Larry Page is famous for being a co-founder of Google Inc. He is an American born on 26th of March 1973, and his original is Lawrence Edward Page. He is an entrepreneur as well as a scientist. His passion for computers can be dated since he was young, having grown in an environment where there was access to computers and science magazines. This was made possible by his parents who were computer professions. He showed interest in business and technological innovation to the extent that at an early age of 12 years, he had started developing concepts of developing his company. Alongside his colleague who he met at Stanford University while studying computer science, they founded a company and named it Google Inc in 1998.His success can be significantly attributed to the skills and qualities he had towards work.
As the leadership meaning is described as the ability to direct and show ways of goals, Page showcases such traits in his mode of management of the Google Company. Having ventured in new it section, he is more concerned with achieving advanced attribute in contrast to the old fashion attributes. He is a talented natural leader whose management skills were evident at a tender age; he proves to be a unique innovator. Moreover, he has an inspiring in the future with his concern in climate and the general ecology. His remarkable ideas encompassing patience and empowering people makes him a successful leader. We shall look into the leadership traits attributed to Larry by grouping them into several divisions such as recruitment process, communicating process as well as motivating process.
Larry Page is a fascinating introvert leader type like any other leader such as Steve Jobs (Elmer 2011). Throughout the recruiting process, he encourages and advocates the think of crazy ideas that are of well-being if cultivated and implemented in the organization. He occasionally initiates face to face challenges with the workers on the innovativeness and advancement of technology. While recruiting his employees, he asks challenging questions to test the potential worker's creativity. In his hiring process, he searches for specific traits and abilities such as good communication and teamwork building abilities, focused and visionary people and productive, result oriented people. In general, he portrays his skills in selection of his team of workers. As a leader, he chooses people that will add value to his organization.
He applies both financial and non-financial means to his employees. He regards his workers with equality and gives them the ability to do any right thing. He makes use of Mayo & Herzbergs theory as well as Maslows hierarchy of needs as the main motivation theories (Hof 2015). He by the adoption of the models, he adopts the transactional style, that is based on focusing the individual's role in the organization. To increase productivity, he contemplates and initiates that including a participative management is a way of motivation (Binsiddiq and Alzahmi 2013, 7). He prefers this to motivating them by giving them money as well as using the contingent reward approach where the benefits employees with the titles such as employee of the month" to the most performing workers. He rather considers running his organization like a family. He further considers engaging strong ties with the entire team and anticipates a greater output. For instance, he has established a Google healthcare which is tasked with the worker's health. Such factors ensure health safety of the employees thus makes them feel that their rights and welfare is concerned (Steinbauer et al. 2014, 388).
As a leader, page believes in time and patience (Elmer 2011). He articulates that it takes a long period to create and develop something great (Beer & Finnstrom 2009, 5). His words, Rome wasnt built in a day shows the level of patient and time he is willing to invest in to take Google to another level. An article made by CNN which outlined that, It took Page some six years to get staff to work on Googles book digitization project. He came up with the idea when he and Brin were students at Stanford, and the first books were scanned in 2004 (Elmer 2011) is a proof of the level of discipline in patience he has. In addition to this, he had to spend more time in convincing more people to join the Google maps. The main cause of his perseverance is his urge to induce a difference.
Larry Page is a very intelligent and creative leader. He portrays his ambitiousness, driver skills and collaboration in the delegation of duties. He makes application of specific strategies which is greatly attributable to the company's success. He understands that embracing ideas issued by any employee are viable (Boyatzis 2008, 298). He compels his workers to develop a venturous perception that has positive impacts on the society. He said at a Google Faculty Summit in 2009 that you attract incredibly smart people and achieve something worthwhile, even if its not your original goal (Hof 2015).
