In this paper, we will be able to analyze the methodologies through the application of the global positioning system, GPS. The GPS will be used to analyze the dynamic deflections seen in small structures present in shortlisted roads which are made of concrete. The structural tool used in the process is based entirely on the principle of interferometry. PRM, phase residual method, is preferred over other methods as it employs the L1 carrier phase which has two sets of satellites consisting of a receiver base as well as rover. The methodology employs use of electromechanical strategies as a tool of receiving the GPS antenna.
Theoretical basis method
The methodology applied in this case employs the data received from the GPS as per the recommendation of the interferometer principle (henton etal, 2006). The case of interferometry includes monitoring of the signal differences between two locations that is caused from one of the signals (Joao etal, 2013). A light beam heating a mirror is reflected into two beams which are perpendicular to each other. This phenomenon can be compared to the principle of interferometry.
Electro-mechanical oscillator use for the calibration of each vibration
The methodology employs use of an electro-mechanical oscillator and applies the principle of controlled movement. In this case the oscillator used has a source of power rated 7.5 volts. The gps is then mounted in the oscillator and thus used to determine the extent of displacement (Joao etal, 2013).
The spectral analysis of the gps data
The use of the javad software is used on the case of the double difference phase and this is implemented using interferometry technique. The process is used for the frequency domain as well as determines the individual displacements as well as frequencies (Gordon & Stewart, 2001).
Structures tested under method of analysis
The project methodology we are using in this case revolves around determining measurements of speed, acceleration, the case of the internal efforts as well as the stress and the deformation. The project determines the life span of the structure as well as projects the economic solutions so as to prolong the durability of the structure (Joao etal, 2013). The monitoring of a structure is done through the use of an electro-mechanical oscillator as well as the geodesic landmark through determination of a specific amplitude and frequency.
Tests done over the concrete jaguar bridge
The objective determined was set using the dynamic behaviors for the specific bridge, jaguar, through the monitoring of forced vibration. The bridge is under constant excitation due to the traffic caused by different types of vehicles (Gordon & Stewart, 2001).
Pair of gps receivers sigma which has a rating of 100 Hz through the use of a pair of antennas known as choke rings.
Geodesic landmark close to bridge
There was a relative positioning of the bridge receivers within the known coordinates. Due to lack of a visible structure which could be used for post-processing, there was a need to build a geodesic landmark (Gordon & Stewart, 2001). The team then surveyed the data and related it to the homologation which was received from competent institutions.
Experiment in ifsuldeminas-preliminary tests
The section of the methodology in ifsuldeminas is applied to make an analysis of the results provided as the standards for the test to indicate data on viaducts for the works in the future. The method used the javad-regent model to move frequently over the frequency of 0.4Hz (Joao etal, 2013). The GPS rover was further used in the geodesic landmark and a sampling was obtained for about 100 observations on the structure for each second (Kaiser, 2003).
Analysis and conclusion
The initial results involve the use of GPS through the application of phase residual method as well as continuous wavelet transform which is used as tool for determining the vibrations experienced. The tool is further employed in determining the vertical deflections which occurred under the structure in a depth of 5mm at a confidence interval of 95%. The tests done in ifsuldeminas were used as trendsetters in other tests to ensure that the quality of the standards used are in line with the requirements of methodology.
Gordon, S., Litchi, D. and Stewart, M., 2001, March. Application of a high-resolution, ground-based laser scanner for deformation measurements. In Proceedings of 10th International FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements, Orange, California, USA (pp. 19-22).
Henton, J.A., Craymer, M.R., Dragert, H., Mazzotti, S., Ferland, R. and Forbes, D.L., 2006. Crustal motion and deformation monitoring of the Canadian landmass. Geomatica, 60(2), pp.173-191.
Joao O Araujo Neto, JLA Trabanco, APC Larocca, ACB Barbosa, RE Schaal. (2013). Monitoring the Vertical Deflections of the Small Concrete Bridge with the adapted Phase Residual Method using High Rate GPS Data. 2nd Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM), Nottingham, Inglaterra, 12, 16.
Kaiser, p. K. (2003). Deformation Monitoring for Stability Assessment of Underground Openings. Excavation, Support and Monitoring, 607-629. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-042067-7.50028-3
Szostak-Chrzanowski, A., Chrzanowski, A. and Massiera, M., 2005. Use of deformation monitoring results in solving geomechanical problemscase studies. Engineering Geology, 79(1), pp.3-12.
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