MIS is an abbreviation for Management Information Systems. They refer to structures of communication whose application serves specialized purposes. MIS is more about facilitating communication of various characters. As the name suggests, Management Information Systems are designed to respond to managerial issues. They are fashioned to facilitate easy allocation of resources, communicate, and register feedbacks. MIS creates a link between data users and a variety of resources including but not limited to registers and financial reports. Ideally, it improves the quality and convenience of decision making processes (Karim, 459). Management Information Systems sponsor accurate communication processes. The quality of decision making is improved since decisions are outcomes of information scrutiny and the weighing of options. Convenience is witnesses in the form of timely access to crucial information. The systems allow for orderly passing of messages from one entity to the other. Subject structures purpose to provide information support (Tripathi, 58). They are mainly concerned with the disbursement of information and consolidation of feedback to produce a comprehensive report whose exercise achieves managerial objectives. Management processes are founded on information access. In order to establish the proper mannerism of action, decisive stakeholders are exposed to volumes of information. In comparison to the traditional approach, the use of advanced hardware and installation of futuristic algorithms improves the accuracy levels of a function. There are many importances of management information systems but the list is relatable to improved communication. The purpose of system implementation is to establish functional structures that produce accurate reports upon comparison and consolidation of relevant data. Stakeholders benefit from a reduced service period that does not affect performance quality. Commendable results are achieved upon collaboration of resources to address common issues.
Recipient Accuracy
The application of Management Information Systems affects information flow in a positive manner (Al-Mamary, Shamsuddin and Aziati, 23). MIS addresses accuracy issues. Communication or any other form of information processes depend on data integrity and the development of legitimate and relevant links. Passing a message is only as useful as ensuring that that message is delivered to the right individuals. Ideally, MIS ensure that some sort of data screening is achieved to separate relevant from irrelevant in context of specific information recipients. As such, information in delivered to the rightful user. More importantly, passing a message should consider the users roles and implementation capacity (Lucey, 17). For instance, a stakeholder who wishes to observe trends and contribute to institutional goals by advocating for change is availed with information whose form is depictive of process. Graphs and tables are reproducible to serve the precise purposes intended. For instance, a human resource manager may not e interested in knowing the precise number of employees that have left the company every month over a 10 year period but a graph depicting employee turnover would seem sufficient. As such, information users are able to access useful information that can be employed in the development of strategy.
Organizational Performance Reports
Management information systems are important since they execute analytical processes to present easily interpretable organizational performance reports. Inputs of bulks of data are evaluated for accuracy, processed, and interpreted fashionably. Management information systems are fashioned to perform analytical tasks. Entities perform a lot of tasks to yield volumes of data whose impact requires evaluation. The adoption of such volumes of data is a necessary part of the performance evaluation and may not be skipped. However, analysis and consolidation in brief reports is crucial to the decision making process. Ideally, perusing through volumes of data entry can mean faulty conclusions. A MIS allows for the access to finalized and conveniently structured reports (Gupta, 54). For instance, a finance manager can use ledger entries to come up with an accurate financial report but would likely prefer a finalized financial report. Instead of submitting a monopoly of entries, MIS compress the volumes of data to come up with comprehensive reports. Management gains access to company performance reports such as trial balance, profit and loss, investment portfolio reports among others. Most importantly, the mentioned reports are designed to self update with every data introduction. Managers benefit from such structured roles of Management Information Systems that refine to overall decision process.
Means of effective and efficient coordination
Coordination of resources and communication can be a discouraging task. The expanse of an entity and mass of stakeholders complicate the matter further. One must understand an organization structure and respond to several issues simultaneously. Profitably so, the implementation of a management information system can reduce the challenges associated with coordination. System algorithms are designed to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. The entry of raw data reflects on multiple platforms allowing any number of intended users to analyze processes at a given time. Such coordination afford data users the opportunity to scrutinize and refine entries. MIS supports the integration of data from mutually dependent sources (Tripathi, 59). Strategy implementation teams feed data into a system highlighting the resources that are necessary for the performance of various tasks. Finance managers are then empowered to respond or refine such request before allocating resources. The traditional approach which would concern submitting hardcopy reports and awaiting the review by relevant authorities depends on limited communication in the sense that analytical processes are not interactive.
