In the current world, various individuals use internet-connected devices in all elements of their lives. People go online to look for personal information, bank services, do homework, keeping in touch with family and friends and playing games. As a consequence, our devices have a wealth of personal information that needs to be protected. Failure to protect our devices criminals or unethical hackers may access and steal your private information (Hayes & Kotwica, 1). Hacking is the act of unauthorized user trying to circumvent or bypass the security mechanisms of network or information system.
Hacking is one of the security issues affecting computer networks since it entails some degree of infringement on the privacy of other persons or damages the computer software (Excell 8). Through hacking, criminals can infect computers with several forms of viruses and malware. Therefore, there is significant need to be vigilant to avoid such criminal activities. In order to curb this menace of hacking, some measures need to be set up. This constitutes the regular update of all the critical software such as the security software and operating system and others since hackers look for areas where there is a weakness in the network so that they can intrude instantly. Nonetheless, it is vital to install firewalls program whose task is to protect the computer systems such that they cannot be accessed by the hackers. In that, it maintains the integrity of computer systems.
A computer virus is a tiny software that can copy itself and end up causing damages to the computers. This threat has been there from the beginning eras of the internet. In the modern days, there are literary millions of viruses present. However, not all of them are a threat, although some of them can result in significant damage which may involve corrupting files as well as deleting all the information saved o the hard drive. Notably, there are numerous ways of contacting these computer threats. They are in most instances found on malicious websites and email attachments.
Subsequently, there is need to come up with safety measures that will protect computers from these viruses. Installing antivirus software will safeguard your device by scanning the files as well as the emails to detect any viruses and deleting anything that appears to be malicious (Hayes & Kotwica 2). However, it is highly recommended that the antivirus software should also be kept updated to eliminate the latest bugs that are all over the internet. Moreover, it is also essential to make sure that the software is frequently operating and checking the computer system for any viruses, mainly when checking emails or downloading files from the internet.
Adware is the term used to refer to programs that are designed with the motive of displaying advertisements on gadgets through transmitting the search requests to other promoting sites and gather marketing form of information about an individual. For example, the kinds of sites that one visits with the intent of displaying customized adverts. These programs are a threat since they collect information without your consent.
Therefore, if Adware does not alert you that it is gathering data, then it is automatically perceived to be malicious, for instance, malware that tends to apply Trojan-Spy behavior (Hayes & Kotwica 3). There is a need to protect computers from the threat of Adware through removing it from your gadgets. Notably, antivirus remedies might not be able to examine if a certain Adware software package is hazard or not. It is advisable to use Kaspersky antivirus software since it assists in getting rid of the Adware which is found in programs that were installed without your knowledge. Nonetheless, the Kaspersky software provides another solution by disabling the option of detecting these programs. In that case, they will not be able to cause any harm to your data or device.
Spyware is malicious computer software that gathers your personal data and sends it to interested parties without your permission or knowledge. It installs itself into a computer through websites visited, emails, or even any downloaded program. It then scans the hard drive in search of personal information and the web browsing history. Moreover, some spyware software has keyloggers that are used to record private information filled in the websites, for example, passwords, login usernames, browsing habit, email addresses, software configurations, your name, vital banking and credit data. Hence, the need to stay safe from this threat since it might also cause your computer to crash.
Spyware protection is found in some antivirus software programs. It is crucial to check the antivirus software documentation for guidelines on the manner in which the spyware protection features can be activated. Alternatively, an individual can buy a separate program for antispyware software, and it should always be kept updated and operated frequently. It should also be noted that the best way to avoid spyware from the beginning is by downloading a software specifically from the sites that are trustworthy (Excell 10). Therefore, it is vital to apply technological and managerial procedures to computer systems for there to be confidentiality and integrity of information that is generated or managed by the computer system.
Works Cited
Excell, David. "Bayesian Inference the Future of Online Fraud Protection." Computer Fraud & Security, vol. 2012, no. 2, Feb. 2012, pp. 8-11.
Hayes, Bob, and Kathleen Kotwica. Understanding Threats from New Internet Technologies. Crisis Management at the Speed of the Internet, 2013, pp. 13., doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-411587-3.00001-6.
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