List 1-3 content standards you plan to meet with this mini unit. (Content Knowledge). Write out the complete text of the standards.
Learning Objective/s:
(Must be measurable through assessment)
History of the African Americans.
The Jim Crows Laws.
Application of technology in social science
Technology being used by Teacher/s
Lesson One: Knowledge Building
Introduction of the learning objectives and a brief introduction on the use of technology in the understanding of the topic. Different technological accessories to be used for the class; including projectors, computers, the internet among other effective software. Integrating them with the learning objectives to facilitate learning for the learners.
ISTE Standard for Educators being met Set professional learning goals and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
Technology being used by Students/Learners
Lesson 1. Knowledge Building and Knowledge Expression
Plan your Week Seven Student Research Assignment as an engaging for students to use technology (T) to help them build their own content knowledge (CK), develop technology skills (T), and express their knowledge through a formative assessment. Use the SAMR model and the Padagogy Wheel to support pedagogical decisions (P). Use the SAMR model and the Padagogy Wheel to support pedagogical decisions (P).
There will be two separate assignment individua and group assignment for the class. The use of different technologies will be adapted in the class such as the use of information presentation software-PowerPoint as well as Blogs among others. The assignment will help the learners learn how to assess credible sources from fake sources over the internet. As well as the use of social media to share the blog links so as to get the information out to the public after the final topic project.
2. Student Generated Collaborative Project-Based Assignment
Knowledge Expression
Design a project-based lesson that allows students to be creative and hands-on with technology (T). The lesson should result in a student-generated project, presentation, publication, or performance using technology. Plan to create a rubric or list rubric criteria for grading. Students will demonstrate what they have learned (CK) by created a technology (T) generated final product or project. Use the SAMR model and the Padagogy Wheel to support pedagogical decisions (P). Use the SAMR model and the Padagogy Wheel to support pedagogical decisions (P).
The assignments have been designed in away the learners will have to become creative and learn how to integrate different technology aspect in their work so as to meet the topics requirements.
Standard for Students being met Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuit
Students evaluate the accurate perspective credibility and relevance of information media data or other sources
Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collection of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Essential Vocabulary
Content Knowledge (CK) Vocabulary:
African Americans history
Jim Crow
Technology (T) Vocabulary
Google search Engine
Content based Search
PowerPoint presentation
Credible source verification
Information Sharing
Materials and Technologies Used by Teacher and Student List the programs and apps you and the students will use. Which technologies will need to be taught to the students so that they can be successful?
Use of PowerPoint Program
Word Document
The Internet browser
Photoshop cc2017
Day 1-2: Anticipatory Lesson Presentation
How do you get them interested?
(Introduction/Engagement/Discussion) Teacher Presentation and Student Discussion Questions
Start the class with the setting up of the required equipment then turn off the light and project a number of pictures got from the internet depicting the African Americans during the age of slavery. Let the students analyze this information then proceed with a brief introduction to the topic Which is the history of African Americans and the Jim crow laws. Ask a few questions for the students to discuss.
Main Topic of Presentation: Understanding the African American History and the Jim crow Laws and the integration of technology in the analysis of the context.
Key Subtopics: Use of different technological sources to gather the required information on the main subject.
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Discussion Questions:
What do you know of the African Americans?
Is there any information in relation to this available in the internet and how can we implement the technology in the study of this subject area?
Let the students discus this and provide answers of what they understand.
This will have created a great deal of interest among the students and hence the application of their personal skills will be put into test.
Day 2-3: Student Research Assignment
Create a web scavenger hunt or Google form assignment to build content knowledge (CN) of the topic. Subject Matter Content Topic/Title:
The Jim Crow Laws find two images of the era and give a clear explanation of what is happening within the images and the death of Jim Crow. Site your sources and prepare a 5-slide presentation in PowerPoint for the assignment.
Grade Level:
Learning Objective: Complete the sentence below.
Learners will demonstrate their understanding of the African American History as well as the use of the internet to gather information and verifying the credibility of the sources as well as the use of different Programs in the presentation of the assignment by doing the assignment as per the instructions?
Common Core State Standard and/or Academic Content Standard: Type out one specific CCSS and/or one academic content standard met with this lesson. (
Technology Standard for Students:
Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuit
SAMR Level: Explain your rationale.
Gathering of information using the internet provides the same information which would have been gathered via the library or books.
The difference between the use of libraries and books from the internet is that the internet provides unlimited sources of this information as well as save more on time one takes in conducting these researched for the learners.
The application of tech completely redesigns the mode of this information presentation making it more presentable for instance the use of PowerPoint presentation program
Also, the use of tech allows the students in groups to form discussions in despite of their geographic locations by the use of things such as the emails as well as google share functions making them perform the tasks more effectively.
Website Addresses Used as Resources: Be sure these links are hot and take the viewer directly to the correct web page URL.
Student Research Questions:
Essential Question: See discussion of essential questions in week seven documents and resources or learning activities folder.
Analysis of the African Americans and Slavery?
Subsidiary Questions:
2. What were the experiences of the African Americans during this age?
3. Is there any art or literature present online that covers the era?
4. Is their any Jim Crow information that helps you understand his laws?
In what ways did the use of the Internet promote student learning?
Students will use the internet to gather information regarding the topics they have to cover and in the process, evaluate the credible sources form the other sources worth using in the assignment
How will you assess student learning with this assignment?
The assessment will be based on the content the students provide this will show their ability in researching for the accurate data.
how will students use what they have learned to create their project-based lesson?
The students will have to present their work in a presentable manner and to achieve this they have to apply different skills and in the process, this will be the perfect assessment on the use of different information management and presentation programs such as the Power Point
Day 3-5: Student Project-Based Assignment using Technology
Design a collaborative group assignment that allows students to present, publish, produce, perform, or create a final product that can be shared with the public using technology. Create a student worksheet including instructions, options, and requirements for this project-based assignment. Insert at least one image in your worksheet. See Google Forms templates or design your own. You will be able to attach resources, images, links, videos, presentations, etc. when you add this assignment to your Google Classroom.
Subject Matter Content Topic/Title:
Group assignment for the students on the African America History and Slavery
Grade Level:
Learning Objective: Complete the sentence below.
Learners will demonstrate their understanding of Providing group assignment that they will present in front of the other student by doing an extensive information research in relation to the topic pictures assigned?
Common Core State Standard and/or Academic Content Standard: Type out one specific CCSS and/or one academic content standard met with this lesson. (
Technology Standard for Students:
Students evaluate the accurate perspective credibility and relevance of information media data or other sources
SAMR Level: Explain your rationale.
Gathering of information using the internet provides the same information which would have been gathered via the library or books.
The difference between the use of libraries and books from the internet is that the internet provides unlimited sources of this information as well as save more on time one takes in conducting these researched for the learners.
The application of tech completely redesigns the mode of this information presentation making it more presentable for instance the use of PowerPoint presentation program
Also, the use of tech allows the students in groups to form discussions in despite of their geographic locations by the use of things such as the emails as well as google share functions making them perform the tasks more effectively.
Essential Question or Challenging Problem:
Th main problem the students or the learners are to face is the identification of the credible sources from the fake sources. With the increase in the amount of information over the internet it has become much difficult to distinguish between fake information and the actual information which is credible.
Anticipatory Set
To get the students hooked in the project the use of documentaries which explain the history of African Americans which are available on YouTube will capture the attention of the students. From credible researched the brains of many learners tend to be more attracted to content learnt via viewing hence by this the students will get more connected to the project.
Project Descri...
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