Although complex trauma in children and adolescents has been on a high rise in the past better part of the decade, alleviating trauma symptomatology has failed eventually translating to child abuse and neglect. In reaction to the requirements for family-focused distress interventions, there is a need to upsurge the well-being, safety, health stability of children and families who have experienced both multigenerational trauma and complex trauma (Chaffin, & Friedrich, 2004)). Thus, the assignment seeks to provide possible alleviation of the symptoms that cause trauma in respect to international child welfare.
Trauma Adaptation Family Connections (TA, FC)
Santiago & DeCarlo, (2010) points out that, Family functioning may be adversely affected in situations where the rate of poverty is high thus experiencing chronic contact with trauma and ecological stressors. These stressful and chronic life events include victimization, multigenerational family, school and community violence among the adolescence as well as traumatic loss are the main factors behind the development of trauma symptoms among parents and children. In line with these negative outcomes, an evidence-based practice adopting the principles of intervention responded to the needs of individual family functions through family interaction. The research promoted the development and supported treatment strategy has been safe and effective as well. Therefore, building family cohesion and communication documents a major basis for strengthening family relationships which result in reduced trauma symptomatology.
Complex Trauma in children and adolescence
Children and adolescents who are exposed to complex trauma often experience life-long consequences. As a result, a steady loss of self-regulation, core capacities, and the interpersonal similarity is experienced. In response, treatment models designed relieved related symptom as well as improving social competence and emotional control (Kagan, 2013). Possible measures that prevent trauma symptomatology among children and adolescence include intervention programs which perfectly build individuals strength with a preventive measure that decreases symptoms.
Moreover, specifically addressing the exposure of complex trauma among children and adolescence, Initiating treats modalities through psychopharmacologic involvements aids in the symptom management. The possible outcome is lack of traumatic symptoms aiding the stability, well-being, as well as the health of children at their tender age.
Adolescent Mental health
For a successful and positive transition into adulthood, adolescents undergo various mental health which is very important for the entire well-being. A number of important mental health include good judgment, coping, and resilience. However, not all adolescent have mental health as a substantial number experience mental disorders such as anxiety and depression disorder. Unfortunately, in most cases, adolescent rarely receive any medication in relation to the mental disorders.
Researchers show that social context has impacts on adolescent mental health. To elaborate, Hoffman, (2003) points that, high depressive symptoms are significantly associated with the high contextual level and social economic disadvantage as well. The significant effects involved includes violent behaviors which are unhealthy in trauma preventions thus increasing the possible effects of trauma symptoms. In order to possibly alleviate the matter before it becomes chronic, social support acts as a preventive measure for mental health. Therefore, both externalizing and internalizing form the basis when analyzing mental health among adolescent.
Finally, possible measures that should be put in place to prevent and alleviate trauma symptoms are based on safety and well-being of the family function. Reduction in poverty reduces the exposure to trauma symptoms. Also, cohesive interventions strengthen family relationship thus a trauma-preventive measure. Lastly, social support to children and adolescent procures a positive mental health which transforms into a successful transition to adulthood.
Santiago, M.S., &DeCarlo, C (2008). Risk and resiliency process in an ethnically diverse family in poverty. Journal of Family Psychology, 22(3), 399-410
Chaffin, M., & Friedrich, B. (2004). Evidence-based treatments in child abuse and neglect. Children and Youth Services Review, 26, 1097 1113.
Kagan J. (2013). Surprise, Uncertainties and Mental Structures. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Hoffman, J. P. (2003). A contextual analysis of differential association, Social control, and strain theories of delinquency. Soc. Forces 81:
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