Larry Page is endowed with instigation skills as another great leadership trait. He discourages bureaucracy in such old-fashioned organizations, thus impacts a team-building culture among his members. Levy, an interviewer of Page, says that page is not always interested in traditional kinds of leadership. On an analysis of leadership styles, intelligence is important in fostering a concise organizational decision making (Lo et al. 2010, 5387; Sadri 2012, 538). While managing Google, Larry applies a quick and whippy leadership approach.
Larry further showcases his leadership qualities by paying tribute to the significance and importance of the small steps to the extent of recognizing even the slightest move by his organization. He is aimed at making the organization grow and succeed in future further showcasing his visionary skills. There exists an adventurous spirit in Page as he encourages the staff to try innovating new features and adding the value of Gmail and search engines. Larry once told a European audience that he acquires a new build on his smartphone every day hence a constant development. He creates bonds with educationists since they are the future employees of the organizations. Moreover, he strategically locates his offices near college towns so that he can provide access to the potential users. Such moves contribute significantly to highly rewarding and good reputations.
Charisma is a style that Larry is endowed with. Charismatic leaders are individuals whose passion for developing innovative expectations in the future is their motive (Northouse 2012, 36). Page is a non-exception in this case. Page makes visionary, and motivation speeches whose motive is to empower Google's employees proof his charismatic leadership. Moreover, he was highly depended even throughout Eric Schmidt's tenure for approval of the ideas suggested. Similarly, charismatic leaders are those who give great visions and offers solutions or an approach towards them, a style that is well adopted by page that contributes to his uniqueness. However, this is a style that gives much dependence on him. His approval is mostly presumable to be true and correct. Engineers rely heavily on his instructions, a fact that if they are made poorly, may be vital to Google Company.
As a leader in his second tenure as the CEO, he embraced zero tolerance for fighting policy that encouraged cooperation and collaboration among employees (Hof 2015). This is as a result of the organization's target that is becoming more complex. This policy makes room for advanced unity and communication among teams and the different people in the organization. Working in a safe environment, he fosters employees to share useful ideas, and innovatively to ensure high productivity. Moreover, his captive is in the maximization of the companys profits and continuous financial productivity.
There are a lot of qualities, skills, and traits that can be attributed from a successful leadership (Groves and LaRocca 2011, 520) such as Pages. Although he is highly popular for such attributions, he has more opportunities to implement his management skills. As a CEO, he has to communicate more to the outside life and the world. There may be a requirement for him to acquire a lesson on dealing with adversity mostly on the authoritys mischievous moderators. But in regards to this, he remains to be a remarkable leader who every company would show their interest. This has been necessitated by his success and Googles Inc. 20% increase in the annual returns.
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Binsiddiq, Yasser A., and Alzahmi, Rashed A. Work Engagement and Group Dynamics in Diverse and Multicultural Teams: Critical Literature REVIEW. Review of Management Innovation & Creativity, Vol. 6, no. 19, 2013, pp. 7.
Boyatzis, Richard E. Leadership development from a complexity perspective. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, Vol. 60, no. 4, 2008, pp. 298.Elmer, Vickie. What would Larry Page do? Leadership lessons from Googles doyen. Fortune, 2011,
Groves, Kevin S., and LaRocca, Michael A. An empirical study of leader ethical values, transformational and transactional leadership, and follower attitudes toward corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 103, no. 4, 2011, pp. 511-528.
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Lo, May Chuin., Ramayah, T., and de Run, Ernest Cyril. Does transformational leadership style foster commitment to change? The case of higher education in Malaysia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 2, no. 2, 2010, pp. 5384-5388.
Northouse, Peter. G. Leadership: Theory and practice. New Jersey: Sage, 2012.
Sadri, Golnaz. Emotional intelligence and leadership development. Public Personnel Management, Vol. 41, no. 3, 2012, pp. 535-548.
Steinbauer, Robert, Renn, Robert W., Taylor, Robert R., and Njoroge, Phil K. Ethical leadership and followers moral judgment: The role of followers perceived accountability and self-leadership. Journal of business ethics, Vol. 120, no. 3, 2014, pp. 381-392.
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