Consider a butterfly for a moment. The heart of a butterfly can beat eighty times a minute. A butterfly does not have a heart and has a body size similar to half a pencil. The configuration of the butterflys wings is many butterflies. Many researchers have discovered many unthinkable things from butterflies. It is amazing how amazing these beautiful creatures come into being and create a space of oriental gladness. They fly with wings colored to its latter. They swing their wings to the delight of the hummingbirds and many other predators. They dance through the winds as though they are about to fall, only to land on a flow. The magnificence of it all lies with the proliferation that sees them adapt to the flowery environments with their flowery wings. With six legs and three body parts, they maneuver, as an elephant would walk through a grass field. With antennae, they smell and touch. With fragile bodies, they can swing their colorations and shine to the world. It is as if they are announcing their presence in the world, yet the world is their destination. With compound eyes, they see.
Each one of them has a sensory air around the body. They feed on everything that shines and flowers. Each one of them is a manifestation of something good. They can swing in the sky without falling or covering any distance. Whenever they rest, they become a target of their predator. In their flight, they presume little chances of survival. They are characteristically attentive, with the agile body, pure warmth, and absolute innocence. Every day they come out of their nests, knowing their ultimate span of life is little more. They wander in search of nectar. They fly over green, black, grey, and every other coloration of the ground. They are specific in their pursuit. They tend to be worried about their next destination. Whenever they land on the ground or anywhere else, they immediately hold their safety and survival at the hair on their bodies. They are innocently in search of whatever satisfies their tastes. Apparently, they are out of sight and lose control of their predators. Some fall victim to their predators. Some exhibit the tendency of survival that is critical and hence remain within a sphere of life. Their undying spirit, their unshrinking hope, their glamour for beauty, all leads to their beauty.
Butterflies have a cute sense of flight. Flying only when their temperatures are above 86 degrees, they sour out wings and climb trees and feces. They have a humane sense of touch; they can land on the human eye and cause no damage. They can introduce themselves to the world of life by simply flying across a valley. They are seasonal and often have to undergo a process of metamorphosis in order to face the nature of life. They fly and they stop flying. Sometimes they are exhausted. They rest for the day and continue the next day if their days are no longer over. In any sense, one needs to be a butterfly. You fly and find life or death. You fail to fly and find life or death. You move and find everything. You become faster and get the best. You become slow like a tortoise and live short like a butterfly always. They are gentle. They are made of crushable bodies. Their wings are feeble. They experience heavy winds and they are done. They are crushed at first touch. They are made wingless by a simple slap. They are strong. They are daring.
Perhaps, the biggest heart on land is inside the body of an elephant. Inside this monumental space are a conglomerate of large valves and other body organs. A child can throw a ball, against the wall, and wait for it to arrive with full speed. There is one big heart, large vales, and extensive arteries. In it are large everything. The synthesis of a young one comes with a regular activity of mating. Every new birth is given after a period of pregnancy. The infant is born and protected with utmost care. The infant is given chance to suckle the mother for a few mothers before being welcomed to the food of the world. Life is good for the young one while in milk and protection of the mother. Mother exists in a heart of male and females. The young one has a father and mother. Protection is offered systematically by the members of the entire hearing. Not so much is known inside the heart other than the normal activities of mating, walking, grazing, drinking water, smelling, and protecting one another. Not so much is known about them other than their famous long-distance travels. They are strong and large I space. They are enormous in sight. They are a replica of human capacities. Perhaps, they second the beasts of the water in their sizes. They are beautiful creatures, dangerous, and humble. Their beauty not ant near that of butterflies, but their sizes almost a million times bigger than butterflies.
Mammals and birds do have hearts with four compartments. On the other hand, turtles pose hearts with three compartments. However, fish do have hearts with two parts. Insects have only one chamber. Warms too have hearts in one chamber. Everyone has an open window in the heart of a human being. Nonetheless, they are sensitive to the presence of a different creature in their environment. There is no animal that has a failed heart in a normal situation. Every animal churns. All animals have senses and no animal can live without food. All animals drink. The characteristics of every animal differ from that of another, as with fingerprints of all human beings. The synchronization of the animal characteristics serves to better the state of life. Sentimental animals have force and power over others. All animals at least move.
Lifetime fills the heart of every animal (Doyle 3). Life is an object that cannot be lost and found. Life is a universally critical entity that transforms and builds a presence. Life is protected at all costs. Every instant, time, day week, year, life is protected inside the human heart. No one is at the end as long as all are utterly open. Every creature has life and can lose a life. Not one animal is immortal. Humanity opens doors to one another. Animals protect one another. Human beings protect one another to all extents possible. Animals protect one another to all extents possible. Animals take the lives of fellow animals and human beings. Human beings take the life of other human beings and animals. In the end, every life is at risk. A heart is like a house. People live in their hearts. They welcome others to their hearts. The exhibit credible happiness within their hearts and they also lose people in their hearts. Nothing is absolute, just like the life of a butterfly in the skies. We protect our hearts with the utmost protection. We love the respect we get given to our hearts and from our hearts. We defend our hearts ferocious, as a butterfly will fly with might as a way of seeking protection from the power of its wings. Most things are to happen at the end of life. We lose our hearts, and our beloved ones mourn. As much as you can protect your heart, nothing can stop it from being taken away, at its time. Like a butterfly, we soar up the skies. We move and create spectacles of hope and chains of happiness. We linker and blinker in every situation. We maneuver to evade and manage challenges. We are destined for great things. We are moving in unison, seeking to have clarity of heart. We are thrilled to be alive and sad that one day, life will be no more. In the essence of everything, we strive to abandon what is disturbing and seek to stability. All we have lost become out beautiful memories. All that has gone become lessons that are never-ending. As we pass away, we create memories for others. We live with designed lives knowing we are surrounded by destined coming at any time in the hand. It is essential to have what is important and forego what is not important. However, as a butterfly, we strive to live a life for today, knowing tomorrow will also come or not.
Work Cited
Doyle, Brian. The Wet Engine: Exploring the Mad Wild Miracle of the Heart. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2012. Print.
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