Concepts that make the theory most appropriate for the client
The theory of Individual Psychology by Alfred Adler proposes several components that relate to the understanding that every person is indivisible. This means that according to this theory, people should be treated holistically. Among the concepts that are proposed by this theory include striving for significance, social context, style of life and the safeguarding tendency. Adler believed that each is born with a sense of inferiority and they continuously try to fight this to get to the point of significance (Parker, 2014). The theory suggests that sometimes, people may be striving to achieve goals that are exaggerated and unrealistic of gaining unreasonable significance as well as superiority over the others. Ana in the case study seems to be struggling with inferiority.
The concept of the social context also comes out very strongly in theory. It states that an individual is part of a larger whole which may be a family, community, the world or even all humanity. Under these contexts, people can meet the important life tasks that include occupation, sex, and love as well as relationships with other people. This being the case, the theory suggests that individuals, therefore, need to acknowledge the connectedness in ones both past and future (Adler, 2013a). Ana in the case study seems to have a challenge with most of these aspects of the social context.
The Individual Psychology theory also proposes that a persons lifestyle is formed during the early childhood and is unique to every individual. It refers to the organization of ones personality that is inclusive of the meaning one assigns to themselves, their goals and the behavioral strategies that they put in place to achieve such goals. This is also viewed in the individual's approach to or avoidance of other people, love, and work. It suggests that people that are healthy mentally can be flexible when dealing with life tasks and so can find alternatives to solving certain issues. This is not so with people who are disturbed as is the case with Ana. She does not seem to have an alternative to addressing the tasks ahead of her.
Why the theory of the others?
The theory of Individual Psychology seems to be the best fit to address the case of Ana while compared to both the theory of Neo-Analytic and the Jungian Theory. This is so since the neo-analytic theory proposes that a person does not have a free will to make the choices in their lives since their destiny is already set (Murdock, 2016). This does not seem to be the case with Ana. She seems to have the power to make choices in life. For instance, she chose to stop proceeding with education so that she could take care of the baby. Consequently, in his theory, Jung prosed that the psyche is a system that is self-regulating. This system aims at maintaining a balance between qualities that oppose each other with the aim of achieving growth. Jung named this process individuation (Murdock, 2016). Ana does not seem to rely on a system that regulates itself, but rather seeks to get solutions to the issues at hand so that she can move ahead.
Goals of counseling and intervention strategies
With the application of the Individual Psychology theory, Ana will be guided to overcome her feelings that may be described as insecurity given the situation. She will then be guided to develop feelings of connectedness that are deeper, especially with the people close to her. This may include her family and siblings who she has not seen in a year (Horowitz, 2013). While at this, Ana will be able to redirect her striving for significance into directions that are more socially beneficial.
To achieve this, Ana will be guided through a process that will see to it that she corrects all assumptions that she might have had mistakenly, her attitudes and behaviors as well as feeling about herself and the world around her. With continuous encouragement from her counselor, Ana will be stimulated to attempt what she felt was previously impossible, for instance proceeding with her education and even getting a new job. This will result from the growth of confidence from the changes she will have gone through.
Short-term or long-term counseling?
This theory seems to be designed for short-term counseling. This is so since Ana, after going through counselling will be expected to be in a position to stand on her own and try all those things that had previously seemed hard to her. Once Ana has been taken through the process of correcting all her mistaken assumptions and attitudes, she will be able to get solutions for her problems and proceed with her life.
Counsellors role
The role of the counselor with Ana will be guiding her through a process that will ensure that she has the right assumptions, attitudes, and feelings about herself and the world that surrounds her. These aspects will enable Ana to focus her energies towards doing something that will bring about the solution she desires (Adler, 2013b). Additionally, Ana will gain confidence in what she does and even the courage to try out new things.
Anas role in the counseling.
The role of Ana will be to ensure that she provides information that will help the counselor help her. Secondly, Ana needs to be open to new opinions from the counselor as well as a suggestion to approach the situation that she is in (Horowitz, 2013). This theory will be seeking to change Anas mindset to a position where she can perceive things as possible rather than impossible.
Populations that the theory is most appropriate.
The Individual Psychology theory would be appropriate for individuals, families and even communities who in a way fail to realize the importance of oneself in their lives as well as in setting where they are. The theory can address both the social and cultural needs of the client by providing a link for the client to get connected (Murdock, 2016). Further, as earlier mentioned when discussing the social context, the theory assists clients to meet the important life tasks.
Additional information that may be helpful
It would be important to know why Ana is hesitant in seeking help from her parents and siblings despite the fact that she knows they are well up. Secondly, it would be helpful to find out why Ana has spent that long without meeting them. The fact that she lost her job three months ago would also prompt the counselor to know why she has not...
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