Senior Manager The determination of goals and strategies of the organizations that are in line with the HR policies and practices.
The management of resources and business control
The role of directing various parts of the business
The management of the environment in the organizations. For the development and implementation of HRM policies and practices, the senior manager needs to foster an environment favorable for this activities.
Helping others develop. This entails assenting to various developments that might help employees to implement HRM policies and practices seamlessly.
Line Manager They fill performance appraisal forms for the human resource management. Despite performance appraisals being designed by the human resource professionals, it is the role of line managers to implement these policies and practices.
Perform interviews with potential candidates for employment.
They make recommendations concerning salary increase for the employees under their jurisdiction. In the situation there is pay- related structure in an organization, the line managers are mandated to establish whether their direct reports receive a pay increment.
The break news concerning employment for employees.
Employee engagement. One of the crucial elements of employee management is the supervision of employees entailing the creation of an organizational culture of their employees.
The Roles of Senior Managers and Liner Managers in the Implementation of HRM Policies and Practices
Human resource management is a term used in the description of formal systems in an organization formulated to help in the management of people within it. Human resource managers have responsibilities that can be categorized into three major aspects namely employee compensation and benefits, staffing and design of work (Bratton & Gold 2012). Fundamentally, HRM is charged with the responsibility of the maximization of organizations productivity through the optimization of employee effectiveness. The HRM also formulates practices and policies within the context of employee compensation and benefits, staffing and design of work. Traditionally, this role has been preserved for the HR. However, there are various changes in that the senior managers and line managers are also involved in the implementation of HRM policies and practices (Fleming, S. n.d, 46). The senior managers are involved in the determination of organization goals that support the implementation of HRM policies and practices. They also help in the management of the environment that favors the implementation of these policies and practices. The line managers on the other hand work directly with the employees and therefore take more scope of work in helping with the implementation of HRM policies and practices. Such functions that the line managers are involved in include performance appraisal, employee engagement, perform appraisals and communicate news concerning policies and practices to the employees (Fleming, S. n.d, 42).
Description of Roles of Senior Managers and Liner Managers with Examples
It is important to enhance the profile, role and capabilities of the HR department. For the success in the implementation of HRM policies and practices, senior managers must provide their belief and support (Marchington & Wilkinson, 2006). This is addition to the added value contributed by the HRM to the organization. The belief of senior managers must be demonstrated through various ways. For instance senior managers can provide key resources which supports the development of HR strategies and the enhancement of HR skills levels. To support the implementation of HRM practices and policies, senior managers should afford the HR a genuine role in the development of vital business decisions (Fleming, S. n.d, 46). By doing this, HR is made an integral constituent of business strategies development process. It therefore means that the HR issues are given appropriate emphasis instead of being excluded from core business of an enterprise. This has direct supporting role to the implementation of formulated HRM policies and practices. It means that HR should be accorded opportunities to genuinely provide their inputs into core decisions at the top level ensuring there is a positive implication on the implementation of various practices and strategies. The role of senior managers is different from those of line managers in the implementation of HR functions. In the recent time, there have been changes in the relationship between HR functions and line managers in which some roles such as recruitment, objective setting, and performance appraisal among others have been shifted to the line managers. There has been emerging trends in which employment relationships are getting individualized increasing the roles of line managers (Lopez-Cotarelo, J. 2009, 1-3). For instance when there are collective pay-setting provisions by the HRM in which there are individual performance-related pay awards, line managers are being used to determine the employee to receive a pay increase. Another role of line managers is the devolution of responsibilities down the production line thereby providing a pivotal role in the implementation of HRM policies and practices (Fleming, S. n.d, 42). Employees tend to feel positive about the relationship they have with the line managers and this has potential positive implication on the job satisfaction, loyalty and commitment. Ultimately, there is possibility of improved performance or discretionary behavior. Another important aspect is employee engagement in which line managers' act as interface between the employees and senior management (Hassan, M. 2014, 3-4). Some of the process designed by the HRM include performance appraisal, training and coaching, employee engagement, recognition and communication. Despite the HR designing these processes, the line managers are critical in enabling the HR policies and practices and they also act on the advice of guidance of the organization HR. In my opinion, for the success of the organization, there must be effective collaboration between the HR, senior managers and line managers (Siugzdiniene, J. 2008, 2). The line managers will also need to be appropriately equipped to deal with the changing landscape and their increased involvement in HR functions.