Management information systems expose data repetition
The information technology algorithms are designed to identify and expose duplicate entries. Management is not burdened with volumes of double entry data that would otherwise motivate inadequately informed decisions (Pattavina, 196). Algorithm design responds to pre-identified risks mitigation the weight of events or advising optional approaches of data analysis. Possible repetitions are separated from certainly fresh transactions to allow system auditors an opportunity to resolve issues. The systems are considered important tools for exposing data repetitions and produce statistically admissible reports whose value can be realized when implementing system reviews. Therefore, Management Information Systems should be appreciated as refining data to present none duplicated entries for final review and decision making.
Time-saving benefit of MIS
Technology executes transactions speedily. The pace at which MIS analyzes data is far beyond what the human mind can complete within the confines of a traditional system. Managing transactions is quickened by the character of performance and diversity of execution procedures (Goyal, 69). Formulas are embedded in the software applications and the parameters of operation as defined in a manner that allows easy identification of compatible resources and execution of calculations. The systems rely on pre-established decision processes that are implemented within short time frames in comparison to traditional responses. Computer structures do not require time to brain storm instead; they benefit from definite patterns and enjoy a fast processing speed. Additionally, system users access documents in a timely manner. There is minimal time wastage in the processes of finding and sorting documents since the software systems are fashioned to index documents in an ideal manner. Reports are retrieved at the ideal and necessary moment.
Globalization of organizations
Management information systems play a crucial role in globalization. They allow convenient flow of information and develop sufficient communication networks. The task of submitting reports is completed conveniently regardless of geographical distance (Bidgoli, 205). MIS enables distant individuals to work and interact beyond such barrier by doubling as a media and location. Internationally placed agents and colleagues appreciate the systems as media in the sense that they can find information online. Similarly, the ability to work from a remote office inspires the perception that Management Information Systems are virtual office locations.
Office space
The systems reduce the cost of office space. Organizations load data unto a server system and avoid the cost of running expansive registry departments by saving data in the form of bytes (Chatterjee, 43). Minimum physical filling is done. Subsequently, the costs of stationeries are reduced substantially. Also noteworthy is the fact that electronic data storage can be reconfigured to accommodate fresh files. Computer servers assume less office space to archive more data. Ultimately, hard drives can be formatted to produce space for new data. Such efficiency touches on one of three design agendas (compilation, processing, and storage, (Al-Mamary, Shamsuddin and Aziati, 24).
Possibility of failure
Management Information Systems are fashioned to respond to many needs. However, the implementation of software and hardware structures does not always guarantee favorable outcomes. Design flaws or/and inadequacies can be a major issue. The performance of MIS within any entity is only as effective as management involvement in system design (AdeotiAdekeye, 318). The decision to implement a system should be accompanied with the commitment to develop uniquely sufficient platforms. Management needs to indentify the areas of interest and follow up with system designers. Such actions result in structures that match the needs of an entity. Generalized management information systems lack the capacity to address an organizations unique issues.
In conclusion, management information systems are a reliable way of compiling, analyzing, and preserving data. There are many importances of MIS including but not limited to time management, reduction of office space and stationery costs, facilitation of globalization objectives, accurate data management, production of reports, coordination of information, and precise delivery of information to rightful stakeholders. Management information systems are designed to sort and analyzed data into useful information to ensure that the purpose of communication is achieved. It is equally important to appreciate the challenges and potential threats to management information systems. The absence of management information systems is one of the greatest threats to effective system implementation.
Works Cited
AdeotiAdekeye, W.B. "The Importance Of Management Information Systems." Library Review 46.5 (1997): 318-327. Web. 30 Nov. 2017.
Al-Mamary, Yaser Hasan, Alina Shamsuddin, and Nor Aziati. "The Meaning Of Management Information Systems And Its Role In Telecommunication Companies In Yemen." American Journal of Software Engineering, 2.2 (2014): 22-25. Web. 30 Nov. 2017.
Bidgoli, Hossein. Mis + Mis Online, 1 Term 6 Months Access Card. Nashvile: South-Western Pub, 2017. Print.
Chatterjee, Indrajit. Management Information Systems. New Delhi: PHI Learning, 2010. Print.
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Karim, Akram Jalal. "The Significance Of Management Information Systems For Enhancing Strategic And Tactical Planning." JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 8.2 (2011): 4...
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