Describes individual theoretical evaluation with relation to health and human services industry
Practitioners work in the industry so that they can save lives, improve access to quality services for the public, and target those in distress
Promotion of health and human services is a trend in the disaster management industry, as people deserve kind treatment after going through struggles in their lives.
Restoration of hope in the health and human service facilities is an ongoing concern for most people as they have negative attitudes towards practitioners who expose them to low-quality services
Development of Personal Theoretical Orientation: Before and After engaging in this Course
The part compares the condition and state of mind before and after engaging in an individual theoretical evaluation
It enables readers understand the changes that one has gone through.
It also justifies why undertaking an individual theoretical evaluation is paramount in an individuals life
The personal evaluation was important as it helped understand the workplace requirements and prioritize the needs and wanted of customers before assigning the different housing options.
After taking this course, I am in a position to evaluate cases and access supplies from the headquarters with ease as they have more trust in my managerial skills
Evolvement of my Stance
This portion highlights the developments one goes through after going through an individual theoretical evaluation
Some of the developments include:
I handle myself in a professional manner at work
I am in a position to appreciate my work means
I interact with people from different backgrounds who have ideas and perceptions towards life. I can use this as an opportunity to improve myself.
I am willing to sacrifice more of my time even after work shift has ended
I respond to people who complain about the housing services we extend to them.
Practical Application of Theoretical Orientation
This part explains on the reasonable claims of engaging in an individual theoretical evaluation as case manager
One of the practical applications of theoretical orientation is engaging in a conversation with evacuees and understands what happened to them
Address of Diversity within Client Systems in Theoretical Orientation
This portion highlights the variety created in workplaces after an owner undertaking an individual theoretical evaluation. It highlights on the advantages that a leader brings to the workplace
Theoretical orientation helps address issues of diversity with clients, as a case manager is required to deal with different types of people in their line of work
A case manager encounters people facing different challenges, and some of them are legitimate and needy issues while others take advantage of the humanity services available to the public and want to give false information.
A general orientation process enables a case manager to have the prior preparation of how they will handle the different people who come to them with complaints of the services they receive from the health and human services department.
Important Information from Individual Theoretical Orientation for a Case Manager
This part of the paper gives directives on the vital data that one realizes after going through an individual theoretical evaluation when holding a specific position in a workplace
Part of the data highlighted in this place emphasizing the need to undertake a theoretical evaluation while in different positions at the workplace
The individual theoretical orientation process is paramount for me as a case manager at the Health and Human Services, as it will help improve the skills I possess.
Information from particular theoretical orientation as a Case Manager will assist me in dealing with other victims in the future that may be affected by other natural disasters. It is important to prepare for eventualities like natural disasters as they might hit the nation at any time
Information from specific theoretical orientation as a Case Manager will also be used to access myself and the contributions I make towards the health and human services firm I work.
Potential Ramifications
This part addresses the possible results of undertaking a successful individual theoretical evaluation. It is a justification of why one should undertake an evaluation as it has a positive role to play in their lives. some of the points covered in the section include:
On a personal level, I have gone through a development stage where I identified my strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that I have come from a deep knowledge of who I am
The evaluation has allowed me to understand the strengths I possess and how I can use them to transform the lives of those in my life and those I interact with on my line of work.
Professionally, I am in a better position to understand that dealing with the health and human services development requires the commitment of an individual. This is because one is dealing with people who have feelings and respond positively or negatively depending on the current situation
Another potential ramification is that the health and human services will provide evacuees with housing within the shortest time possible taking into consideration all factors that led people to lose their wealth
Individual Theoretical Evaluation
The health and human services industry requires a practitioner to evaluate the level of services they extend to the public (Monette, Sullivan, & DeJong, 2013). This means accessing and auditing the services and identifies any reason that leads to poor service delivery. In addition, practitioners work in the industry so that they can save lives, improve access to quality services for the public, and target those in distress (Bowling, 2014). Promotion of health and human services is a trend in the disaster management industry, as people deserve kind treatment after going through struggles in their lives. Restoration of hope in the health and human service facilities is an ongoing concern for most people as they have negative attitudes towards practitioners who expose them to low-quality services (Sharma, 2016). This is where evaluation comes in as service providers need to consider the negative publicity they face and come up with innovative ideas of transforming the image of health and human services (Wilson, & Sharples, 2015). However, an individual theoretical evaluation means that a health and human service provider is ready and willing to change the current situation and increase the type of amenities extended to the patients.
Evaluation involves a deep examination of how one has been providing services to the public and the reception in the past, and a decision to improve the current situation. Working with people who face challenges means that a provider must be willing and ready to sacrifice their time and resources to ensure that the public derives satisfaction from services received (Bowling, 2014). Assisting people means that a manager should be willing and ready to address other underlying issues persons provide and work towards finding a solution within the resources and possible means. In addition, it is important to learn how to work with people from different backgrounds and accommodate the diversity found in people. A theoretical evaluation means that an individual must be prepared psychologically and mentally to handle different types of people and challenges presented to them (Brazier et al., 2017). This paper represents an individual theoretical evaluation of a person working with survivors from disasters like the Hurricane. It will address how a manager can improve the work environment and provide better services to the people, an explanation, and description of the workplace, and present possible implications for taking an individual theoretical evaluation.
