The military training for every soldier emphasizes on discipline and respect for the chain of command. The reason behind this requirement is valid as every order given at any time is important and meant for a good course. I fully understand the need to obey my chain of command and as such execute orders issued to me in an efficient manner. I understand fully that my job requires me to observe all orders given to me by my superiors in normal situations and in challenging military situations. As a solder, I understand that I should follow orders as a way of expressing that I am disciplined.
Respecting the system and how it works is critical it also helps that when all soldiers are disciplined, our superiors find it easier to work with us and assign duties confident that the team and even specific individuals are reliable and will complete assignments despite the challenges they may face. Further, as a solder, I must follow orders without fail, excuses or deliberation. Being devoted and respecting authority ensures an easier experience during combat. Combats are likely to be effective and teams likely to overcome challenges and defeat the enemies when there is effective coordination.
As a soldier, my role is to execute orders given to me without question or hesitation such that my superiors work on the implementation strategy. This way it is easier to score effectively and minimize the risks in challenging military situations. Also, being obedient and executing orders given is a key indicator that one is a good soldier. Also, it offers an opportunity to be effective, do the assignments effectively and have an easier experience in the military. Overall one finds it easier to love the job and is further reinforced to upholding the required behavioral conduct.
I understand that failure to follow orders given doesnt affect just me but the whole team as it brings confusion and multiple inconveniences in the team. I failed to obey orders given to me by the staff sergeant. Sergeant instructed us to go to chow at 1700 hours. My calls and I failed to obey this order. When the order was being issued the time on the deck was 1620, instead of going to the chow hall as ordered I together with my team went to our rooms. We planned to clean our room before they would be inspected since we had sometime before being required to appear in the chaw hall.
I understand that failure to follow orders given doesnt affect just me but the whole team as it brings confusion and multiple inconveniences in the team. I failed to obey orders given to me by the staff sergeant. Sergeant instructed us to go to chaw at 1700 hours. My calls and I failed to obey this order. When the order was being issued the time on the deck was 1620, instead of going to the chow hall as ordered I together with my team went to our rooms. We planned to clean our room before they would be inspected since we had sometime before being required to appear in the chaw hall. The impact of my disobedience might appear minor or non-existent, but I understand the harm that such an act of disobedience can cause. For instance, being at the wrong place at the wrong time risks the welfare of the whole team. My superiors are not obligated to disclose to me information about their command, military strategies, and potential threats. The sergeant could have been aware of an impending threat to his soldiers and hence gave the order that all show up at the chaw by 1700 hours. My failure to adhere to the order would put my roommates and me in danger, make the sergeant responsible for safety, endanger more soldiers in an attempt to rescue us and further create a line of weaknesses through which the enemy can devastate the army.
Although it might sound reasonable, I do not intend to make excuses for my disobedience, but instead, I fully agree that I did not perform my roles as expected. I apprehend the role of total discipline and that I should not make excuses for own failure to uphold integrity in the job. Upon receiving an order, I must fully respond to its requirements with immediacy. It is critical to completely understand the order being issued.
I understand that as part of the armed forces in the country, it is crucial to follow the commanders orders and consequently of the leaders below him in service. Superiors should be deemed as responsible and trustworthy because the trust vested on the superiors assures that regardless of the decisions that they make and the orders they give, it will be certain that they focus on assuring the wellbeing of the country, its leadership and citizen and that of the army. As such, I failed to act by the sergeants order and hence expressed my distrust in the leadership hierarchy of the army.
I understand that my action is potentially harmful and might have caused more harm than good in a time when such an order was given as part of a combat mission. Further such an action can potentially expose the position of the team when it is paramount to keep it hidden. Being disobedient sets a downgrading reputation and can serve as an undesirable example in the army and among teams. I also understand that it is important to be an accurate follower of order if at all I want to manage to make a critical decision in future and giving a sound order to other soldiers answerable to me.
Also, I take full responsibility for the failure to have the room clean and neat. Suppose my class and I followed the procedure to the letter we would have had our rooms in good shape and hence have no need to go to the rooms when the order to go to the chaw was issued. I have learned that I need to improve my time management skills to ensure that I am where I am needed to be when required in all cases with no excuses or exceptions. I understand that it is rude and disrespectful to disobey orders from my Sargent when all he is doing is looking out for other soldiers and me.
I take full responsibility for my actions and willingly accept the punishment that befits my disobedience. I would like to be given a chance to complete my punishment and use it as a second chance to prove that I am indeed learning from my mistakes and make a reliable vow that I will not disobey orders from my superiors again. I would like to have a chance to prove that I am reliable and can be part of excellent hierarchical coordination and smooth internal functioning.
I have committed a disciplinary infarction by disobeying orders from my superiors. I am ready to be punished for my lack of discipline and moral deficiency. My action result from disrespectful thoughts and failure to uphold good moral standards. In my case, my disciplinary offense can be considered as minor since it did not lead to potentially harmful events or situations. However, I acknowledge that it still counts as indiscipline and is punishable. I am willing to accept the punishment that my Sergeant deems fit for my mistake and will fulfill what is required of me fully.
Failing to avail myself at the chaw by 1700 as per the requirement of the order given qualifies me to have broken several legal obligations. I would like a chance to prove that I have corrected my attitude and that am motivated and committed to executing my order on time and in a military manner. I understand that I have offended n grounds of minor display infractions. As such I am liable for disciplinary action. I will ensure that I do not form a pattern of indiscipline cases which would be two or more instances where I fail to uphold required military conduct to discipline and good order. I also understand that commanders have the authority to process marines for illegal, distribution improper use, sale and possession or introduction of a military installation of mind-altering drugs and substances. I would be much willing to attend assigned counseling sessions to get help in building necessary skills like time management and personal hygiene.
As I write this paper, I am committed to improve my general conduct and change my attitude towards my superiors. I pledge to offer ultimate respect to my superiors and to order commissioned to me. I will focus on fulfilling the requirements of the orders assigned to me and leave it to the superiors to make judgment calls. I will offer myself for service to the army with no retractions or hesitations. I will also focus on improving self-management and time management skills in efforts to ensure that I fit best into the system. I will learn leadership skills by being a great and exceptional follower. I at this moment acknowledge my disobedience and fully take responsibility for it with no excuses. I am ready and willing fully pay for my misconduct. I will be committed to respecting the role of an image formation and will ensure that I offer good and positive peer pressure. I will rectify incidents of having an unmade bed and untidy room. I will be taking personal initiative to keep my room clean and show my roommates through example what is the required military conduct.
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