The author of this passage discusses the effects of advertising alcoholic beverages in the mass media. He analyzes the various pros and cons of advertising alcoholic beverage using conducted studies to support the opposing positions on the subject.
Alcoholic Beverage Advertising Should Be Restricted
In the first passage, the author says that advertising of alcoholic beverage should be banned. He differs with the statement from the alcoholic industry representatives that promotion of alcoholic drinks has no impact on consumption. The author uses statistics and facts to support his stand. For instance, the author points out that alcoholic beverage industries use $2 billion yearly in advertising. Furthermore, the author claims that researchers have been prompted to research on the topic due to the high expenditure in alcoholic beverage advertising. They have formulated questions to get answers about the association between advertisement of alcohol and behavior. Though the author acknowledges that more research needs to be conducted, he insists that there is enough scientific evidence to proof impacts of alcohol advertisement are not limited to brand selection by adults (Leiber, Laurie). Furthermore, the author states that studies conducted by Lawrence Wallack and Joel W. Grube show that advertisement of beer commercials on television increases the beliefs about drinking among kids aged 10 to 12 years. Moreover, it increases their intent to drink like the adults. Furthermore, research by Henry Saffer comparing the number of motor vehicle deaths with measures of alcohol advertising show that alcohol advertisement has great influence. The author points out that a ban on broadcast alcohol advertisement could save 2,000 to 3,000 individuals yearly from deaths caused by alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents (Leiber, Laurie). This is significant because it informs the readers on the positive impact of banning alcohol advertisement on saving peoples lives.
Alcohol Ads Do Not Promote Underage Drinking
The second passage shows that alcohol adverts do not promote underage drinking. The author argues that an 18-year-old person is mature enough to make individual decisions in life. For example, he can sign contracts, go to war, get married and choose their leaders. Furthermore, the author argues that brewers cannot be able to separate ads that are suitable for 21 years old and that of 20-year-old individuals (Robert Levy). He further contends that there is little evidence to show that there is an association between certain alcohol ads and underage drinking. Advert agencies should not sacrifice specific commercial free speech with the aim of reducing alcohol consumption among the minors. Instead, personal accountability is a critical factor that regulates the behavior of alcohol consumption among the underage individuals. Underage drinking is not influenced by adverts. Instead, it is influenced by an individuals personal decision to consume alcohol by neglecting the doctrine of personal accountability. According to Levy, each should pay for his mistakes of indulging in any risky behavior. Moreover, individuals have the capability of deciding to either consume alcohol or not.
The authors position on alcoholic beverage advertising that it should be restricted is the more convincing. This is because the author provides statistics and facts to support his position. He considers research conducted by Lawrence Wallack, Henry Saffer and Joel W. Grube to defend his position that alcohol advertisement should be restricted. Furthermore, he discusses the advantages of banning alcohol advertisement. For example, it saves many lives from vehicle accidents related to alcohol and also helps avoid the high cost incurred when advertising alcohol.
Works Cited
Leiber, Laurie. "Alcoholic Beverage Advertising Should Be Restricted." Contemporary Issues Companion: Teen Alcoholism. Ed. Laura K. Egendorf. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001.
Robert A. Levy. "Alcohol Ads Do Not Promote Underage Drinking." Opposing Viewpoints: Teen Drug Abuse. Ed. Pamela Willwerth Aue. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006.
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