Reports by some institutions indicate that an average of 22% of children is overweight. Obesity is a controversial disease that has attracted a lot of research questions. This has been raised from the point of view that it is a disease for a specific group of people (Ng et al., 2014). The causes of obesity have made the center stage of research activities where researchers have established that lack of exercise and consumption of high calories foods may lead to the disease. However, there are very much that has not been done about obesity such as the age groups the infection is more prevalent too (Ng et al., 2014). This study shall focus on answering the question, "At what ages is obesity more prevalent?" to look at the demographics of the infection regarding the economy and other social amenities in the country. Quite often, obesity is a universal disease that is not discriminative on the individuals it affects. In the global scope, obesity is a disease that is majorly known for the over-consumption of sugary fast foods.
Nursing has advanced its informatics of data inquiry such that the chronic diseases have been established as the most common respiratory-related infections; obesity is ranked as the most common disease that affects the population. Despite having some of the most advanced technological endeavors, those getting this painful condition are equally a large number (Grimes et al., 2016). The increase in the prevalence is owed to some environmental factors and also the health practices of a given group of people. In the streets of the country, there are growing fast food restaurants that have no regulations from the authorities to check their distribution (Ng et al., 2014). The restaurants offer readymade junk foods, and since they are not to the task of regulating the aftermath of overconsumption, they significantly contribute to the spread of the disease in the general population (Grimes et al., 2016). There are also some stalls that play a role in the junk food consumption, and most of them are governed by the profit-making mentality. They strive not to check the health repercussions of their products.
The knowledge on the signs and symptoms of the diseases in the nursing environment easily help in getting the cures. In obesity, the symptoms of the disease are related to the fact visible display of the body weight. Individuals suffering from the disease tend to be overweight and some underweight under the dictates of body mass index. The victims may also display some of the chronic infections such as hypertension and varicose veins since their blood flow may be tampered with (Ogden et al., 2014). The increased weight of the individuals is contributed by the accumulation of the fats in their bodies without being depleted. To ensure that the disease is controlled in an accorded manner, physical exercises are encouraged since they initiate vigorous metabolic activities (Ng et al., 2014). The metabolism breaks down the deposited fats to energy hence reducing the body weight to the standards needed (Ogden et al., 2014). The disease develops to those having little or no knowledge of effects of consumption of the junk foods and having physical exercises.
Since the study looks into finding the most common age group likely to be affected by the disease, there is need to analyze the distribution according to different studies. According to Grimes et al., (2016), diabetes affects a better portion of children than adults. Grimes et al. allude that the infection is more in children since they do not have controlled feeding habits and they are more to the liking the junk foods (Ng et al., 2014). Diabetes mellitus affects mostly the children than the adults since they have little knowledge of the effects of junk food and need to have physical exercises (Ng et al., 2014). According to the research done by Ogden et al., (2014), no distinct gender is associated with obesity. However, among the children, boys seem to be obese than ladies, but there is no clear-cut to distinguish the difference. It is worth noting that the prevalence in children is not only contributed by the knowledge of the infection but also how the parents play their roles in bringing their children in a healthy manner.
In looking at the age group affected by the disease, previous researches done by scholars prove to be helpful in constructing a vivid outlay of the distribution. Obese affects mostly children whose immunity are deficient or preferably are on the verge of developing. Among the adults, obesity affects those who are no fond of physical exercises or instead having white collar jobs (Ogden et al., 2014). Most of the old aged individuals may be victims of obesity, but their body orientation does permit small deposits of the fats hence there is a minimal infection of the disease. Youths are off the hook of obesity since this is a prime age where body activities are very high and thus they tend to be involved in physical exercises that discourage obesity (Ogden et al., 2014). However, this does not guarantee the inexistence of the infection in the youths. Some of the children, which may be indolent, are potential victims of obesity.
The question on the prevalence of obesity is, therefore, more intense to the children and the portion of the population having little or no knowledge on the causes of obesity and the preventive measures and perhaps the aftermath of the condition. Children are more susceptible to the disease since some of their parents are not moved by the fact that the consumption of junk foods in high frequencies may lead to such conditions. Some parents are very active in the welfare of their children and therefore check the health of their children and even involve them physical exercises.
Grimes, C. A., Bolhuis, D. P., He, F. J., & Nowson, C. A. (2016). Dietary sodium intake and overweight and obesity in children and adults: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic reviews, 5(1), 7.
Ng, M., Fleming, T., Robinson, M., Thomson, B., Graetz, N., Margono, C., ...& Abraham, J. P. (2014). Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 19802013: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet, 384(9945), 766-781.
Ogden, C. L., Carroll, M. D., Kit, B. K., & Flegal, K. M. (2014). Prevalence of childhood and adult obesity in the United States, 2011-2012. Jama, 311(8), 806-814.
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