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Comparison Essay: Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Atheism, Buddhism

Relationship to God(s) There are many Gods, Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva Only one God, Yahweh Believe in Christ, Jehova Believe in one God only, Allah No God No GodRelatio...
2 Pages 
(539 Words)

Essays Example: Asceticism. Arian-Nicene Controversy in the Fourth Century. Constantine

Asceticism is an ancient practice where people abstained from various worldly pleasures often for spiritual purposes.1 The practices have been practiced since ancient t...
7 Pages 
(1921 Words)

Article Review Example: Evil and Omnipotence

In the article evil and omnipotence,' Mackie centers his argument on the problem of evil, which according to results to assumptions: no god exist and at least the god of...
4 Pages 
(876 Words)

Correlating Dr. Frankl's Meaning of Life with Jesus Life and Death

Dr. Victor Frankl, having drawn from the dreadful experiences in a concentration camp under Hitlers regime, developed a form of treatment he refers to as logotherapy,...
7 Pages 
(1736 Words)

Essay Example: Cloning Is Not Playing God

Cloning is one of the fascinating topics of discussion in the world today. It is the process of producing similar populations that are genetically identical. Clones can h...
3 Pages 
(633 Words)

Summary of Christian Doctrines - Paper Example

This survey generally was to understand the broad Christian doctrine especially on what Christianity teaches and not necessarily personal beliefs of the participants.Null...
3 Pages 
(783 Words)

Essay Example: The Purpose of Evil and Suffering

Victor Frankl, in his book Mans Search for Meaning, describes a painful yet inspirational struggle of how to hold on to hope at the time he was detained as a prisoner...
6 Pages 
(1560 Words)
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Essay Example: Why Killing Is Always Wrong

Any endeavor that results in a death like killing remains devastating in every aspect. Therefore, every factor that constitutes it can only attract a wrong conclusion. It...
3 Pages 
(639 Words)

Research Proposal: Evolution of Gender and Ministry in Presbyterian Church USA with Emphasis on Women Ordination

Research Proposal: Evolution of Gender and Ministry in Presbyterian Church USA with Emphasis on Women OrdinationMotivationSeveral beliefs and practices associated with th...
7 Pages 
(1676 Words)

Religious Balance in Jane Eyre - Essay Example

Is it ever possible to have too much of a good thing? Throughout Charlotte Brontes classic Jane Eyre, Jane finds herself struggling to uncover the correct balance betwee...
3 Pages 
(751 Words)