Peter F. Drucker: The effective executive
Peter Druckers effective executive lays out crucial points on how one can work adequately in his position to be a capable executive. According to him, it's not magic but instead steps that one uses to place himself able to deliver his executive power to the people. Several factors based on the book makes an individual an active leader. Peter Drucker state that to be effective involves learning and does not necessarily requires one to possess some talent or gift in the position of leadership. According to Drucker (2006) understanding your executive purpose and ensure the organizational goals is all that is required. Personal management also is critical because the juniors must follow your r steps if they are to learn management skills from you. In the organization, a good executive needs to be time conscious and understanding its importance is crucial in management. Every day, as an executive one must focus on achieving the desired objectives of the organization and by doing so, encourages other to work and avoid focus on other issues outside the organization (Drucker, 2006).
Focusing on your strengths and reinforcing them enables rye executive to stay focused and achieve the desired goals. Drucker also emphasizes on the need to ask for ideas in work before taking any step to facilitate wise decisions. Developing a plan of action in the organization through creating an environment that challenges others are crucial components of a competent executive. Coordination of activities to be done in the organization systematically is also essential. Communication efficiently within the team through conducting productive meetings is also crucial in achieving organizational goals. Individuals in the position of the executive must know they have the ultimate responsibility for what goes on in the company. Agreeing to the demands of the business makes one focused and places them in apposition to lead another well. A competent executive also must learn to disagree with others without being influenced by their emotions or any other personal differences. Using the disagreements to their benefits is one important thing they should focus on to improve.
Simon Sinek Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action
Simon Sinek book starts with why: how great leaders inspire everyone to act focus on the philosophy on why the organization exists and its porpoises before one goes through the activities that facilitate services delivery or the production of goods. Great leaders inspire others in the company through informing them of the existence of the company, and why it is vital for them to learn their duties as employees. By learning about the reasons for its presence, Sinek believes an executive influence is essential in inspiring them to work hard in the company.
Manipulation is a virtue that great leaders should possess to inspire others. Promotions in the company done by the executive need to be handled transparently that only rewards hard work and productivity within the group. Providing the Why for specific promotions, and rewards inspire other to work to achieve the standards that their leaders have set for their jobs (Sinek, 2011). However, this only happens at certain times of the year; not every day s this does not guarantee productivity eventually. A leader must express his why on the organization to attract clients and make it a brand because of reasons such as quality of services and products. Without a sense of identification, people will have not an idea to be inspired by an executive or even to work for the said company. Inspiring individuals according to Sinek (2011) requires something tangible to be explained to the people.
A leaders behavior within the organization according to Sinek needs to reinforce the purpose of the group and be in line with the various decisions and communications that occur on a typical day to day activities. To ensure the why is achieved organizations leaders inspire by focusing on new ways to solve problems and innovative ideas to address recurring issues. A great leader should focus on the why and avoid looking what other competitors are doing (Sinek,2011).
Both books on management focus on improving the leadership skills of the executive and producing the required results within the organization. They also relate on the way they present the importance of an executive being focused on the companys objective and how he has a role in creating a suitable environment.
Druckers management philosophy influenced the Why theory by Sinek through focusing on the effectiveness of the executive by detailing on why a leader creates inspiration. In talking about the Why in leadership, Sinek focuses on the ideas of Druckers philosophy which requires the executive to act in matters in the company to ensure effective management. Furthermore, it borrows the thoughts of a competent executive through detailing the need to be focused something brought the management talk by Sinek.
In todays challenging economic times where competition is so stiff, these theories come in handy for the managers. However much the competition one faces the two approaches provides the reason leaders need to focus on their organization's goals rather than thinking about their competitors. It also influences the nature of doing things in a group like management of the employees and creation of a mutual relationship that focuses on improving the companys operations.
On these two books, I find them informative and very meaningful not only to the executive but also other areas that involve management regardless of the size or nature of the company. Focusing on this crucial information from the two books I believe is vital to the success of any person in an executive position. I say this because any leader that take some few points and improve their management styles just by going through the central themes brought forward in these two books.
My management philosophy
In my personal philosophical view what is important is first understanding where one is going and having a picture of what the ends would look. This is what drives you to be in control of what you do and face the challenges and the opportunities that come on the way. To address these problems, one must have a positive mindset that they will succeed in future regardless of the obstacles they face along the way (Covey, 1990). Focusing on the results is another thing I learned of Sinek theory by avoiding to take a step backward if one fails. Druckers theory also guides me to be open to disagreements as well that come along as I forge forward to achieve what I have in mind. Decision making in my philosophy should involve al stakeholders firsts however my final decision will come from a careful consideration of several factors concerning the purpose of what I have in mind. Being a role model and taking the lead in the various activities in the organization. In case of disagreements based on decisions that I am bound to make I will assess the reasons for oppositions before taking a necessary step.
However, taking into consideration other people ideas and understanding why they disagree with my way of doing things enables me to get other ideas that might improve my chances of achieving my goals. Finally renewing myself is another thing that I would focus on just like it is put on the seven habits of highly efficient people to sharpen the saw (Covey, 1990).
Professionally while trying to achieve something I hated disagreements especially on the decisions which I believed were correct. Druckers management theory has opened my views regarding my choice and why it should embrace them and understand them first resulting in me making this philosophy. Another aspect is my personal experienced whereas a person I focus more on the process of reaching the goals that I had in mind. The why strategy according to Sinek has influenced me to build my philosophy around the focus on selling the purpose of my idea first before taking steps to explain how I would do it. Professionally also I have had a challenge of failing because of failing to sharpen myself physically spiritually and psychologically. Taking a new path especially in the field of management requires one to be prepared in all aspects of their life something I have emphasized on my philosophy based on my professional experience. These experiences shaped the way I was and impacted negatively by my performance in an executive position.
Covey, S. R. (1990). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Publisher.
Drucker, P. F. (2006). The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done (Harperbusiness Essentials). New York: Collins.
Sinek, S. (2011). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Penguin.
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