Legalization of medical marijuana has a positive impact on the well-being of patients undergoing chronic pain or under post-traumatic stress disorder. The legalization of medical marijuana will benefit both the local and state government and the society at large. Having an extended human use as a herbal medicine in Asia around 500BC, Marijuana has proved to be a drug that causes better than harm to its consumers when consumed for medicinal purposes. This essay enlightens us on why we should all follow suit Colorado State in legalizing medical Marijuana. A quantitative analysis to support the positive impact of legalizing marijuana in Colorado included. I will conclude my essay by briefly stating the main points mentioned in the article.
The local and state government, doctors, activists, and cartels play a significant part in the legalization of medical marijuana. The doctors support legalization of medical marijuana because it has a positive impact on patients with chronic pain and other health anomalies. Sir William Brooke OShaughnessy discovered that Marijuana extracts could be used to decrease stomach pains and nausea for people with cholera. (staff, 2017) Doctors also believe that legalization of marijuana will enable people to have a better understanding of the effects each type of pot has. The latter will increase the consumers' safety. The local and state government view legalization of medical marijuana to be beneficial to the economy of the country. The state will benefit from the tax revenue collected from the regulation of Marijuana sales. Legalization of marijuana will save money for the government and the society as well.
The few resources that the government channeled towards the safety of the public. Legalization of marijuana will also create job opportunities for cartels and gangs involved in the drug business. When marijuana is legal, job opportunities will open up in the formal sector via positions such as sales agents and bakeries that bake cookies with marijuana ingredient in them. The stakeholders are dependent on the success of each other when promoting the legalization of medical marijuana. Cartels enable the government to collect the tax as well as provide the society with job opportunities. The doctors play the role of ensuring that the consumers are made aware of the marijuana type they are buying and its health benefits. Doctors are also responsible for reassuring their consumers that the drug is safe for consumption and has no harmful side effects.
Legalization of Marijuana has led to the reduction in crime rates as compared to countries that have not permitted the use of Marijuana. Legalization of pot has led to many people opting to use weed over alcohol which is known to be a primary cause of various crimes as it impairs the consumer's judgment. It has also led to the availability of jobs for unemployed youths and gangs that result in crimes because they are idle. Marijuana indeed has positive health benefits. It reduces nausea in patients undergoing chemotherapy. AIDS patients have an increased appetite after consuming the marijuana. Grass plays a huge role in treating mental disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Hemp can also be used to treat severe pain and works more efficiently and safer than narcotic painkillers.
Marijuana reduces symptoms of cancer, epilepsy, and chronic disease. Some of the health concerns the society has on the use of marijuana include questions of whether or not the drug has long-term effects on the brain and if it causes permanent lung harm. According to (Alliance), marijuana does not alleviate lung cancer risk but instead overrides the risk of the individual from getting lung and neck cancer. A study on teenagers also shows different results of the effect of marijuana on their brains (Alliance). The main risk associated with marijuana is the risk of losing control of the marijuana intake. The central perception that people especially teens may have is that marijuana is legal and it cannot cause any adverse effects on them. There is a big difference in the term drug use and drug misuse. Drug misuse according to the research from the National Academics of Science Engineering and medicine suggests that abuse of marijuana can cause respiratory problems, schizophrenia and early pregnancies for teens. (Lopez, 2017) However, compared to effects of other legal remedies such as tobacco and liquor marijuana is relatively safe.
Colorado State legalized marijuana in 2001. In this case study, quantitative research put on the number of driving fatalities percentages caused by people under marijuana influence (2006- 2014) compared to the overall fatalities (2006-2014). In the year 2006 total state extensive fatalities were five hundred and thirty-five. The casualties that were as a result of marijuana intake were 7.04%. In 2007 the total state fatalities were five hundred and fifty-four. Marijuana fatalities were 7.04%. In 2008 the total casualties were five hundred, and forty-eight and marijuana accounted for 7.85% of these deaths. In 2009 total fatalities were four hundred and sixty-five. Marijuana accounted for 10.10% of these deaths. In 2010 four hundred and fifty deaths were observed and marijuana accounted for 10.89% in 2011 four hundred, and forty-seven deaths reported with marijuana accounting for 14.09% in 2012 four hundred and seventy-two deaths were noted, and marijuana accounted for 16.53% of these deaths.
In 2013, marijuana accounted for 14.76% of four hundred and eighty-one deaths. In 2014, marijuana accounted for 19.26% of the total four hundred and eighty fatalities. (CLARKE & Wong, 2017)Despite the increased driving fatalities in Colorado as a result of misuse of legalized medical marijuana the state has experienced the following positive impacts. The prisons have become less congested. The latter is due to the elimination of arrest for people who pose or sells marijuana. The state government laws have been able to focus on more pressing crimes that endanger public safety. In comparison to alcohol-related driving fatalities legalizing marijuana has led to fewer driving fatalities as both do not affect individuals of the same magnitude. There is no increased use among the youths due to strict regulations. The state has increased its revenue earned via taxation and the elimination of the black market.
Legalization of Marijuana has led to a reduction in crime rates as compared to states that have not legalized the use of Marijuana. Marijuana reduces symptoms of cancer, epilepsy, and chronic disease Doctors are also responsible for reassuring their consumers that the drug is safe for consumption and has no harmful side effects.. Sir William Brooke OShaughnessy discovered that Marijuana extracts could be used to decrease stomach pains and nausea for people with cholera. (staff, 2017) Doctors also believe that legalization of marijuana will enable people to have a better understanding of the effects each type of pot has. The latter will increase the consumers' safety.
The few resources that the government channeled towards the safety of the public. The state directs its few funds towards public safety. Legalization of marijuana will also create job opportunities for cartels and gangs involved in the drug business. When marijuana is legal, job opportunities will open up in the formal sector via positions such as sales agents and bakeries that bake cookies with marijuana ingredient in them. Drug misuse according to the research from the National Academics of Science Engineering and medicine suggests that misuse of marijuana can cause respiratory problems, schizophrenia and early pregnancies for teens. (Lopez, 2017) However, compared to effects of other legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol marijuana is relatively safe. In comparison to alcohol-related driving fatalities legalizing marijuana has led to fewer driving fatalities as both do not affect individuals of the same magnitude.
Alliance, D. P. (n.d.). Marijuana Facts. Retrieved from
CLARKE, C., & Wong, K. (2017, November 22). The legalization of marijuana in Colorado the impact. Retrieved from
Lopez, G. (2017, November 22). Pot is a relatively safe drug with some risks. Retrieved from Vox:
Marijuana Legalization and Regulation. (n.d.). Extracted from We are the drug policy alliance:
Staff, H. (2017).HISTORY OF MARIJUANA. Retrieved November 2017, from
Trilling, D. (2017, November 22). Marijuana legalization: Research review on crime and impaired driving. Retrieved from Journalistic resource:
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