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Essay Example: Introduction to Greek History

Greek is also known as Hellenes, and Greece Hellas. The names of Greece have evolved to modern name Greece that originated from Roman conquerors. In eighth century BC, c...
4 Pages 
(917 Words)

Essay Example on European History: Monarchies of Charles I and Louis XIV

The seventeenth century Europe was marked as one of the remarkable and revolutionary eras in Europes history. Major discoveries were made such as the foundation of moder...
4 Pages 
(900 Words)

Research Paper on the Evolution of Women Roles from Pre-Contact Times to 20th Century

The period between pre-contact era and 20th century was characteristics by multiple socioeconomic and political changes which shaped the roles of women in the society. Th...
7 Pages 
(1807 Words)

Analysing Texts on Slavery

Slavery is the main theme in the texts, digging into a fraught History and Voices from the past speak to the present. However, the two texts also make mention of the S...
3 Pages 
(587 Words)

The Clinton 12. Essay Example.

The Clinton 12 is a documentary film by Keith McDaniel and voiced by James Earl Jones. The film is about 12 black teenagers who stood up against racial hate and discrimin...
3 Pages 
(569 Words)

History Research Paper: Chess Champion During the Cold War

The main participants of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union expressed their mutual hostility through a variety of forms, such as propaganda and threats....
8 Pages 
(2101 Words)

Chicano History - Case Study Example

The event described in El Plan de Aztlan" written in May of 1969 after the Denver Conference in was a significant milestone for the Mexican Civil Rights Movement. In att...
3 Pages 
(579 Words)
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Paper Example: Regional Traditions of the Origins of Civilization and Social Complexity in China

Civilization refers to a society that is complex that is characterized by communication systems that are symbolic, urban development, and social stratification with the c...
7 Pages 
(1683 Words)

The White Donkey (The Atomic Bomb) - Annotated Bibliography Example

Herken, Gregg. The winning weapon: The atomic bomb in the cold war, 1945-1950. Princeton University Press, 2014.The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki...
5 Pages 
(1354 Words)

Historical Essay Example: Holocaust

Holocaust research is an academic discipline that incorporates the study of the holocaust and the historical research. Researchers of these studies tend to investigate th...
5 Pages 
(1293 Words)