Education gets construed as the systematic process which involves the gaining of knowledge and skills through study and instructions. There exist various arguments on whether people must acquire education or not. The argument has led to numerous concerns getting raised with some people going further to argue for and against college education. Some of the mentioned individuals include Jean in one of his article that got published on November 2, 2013. He mainly argued about college education being expensive where he mentioned it to involve an expense of about $ 100, 000. He also argued about college life majoring in preparing people for being on time with most of the things, for example, submitting timely assignments. Even though these qualities may be important, the job market through the employer's majors on skills and work experience which most students lack hence out ruling the need for going to school. Jean, therefore, believe that going to college should be made an option to allow people exploit alternatives before settling on college education. His argument got supported by one Sacha Strebe in his article that got published on November 7, 2017.
According to her, every human being is born with skills and talents which should be exploited as early as possible and should be developed along in life instead of joining a college to acquire education. The view got opposed to some extent by one Anthony Carnevale who based his concerns on the statistics given by the Census Bureau report of 2012 and 2013. According to the report, he argued for the existence of higher probability on those with college education getting better employment than those without the education. He also maintained that the salary of employees with a college education is better than those without, a concern which when addressed in details may be valid. The perspective of the argument was also supported by the view of Holy Epstein Ojalvo although from a different point of view. Reading the article by Epstein, it came out clearer that people go to college based on some factors which may not be acquired from the general surrounding. He argued about the conducive atmosphere considering the technical courses done by the students. Apart from the imaged, Epstein also believed that college education enables the learners to establish connections which can help them secure employment in the future. As the article went further, we got introduced to one Mr. Stephen who also believed on the importance of college education although to some extent. Just like other people who were opposed to the view of going to college to get educated, he recognized the existence of other alternatives which should be considered by the students before planning to join the college. It gets important to note that the discussion presented have been developed for the better part of what was learnt in the course where there existed the argument for or against college education.
The discussed, therefore, usher us to the primary thesis on whether people must acquire education. Education, as noted earlier, serves many positive roles as opposed to the negatives. An educated individual gets considered as an asset to the society he comes from and the country at large. The justification gets drawn on his ability to be able to explore better opportunities for himself hence making the mother nation acquire benefits. The drawn does not fail to recognize the difficulties which people may go through in the process of getting educated. It is thus important for a keen consideration to be made on some of the importance of being educated before deciding it is a duty or not. Some of the significance of education get based on acquiring the world citizenship. Education plays a fundamental role in the acquisition of both worlds and the global citizenship. The citizenship gets viewed based on the role of allowing people to work for the benefit of humanity. It also helps with the production of men and women who are of high intellect and moral integrity. The role enables the production of ideal human beings and a society where people are well cultured, tolerant, wise and possess the public spirit. The other key role is the promotion of national interest. The people educated have exceptional order and a critical level of intelligence. They can make conclusions which are of national good from certain facts. The examples of such people are the doctors, Engineers, teachers, scientists, police officers and soldiers among others. The next role is the duty it plays in ensuring that a country acquires development. The sustainability and stability of a countrys economy draw direct dependence from education. The mentioned tell of the most important asset to a country getting based on the human capital. Educated people, therefore, can become important professionals needed for the growth and development of a nation.
It also gets important to note that the world of today receives much drive from Information Technology and education plays a fundamental role in deciding for the economic development of most of the developed and developing nations. It helps people develop moral, spiritual and ethical values. The portrayed helps in the promotion of equality of opportunity since most of the things are done based on merit. Any action done on merit get bounded on morality and advocates for the clear development of the ethical system. It also promotes freshness of approach and enables most people to enjoy life. The latter gets explained by the role it serves in enabling young men and women develop their latent powers and other faculties of nature. The freshness of approach focuses on the role which education ensure in bringing the best out of the people. Considering the discussed points, it gets significant to note that the acquisition of education should get discussed based on the important issues which it brings. The other significant concern gets noted on education allowing the smooth transfer of national culture. It is viewed as a medium where national culture gets transmitted to students regardless of their background or place of birth. The highlighted do not mean that the transmission of culture can only take place in the educational institutions alone, there also exist places like the church or even the home which plays a critical role in ensuring that young men and women get well cultured and are also morally upright.
Other than the imaged roles with the effort of answering whether it is a duty for one to get educated, it gets significant to realize that the process of character building is also a crucial issue which is addressed by education. The achievement of the mentioned is through the efforts made by the teacher in trying to create a moral outlook for the student. The combination of character building and literacy transformation offered to a person enables the society to receive people who are ready to take the societal mantle to the next positive level. In most of the developing nations, education tries to make efforts of ensuring the development of intellectual discipline and humility with the aim of satisfying an appetite for more knowledge. The intellectual curiosity and humility go a long way in creating an important spirit amongst the people which helps in the nurturing wisdom. Equally notable, most educated people try to seek perfection based on the coordination of the mind. The person may either be a practicing doctor or a scientist who makes several attempts at making the world a better place by perfecting his or her skills. Earning a livelihood is also another crucial role played by education which should not be taken for granted. It is true that the employability of a person is not primarily rooted in education alone but involves other factors as well. The earlier sections by Jean and Sacha Strebe among other scholars depicted one of the needs of not acquiring college education to get based on the existence of other alternatives, skills, and talents. Even though their argument got noted to exist, Anthony Carnevale, came out clearly in explaining the earning disparity between those with and without education. Therefore, even though it may not be the only issue needed for employability, it plays a significant role in ensuring that the educated live a much better life. An educated person can meet his primary needs with ease and even contribute to the development of charity organizations like the orphanages without any worry.
Apart from the image, the nation also depends on the skills and resources of the educated in building a better national profile which can be appreciated by other nations in the world. The last concern about the issue in the discussion is on allowing people from all walks of life connect dots of numerous pieces of information and interpret them based on their diaspora. Formal education allows the gaining of knowledge, but the process of interaction with various people get attributed to by getting critical with the surrounding and the existence of an environment that creates a thoughtful person. Based on the discussion which also looked at some of the reasons why people prefer not to go to college, and going ahead to image the need for education it gets important to realize that the development of an individual, society and the nation at large depends on the level of education acquired by a person. Therefore, for growth and development to be realized, the issue of education must be treated as an important concern contrary to the opinions of those opposed to its significance.
In summary, education assumes an important role which should not get ignored considering the technological trend in the world. It is thus more than a duty for people to get educated but a role of every person in ensuring the eradication of poverty, ignorance, and disease. It is only through it that a nation can be able to go past these challenges which are still a major concern in some of the developing countries.
Works Cited
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Date Accessed: November 28, 2017
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Article Title: You Don't Need a College Degree to Be SuccessfulHere's Why
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Date Accessed: November 28, 2017
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Website Title: UK Knowledge
Article Title: The Education Duty
Publisher: UK Knowledge
Electronically Published: 2012
Date Accessed: November 28, 2017
Author: Scott R. Bauries
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