The analysis of the roles and attributes of software bring about the importance of assessing the quality of Information systems for the companies that deal in software development. It is very critical for the software companies to follow a structured and a well-defined process for instance Total Quality Management (TQM). A companys quality Information system(QIS) comprises Measures of quality performance, software quality measures, quality related documentation, data, report and its analysis.
The evaluation of information systems and the software provides crucial information on the quality of the software to the development of a company in its operations. It supports the analysis through a holistic and structured manner for instance through the Total Quality Management Model. This paper shall provide substantial information on the quality information system (QIS) roles and characteristics in Quality management in software development companies.
Literature Review
There is numerous literature on the quality of management and the models quality, for instance, the Capability Maturity Model. It comes up with the view that a vital success factor is the presence of the vital quality-related data for the initiatives and also the information that is crucial to help in guiding and to support the efforts therein in quality management. In this case, quality-related information consists of the data quality and measures that are either qualitative or quantitative. For this paper, a quality information system refers to a systematic method that is involved in collecting, storage, analysis and coming up with a report on the information on quality at all levels to assist those that make the important decisions.
Quality Information systems Framework
To come up with a product that meets the quality is as a result of efficient design on the product and ultimately it's testing. Information is crucial for instance the requirements by customers, a model of externally acquired components, process abilities in internal manufacturing and the suggestions given by employees on opportunities enhancement (Bartel & Finster, 2015). In the improvement and control of the process, the primary role is to prevent defects. Total quality management promotes development in the process through training of employees, participation and empowering them (Aggarwal & Lee, 2015). TQM integrates the primary information needs of companies whereby the company quality-related data appears according to planning, production and selling factors.
Results: Proposed Data Analysis
First, the analysis of roles and attributes of a quality system of information are carried out according to the policy and criteria used. Secondly, the processes analyzed their success rate in their bid to meet the needs of the customers (Visconti & Cook, 2018). Putting together these two levels in the data analysis assists to assess the processes, for instance, are the processes meeting the needs for which they were designed to address? The overall performance of the company will be measured, monitored and assessed (Chou, Yen & Chen, 2013). The information collected at the level organizational assessment is used to by top management to make appropriate decisions (Xydias-Lobo, 2014). Evaluations at this point and area are also less frequent and mostly carried out annually or biannually.
Summary and Conclusion
In summary, the roles and characteristics of quality information systems include incorporation of more information to the employee operations. To provide information that will serve to support the design of the product, test, and evaluation of the process as well as its improvement (McGown, 2010). To evolve and this is crucial to meet the set standards of a quality program.
In conclusion, a quality information system that is relevant to the context of the software would serve the employees at all levels in the company. It would play a great role to evaluate and improve the usage of useful financial quality frameworks (Ward, 2014). The QIS should form an integral part of the company and this will assist to enhance for instance data integrity and its accessibility and should always support the companys changing trends in quality management techniques.
Aggarwal, R., & Lee, J. S. (2015). CASE and TQM for Flexible Systems. Information System Management,
Bartel, T., & Finster, M. (2015). A TQM PROCESS FOR SYSTEMS INTEGRATION Getting the Most from COTS Software. Information System Management, 12(3), 19-29.
Chou, D. C., Yen, D. C., & Chen, J. Q. (2013). Analysis of the total quality management-based software auditing. Total Quality Management, 9(7), 611-61812(4), 15-19.
McGown, V. (2010). The effectiveness of quality control systems in Australia and Japan: a comparative analysis (Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University).
Visconti, M., & Cook, C. R. (2018). Evolution of a maturity modelcritical evaluation and lessons learned. Software Quality Journal, 7(3-4), 223-237.
Ward, J. A. (2014). Continuous process improvement. Information System Management, 11(2), 74-76.
Xydias-Lobo, M. (2014). The Role and Attributes of Quality Information Systems (QISs) in the Management of Quality in Software Development Companies in Australia.
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