eyes to deeper insights that we would have otherwise remained blind to. The philosophical way of life ultimately determines the quality of life that we live and the impact that we have in the world. Philosophers have left a legacy that continues to impact the present generation of people. The principles of philosophy offer important guidelines to a worthwhile way of life. Philosophy allows us to critique before making judgments and to live a life that is more purposeful and rewarding.
Nehemas, A. (2000). On The Philosophical Life. The Harvard Review of Philosophy.
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