Factor Influencing How an Organization Share Information
A learning organization has series of challenges and uncertainties encountered, and for such a companies to work harmoniously with the many departments involved and manage the constant confronting changes in the internal and external environment, the organizational culture and structure need to be designed flexibly to accommodate the continual change. Learning organization are often designed hierarchically, this organizational structure helps the companies keep track of business and employee performance Ismail (Al-Alawi, Yousif Al-Marzooqi & Fraidoon, 2007). The management is always on the top of the hierarchy and holds the ultimate power which the company management later delegates the power down the hierarchy. It is the same hierarchy in which, information is passed from top to bottom and bottom to top ensuring an efficient flow of information.
Organizational culture is designed tactfully to shape an organized behavior and thinking of a business environment. It defines how people share knowledge and make decision. A sharing knowledge culture is vital in a learning organization as it created room for people to work together in making the organizational information productive willingly. To make the culture of information sharing efficient, employees need constant motivation and rewarding from the management.
An organization strategy is also paramount in organization information sharing and decision making. Company strategy is designed based on the company goals and objective. For an organization to accomplish set goals and aims a firm need to have open channels that will reach all the involved stakeholders and suppliers creating a practical information and feedback sharing. When the strategy well laid then the right information is easily channeled from the management across all the company branches and department and set the company goal to become achievable. Each unit works cooperatively contributing to the company overall performance Ismail (Al-Alawi, Yousif Al-Marzooqi & Fraidoon, 2007).
Nonprofit Organization Stakeholders versus For-Profit Organization Stakeholders
Stakeholders are persons within the business environment internally and externally and are influential in the business performance. There is a significant difference in the for-profit and nonprofit organization of which, for-profit agencies have its stakeholders invested in the making of profits and the overall performance of the team. They measure both short-term and long-term goals during decision making. For the nonprofit organization, stakeholders have a different perspective of an organization. Nonprofits firms are not involved in measuring the overall performance of a group or the profits made, but instead, it is concerned with the social benefactors of the program an organization offers, for example, right and women treatment, child rights and treatment among others (Alves, Mainardes &Raposo, 2012). Their role is to ensure that sufficient funds are funds raised and each resource is well utilized as directed.
How Companies Set Goals and Objectives of Change, Innovation and Increased Productivity Result To Conflict
Any company goals and objectives are designed to bring about innovation, increase worker productivity and reduce conflict. However, not always goals work without creating challenges which result in organization conflict. The objective of innovation and change can be integrated with the goal of increased productivity; however, differences in collaboration of the two arise. As much as a company needs its workers to be productive, the target must be strategically set after the employees have acquired skills and knowledge necessary for change and innovation. Change and innovation take a period to implement and achieve and when workers are stretched to be productive at the same time change, and innovation are underway conflicts are detected. Employees feel overworked, they lose interest in their work and are fatigued continuously in case they lake the skills to be productive as expected (Cummings & Worley, 2014). It is the role of the management to incorporate goals and objective in an organization systematically and offering constant training to the employees to reduce conflicts and reduced productivity contrary to set expectations.
Alves, H., Mainardes, E., &Raposo, M. (2012).Amodel for stakeholder classification and stakeholder relationships.Management Decision, 501(10). Retrieved January 18, 2013 from http://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/journals.htm?issn=0025-1747&volume=50&issue=10&articleid=17063588&show=html&PHPSESSID=k1ps92bqenbtdj79juf4gbkmu1
Ismail Al-Alawi, A., Yousif Al-Marzooqi, N., & Fraidoon Mohammed, Y. (2007). Organizational culture and knowledge sharing: critical success factors. Journal of knowledge management, 11(2), 22-42. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e9b9/4df7574d7b679dc18af5cc500811a8703c87.pdf
Cummings, T. G., & Worley, C. G. (2014). Organization development and change. Cengage learning.
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