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Clinical Management for Infants With Seizures - Paper Example

3 pages
566 words
Harvey Mudd College
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Term paper
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Thesis Statement: What are the impacts and benefits of carrying out a universal clinical monitoring and management programs for those infants that have been diagnosed with seizures?


Understanding of seizures

Different signs of seizers in infants, and the occurrence levels of infants with seizures

Significance of the importance of early clinical management of infants suffering from seizers.

Seizers in infants

Medical features

Prevalence of seizers

Guidelines used to diagnose seizure

Early management and recognition of infant seizures

Clinical complications

Risks of seizers in infants

The dangerous types of seizers in infants

Seizers in relation to epilepsy

Muscle spams

Damages to the developing brain of infants

Clinical Supervision

Monitoring the diagnosis

Educating young mothers on infant seizers

Referral for neurologists and neonatologists

Keeping of progress reports (management flow chart)

Clinical management

Initial support

Acute management that is se of drugs like phenobarbital, Benzodiazepines, and lidocainecollaboration among neurologists and neonatologists

Cranial imaging and Continuous monitoring of seizers in infants

Policy implementation for clinical management

Monitoring of the infants with seizers

Ongoing support in case of prolonged seizers

Seek further support if seizer is not controlled


Early diagnosis and monitoring

Identification of high risk cases, interventions, and treatment

Referrals to neurologists and neonatologists


Preventing risks that can cause serious medical issues

Implementation of recommendations for the clinical management

Collaborative approach with specialists

Article Summaries

van Rooij, L. G., van den Broek, M. P., Rademaker, C. M., & de Vries, L. S. (2013). Clinical management of seizures in newborns. Pediatric Drugs, 15(1), 9-18.

This article by van Rooij et al. (2013) provides a summary of the current literature of diagnosis of infants with seizers, the effects seizers have on the brain and the different treatment procedures for infant seizers. Infant seizers are classified as subtle, myoclonic and clonic. Clinical diagnosis for infant seizers is not easy since a precise incidence is hard to delineate as it depends on the criteria used for the diagnosis. Controversy exists among specialists on whether seizers cause brain damage, and when the seizers are managed or treated there is debate on the appropriate treatment methods and assessment criteria on the effectiveness of the treatment used. This article provide also concludes on the ineffectiveness of therapeutic treatment. The article reviews the use of drugs such as phenobarbital, Benzodiazepines, and lidocaine in treating infant seizers. However, randomized, prospective trials, controlled trials ought to be done so as to assess the effectiveness and safety of each drug in treating infant seizers.

Perry, S. E., Hockenberry, M. J., Lowdermilk, D. L., & Wilson, D. (2013). Maternal child nursing care. Elsevier Health Sciences.This book by Perry et al. (2013) features some of the most current, accurate and clinically information that is available for maternal nursing care. The book combines both the essential pediatric and maternal nursing information. This book is important in this study because it provides among others the health care needed for children. Health care problems such as psychological dysfunctions and infants with special illnesses are featured. This book provides the readers with family centered health care approach that is aware of the importance of collaborations especially when providing family health care.


Perry, S. E., Hockenberry, M. J., Lowdermilk, D. L., & Wilson, D. (2013). Maternal child nursing care. Elsevier Health Sciences.van Rooij, L. G., van den Broek, M. P., Rademaker, C. M., & de Vries, L. S. (2013). Clinical management of seizures in newborns. Pediatric Drugs, 15(1), 9-18.


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