The Harvard Model of HRM
The HRM's Harvard model is extensively used in the human resource management application and practice in an organization. When organizations started valuing their employees as essential assets, their HRM practices came into existence. This model was developed with the objective of resolving issues concerning the historical personnel management through the employee involvement and development concerning the HRM practices and policies. Presently HRM is regarded as a central activity in an organization and linked with various organizational activities. The concept of globalization has resulted in various factors such dynamism of economies, varying consumer needs, development of novice technologies and stakeholder expectations that has necessitated the implementation of the Harvard theoretical model of HRM (Price, A.2017, 1). In an organization, the human resource management works to institute various decisions through the development of the appropriate relationship between the employees and the organization. There are two features presented by this model. First, it aids the line managers in accepting more roles through the alignment of HR policies and practices in the organization's strategy. This is true to the case that line managers are increasingly being used to link the top management and the employees. They are also working on the implementation of the HRM policies and practices. Secondly, the model stipulates that the mission of the HR policy helps in the formulation of human activities through the reinforcement with recognition and rewards. The Harvard model is critical in the development of relationships between organizations and its employees effectively (Price, A.2017, 1). It is correlated to various elements in organizations such as HR outcomes, HR choices and situational factors among others and also helps in aligning the human resource with the strategies developed by the organization.
Short Case Situation
Motivation is critical for employees for them to feel good about their occupations and perform optimally. Motivation varies since some employee prefer money as a form of motivation while others prefer recognition and rewards. The motivation levels within the work environment have direct implication on the productivity of employees. Workers who are highly motivated get excited about their work and perform their roles to the best of their ability leading to the increment in the production. Employee motivation has become a core issue for leaders and managers in the workplace (Ganta, V. 2014, 221-222). Employees that are not motivated tend invest little time in their workplace, avoid their responsibilities and leave the organization when they get an opportunity. The ultimate outcome is production of low quality work. Appropriately motivated employees tend to be persistent, creative and productive in their work. The result is high quality work and the presence of employees' goodwill. Establishing an understanding on the motivation of employees and how they are motivated has been an emphasis of research by many researchers. Motivation plays are core role in the increment of an employee's job satisfaction resulting into the improvement of an organizational performance. One of the often sought benefit of employee motivation is high productivity. This section will try expound on motivational theory that was propounded by Maslow usually referred to as need hierarchy theory. This motivational work was developed by Maslow and availed new means of looking at the behaviors or attitudes of employees by the management. This has provided a good way of understanding how people can be motivated. According to Abraham Maslow, if workers are in a setting and their needs are unsatisfied, difficulties are experienced in their performance as healthy individuals. It was formulated that human have needs which can be categorized into five types requiring activation on a hierarchical manner. It means that the arousal of these needs follows a specific order starting with the lowest level to the highest level. This is to say that in this process, the fulfilment of lowest level needs is necessary before moving to the high-level needs. These needs ate categorized into needs deficiency that are psychological needs, safety needs and social needs and the need concerning growth that include esteem and self-actualization needs. The psychological needs are those needs that occupy the bottom level and they entail basic needs. It involves the need to fulfil primary needs such a food, air, shelter and water. It therefore means that the organization must provide their employees with remunerations that can accord adequate living conditions (Kaur, A. 2013, 1062). The rationale behind this is that hungry employees will not be equipped to contribute much to the organization. The second level entails the safety needs which refer to need for security in the working environment free form threats. The third level include social needs which should be activated after the fulfilment of safety needs. These are needs related to need to feel loved and accepted. Organizations therefore encourage their employees to take part in social events. The next level of needs include esteem needs which entails the need for self-respect. Lastly the topmost level is self-actualizatio...
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