Man Human condition refers to those attributes that define the human existence. These attributes are essential and can be categorized as situations, characteristics or key events. They include conflict, mortality, birth, aspiration, growth, and emotionality. Personally, I am a human being by nature and a Christian by religion which is defined and shaped by the above-mentioned aspects. On the other hand, God is the Supreme Being who created the universe including humanity (Eller 12). Despite the man human condition, neither does God renovate nor recreates the thoughts of man but instead allows the nature of man to renew.
According to the scriptures, Christians are taught that humans are born sinners (Evans 24). They are further informed that they are doomed and will suffer in their afterlife unless they receive salvation. It should be noted that despite being sinners, God gave his only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven. Through the death of Jesus Christ, the immoral actions of humans are forgiven hence they receive salvation.
In Corinthians, Paul wrote that all things that exist in this world belong to Christ who is the son of God. Therefore, it is expected that man should not boast of anything in this world since the giver is God. However, it is noted that everything that is in this universe was created by God and handed over to man. Thus, humans are expected to own everything in the universe but not to prioritize it before God because that is sinful (Park 279). However, humans have the habit of boasting of material things forgetting that God is the giver and taker.
God allowed humans to pursue education and gain knowledge. This is a command that humans have continued to obey the discovery of technology making the process easier. Technology has made life easier including the life of Christians who have subscribed to it for secular benefits. Christians are free to use technology but not idolize it. However, technology has led to several material things in the world such as money, property and even bringing erotic pleasures ("Human Condition" 24). This has affected the passion of humans to help each other and worst of all; it has affected the self-esteem of those who cant possess these materials.
Man human condition is developed when these material items discovered lead humans to become proud of their neighbors. Consequentially, some of the fortunate human beings who get to the position to own such materials things turn arrogant to those living around them. According to Christians, such actions block the works of the Holy Spirit in ones life (Kekes 211). Such kind of life is not what God expects from us. God expects us to live a life full of love and joy as per the scriptures.
It should be noted that God does not oppose the development of technology among humans. In fact, God permits the man to fully exploit and develop technology for the betterment of human life. However, He expects us to use technology with moderation by ensuring that we control the use of technology and not vice versa (Runehov 49). He insists that we must not lose sight of our inner beings which must be spiritual. Furthermore, God insists that we maintain our spiritual nature and prioritize worshiping him. Lastly, technology should bring intrinsic value to humans and not subdue their cultural heritage.
Works cited
Eller, Jonathan R. "Exploring the Human Condition." University of Illinois Press, 2017.
Evans, Malcolm D. "Does God Believe in Human Rights? a Reflection." Does God Believe in Human Rights? pp. 1-16.
"The Human Condition." 2017.
Kekes, John. "The Human Condition." 2010.
Park, Ynhui. "The Human Condition: A Perspectival View." The Phenomenology of man and the Human Condition, 1986, pp. 275-291.
Runehov, Anne L. "God-Human-God Relationship." The Human Being, the World, and God, 2016, pp. 139-165.
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