According to Mathew 12:35 (New King James Version), A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. This verse can be interpreted that every action has consequences, and people should be ready to bear with the outcomes of their choices. Further, it teaches that individuals should evaluate their lives to determine whether or not they are beneficial to the people around them. From a marketing management perspective, character entails adherence to a set of standards in a bid to achieve a company's goals and objectives (Branislav Nerandzic, 2012). Therefore, the workforce's character and especially self-discipline significantly influence the prosperity of an organization. Likewise, the absence of character and objective superiority tell a lot about the firm. Some of the significant character traits in marketing management include likable personalities, determination, proper communication skills, and creativity.
Applying the Verse in Marketing Management
For efficient marketing, an organization should have a good content marketing manager. The good, in this case, refers to their skills and, more importantly, their manner of running activities within the organization. Effective marketers adopt the trait of clear communication which is done in a way that consumers can understand. It involves delivering and receiving information from potential consumers and buyers through either print or social media. The quality of proper communication makes it possible for marketers to identify the needs of their clients and strive towards satisfying them (Kotler & Keller, 2015). On the other hand, inefficient communication creates a block between the parties thus the firm ends up making losses.
Secondly, the most celebrated marketers display creative content. Notably, globalization has resulted in heightened competition between various marketing brands. Therefore, it is upon the specific organization to adopt a habit of constantly inventing new strengths instead of relying on past abilities (Kotler & Keller, 2015). For instance, firms could choose to offer free delivery for their online customers. Thus, ideal creativity will ensure that an organization not only retains its old customers but also expand the market for its goods and services. The good deed of creativity, in this case, is hence rewarded.
Thirdly, content marketing in any business must have some order. This demands that activities are done consistently. The most common form of orderliness is strategic planning and tactical marketing plan such that companies can respond to changing market demands (Morales-Sanchez & Cabello-Medina, 2015). While strategic planning lays out a company's value proposition, tactical marketing specifies the marketing mechanism; it includes features such as promotion, pricing, and merchandising.
Lastly, effective marketers are fast to adapt to change. For instance, the rapid rise of e-commerce and social media is undeniable (Kotler & Keller, 2015). A massive amount of data is made available to consumers through the most common social sites. Hence, these platforms can reach a broader market as compared to fliers or billboards. In this regard, companies that are fast to adapt to new technological invention stand a better chance of higher sales than those who do not.
In conclusion, the verse mentioned above applies in the field of marketing management in diverse ways. For instance, it calls for discipline in minor actions, and, at the same time, it charges all members of an organization to observe and adopt specific traits to achieve success. Otherwise, employers and employees should be ready to bear with the consequences of their decisions.
Branislav Nerandzic. (2012). Personality and moral character traits and acknowledging the principles of management ethics, auditing and accounting ethics. African Journal of Business Management, 6(28).
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2015). Marketing management (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Morales-Sanchez, R., & Cabello-Medina, C. (2015). Integrating character in management: Virtues, character strengths, and competencies. Business Ethics: A European Review, 24, S156-S174.
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