Development of Personal Theoretical Orientation: Before and After engaging in this Course
Developments have taken place in my life because of undertaking this course. Before taking the study, I was unable to make plans on how to deal with the large number of evacuees that needed housing options (Wilson, & Sharples, 2015). It was also hard to manage the ongoing projects and reduce the workload of each employee, as one was required to perform many duties at the same time. The personal evaluation was important as it helped understand the workplace requirements and prioritize the needs and wanted of customers before assigning the different housing options. For instance, families affected the hurricane would present their different complaints and effects they had after being hit by disasters (Brazier et al., 2017). On the other hand, my team would act immediately without doing a background search of the people. Many persons in the society ended up lying about their problems, as they wanted assistance from the organization. Due to these managerial issues in lack of performing searches on an individual, the health and human services ended up going through shortages and when genuine cases were presented, the firm was unable to meet the demands and requirements. It led to many trust issues among employees (Bowling, 2014). This necessitated the need to conduct a theoretical evaluation as part of the management team requirements. It would help raise solutions on how to deal with the community needs and how to identify the genuine cases. Following up on people assisted was paramount as it would help the firm record developments that have taken place in the life of an evacuee.
After taking this course, I am in a position to evaluate cases and access supplies from the headquarters with ease as they have more trust in my managerial skills (Bowling, 2014). It is also possible to manage employees easily as they must also evaluate their work regularly to find out the latest developments and progress they have made in their lives. in addition, the course has enabled me be on the lookout for solutions through presentation of ideas on how people affected by natural disasters can find homes and start engaging in income generating projects (Salvendy, 2012). It is important to assist the affected people, but it is paramount to direct them on how they can be self-productive and move on with life despite the negative past they faced. Working as a manager means that I should be knowledgeable in different areas and lead by example in presenting ideas that work for the employees and evacuees (Brazier et al., 2017). Restoring hope and belief in a second chance in life is one of the lessons learned after undertaking this course. Further development of my technical evaluation reveals that health and human services are more than changing the lives of people through the provision of material wealth, but engaging with persons and understanding, they need skills that can help them live a meaningful life. Extending advice to people on how they can lead quality life is paramount to make them depend on their skills to make a living as opposed to waiting for assistance from external parties (Grossman, 2017). Being self-reliant means that persons in the community can make independent decisions that will help transform their lives both in the short-term and in the long-term.
Evolvement of my Stance
After undertaking this course, my stance has evolved in different ways, which is evident in the way I handle myself while at work and home. For instance, I appreciate my work more and understand that people need assistance (Bowling, 2014). It is not the wish of an individual to go through pain and suffering as some events take place without their knowledge. Natural disasters can hit anyone including me and it is my ability to assist others right now that will enable others to extend their kindness to me in the future (Salvendy, 2012). Appreciating my work means that I interact with people from different backgrounds who have ideas and perceptions towards life. I can use this as an opportunity to improve myself.
Another evolvement that I have gone through is that am willing to sacrifice more of my time even after work shift has ended. This is because I have realized people need more than just assistance; they need the human touch and show of care and kindness (Healy, 2014). Most of the evacuees go through much trauma and loss that they need some counseling sessions so that they can talk about things disturbing them. Spending time with the people and encouraging them that life must move on irrespective of the loss and trauma they went through encourages most of them to have a positive attitude towards the new arrangement (Sharma, 2016). In addition, most are willing and ready to start working and earn decent incomes, which will help change the current position of their lives.
I have seen more evolvement in the way I respond to people who complain about the housing services we extend to them. Some of the evacuees might have led lives of extravagance before disasters striking. Hence, they must have been used to living in large spaces in their homes (Grossman, 2017). Hence, they might not understand how to live in limited and shared space with the rest of the people. Spending more time with them helps the employees sympathize and empathize with them and helping them have a smooth transition. Further, being a good listener to the evacuees means that one can understand the reasons why they behave in the way they do (Brazier et al., 2017). Most of the evacuees who are willing to talk about their bad experiences have a high possibility of recovering and moving on with life. They also get placements within a short time as they inform my team to communicate with them in case they hear of open opportunities to work. Employees will also feel comfortable working with a leader who understands how to handle the various cases presented to them.
Practical Application of Theoretical Orientation
As a case manager for Hurricane Harvey evacuees that assists with housing, some of the situations I encounter include interacting with families that have gone through tremendous loss making them appear desperate and willing to do anything as long as they get housing options. One of the practical applications of theoretical orientation is engaging in a conversation with them and understands what happened to them (Grossman, 2017). This is data collection process where staff accesses a situation and bring a report to the Health and Human Services firm. The next step is presenting the case to the case manager who examines the report to identify any leading information that may prove the evacuee needs urgent attention. It also helps the management identify if there is false information, as all data provided by evacuees must have a logical explanation (Brazier et al., 2017). It is also important to engage thoughts of different professionals in the report presented so that they can help in assessing the situation and give their opinions. All factors are considered before making a decision and give the source of information the benefit of the doubt.
It is worth noting that some reports dictate immediate attention and action so that the case manager can facilitate saving the lives of people. For instance, some of the families might have young childre...
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