The Wire a TV drama is a masterpiece that incorporates intriguing characters with various attributes thus making it hard to point out one individual to carry out a character analysis. However, after keen insight into the flow and happening in the drama, Roland Pryzbylewski (Prez) is the most interesting character with a close study of the roller coaster ride he resumes in Baltimore Police Department. Prez undoubtedly depicts several reasons to be involved in character analysis since he is one of the fiction's characters that have once engaged in the unruly behavior, careless appeals and later transformed and shifted to a different profession. The Wire is a TV program that aims at outlining the correctional plans and transformation of Prez the fictional Character whose real name is Jim True-Frost. This article aims at shading the light on Prez the fictional character, who worked as an undercover police officer but later engaged in unbecoming behavior that made him resign from correctional departments and then decided to a teacher.
Roland Prez is depicted as a panic-stricken fellow in an incident that he ended up shooting his patrol car in a panic and later called for a false police report. To add on that, he showed high-level of incompetency by afterward calling for a fake search to investigate the incident that brought about his car being shot. For that matter, he is therefore seen as a corrupt, hapless and hot-tempered police officer who can do all possible things to safeguard his position as a police officer. However, he is a talented code-cracker, and he proves to work better behind the scenes.
Additionally, Prezs father-in-law Stan Valcheck is the commander of the police department thus he might have acquired the job through fraudulent acts. Prez depicts a high-level incompetent skill after several instances of firing bullets accidentally in the office. The matter shows that Prez does not have the required training by his profession as undercover police. Confiscating Prezs weapon by Lieutenant Daniels indicates that Daniels had made an insight into his high-level of incompetency as a trained police officer.
Secondly, there another incidence that challenges the competency skills of Prez in his Job as an undercover policeman. In the second occurrence, Prez engages in the unwarranted physical assault of a particular Black man making him a Villain in the police department since he resulted in the loss of the Black mans eye. His acts of inciting a fight between them and a rioting group while was drunk shows that he is indeed in a wrong profession since as a police officer, he is supposed to show a better example and not to engage in fights with people thus misusing his firearm. The act was one of the unruly behavior that Roland ever engaged himself in thus making him be inevitably ranked in the category of unprofessional police officers.
Carelessness is a portion of Prezs character since the incidence that he ended up playing with the Barksdale pager codes and breaking them later ion Season one. All the things that Prez engages in depict that is a problem instigating fellow who should not be given a chance in a law enforcement agency. Notwithstanding the fact that Prez is the only police officer who made it a success for the investigation of the matter concerning Barksdale case, he portrayed incompetent aspects of a professional policeman in most of the actions that he took.
On the other hand, season two outlines that Prez was not satisfied with his task in the traffic police department after confessing to his father-in-law. It can be outlined that Prez was never given a good start for his desired department. For that matter, that act that contributed to the fact that he punched Valchek down and charged for the matter showed dissatisfaction that is withing the usual reactions that a person can end up after a series of abuses and curses from ones offender. Also, it cannot be proven Prez is a racist since, in Baltimore, there are more African-Americans than Whites hence the confrontation that led to the fight that ended up injuring one of the African American mans eye was not racially directed. With close analysis of the cases that Prez is involved in, it can be said that Prez is a short-tempered man who can react to anyone who provokes him. Additionally, regarding his intensity, as he denies being a racist, it is clear that Prez is a hot-tempered person who cannot allow anyone intimidate him not even his boss. In Season two, Valchek outlined that Prez wrote a letter of apology and participated in working at during midnight shifts for two months as a detective across the district. However, slapping his father-in-law was a sign of his loyalty to the team that was investigating Frank.
Additionally, Roland Prez was a brave but loyal fellow who feared not anyone who prevented him from doing his duty. Working for two months consecutively and writing an apology letter shows the extent by which Prezi is remorseful for the mistakes he did thus showing that emotions and not incompetency just guide his character. Towards the end of season two, Pryzbylewskis error of engaging in police brutality seemed to narrow after he had been involved in various forms of police brutality and survived lay off from the law enforcement departments because his father-in-law was the head. At the end of season two, Prezs character was transformed especially the time when Vischek tried to hide the crimes committed by Frank, and he was now not ready to be part of social violence and racial oppression as geared by the police departments.
In Season three, Prez shows a redeemed character and starts portraying charming characters and friendly association with people. His character change shows that it was not fit for him to take part in the fight against drug dealers. The horrific remembrance of the people Prez killed haunted him even though showing that he was not born to be a racist. For that matter, even Caroline Massy and Freamon Lester testified that he was not a racist and all that he did were in the line of duty of law enforcement officers. The society that Prez served also proved that no racism acts were in the actions that Prez took while performing his task. In addition to his smart mind that helped Barksdale to acquire the details the wiretap on the payphone, he also showed intelligence in dealing with students in his second career as a middle school teacher. Prez shows some excellent characters while in his second career as Middle-level school as a teacher. He participated in acts of assisting the neglected students like Duquan with food. However, the students that he helped also tested his character by stealing his possessions. Prez is a genuine and straightforward man since he passed the information about Randys murder case notwithstanding the fact that Randy was one of his friends and close associates. His attitude of helping students to advance in their studies shows that he is a sympathetic and empathetic person who likes seeing people succeed. Also, even though the school he resumed his work as a teacher had challenges, Prez adapts and gets along with his dedicated service to help the students showing that he is characterized to adapt to any situations so long as he is in the field of choice.
The aspects in season five outline a reformed Prez who hates lies and supports people with the basis of applying his support for the things that are constructive and ethical. In season five, Dukie having developed drug addiction was strongly warned by Prez that if he intended to use the money he borrowed from him to support his new lousy habit of drug use, then their friendship would be sacrificed. For that matter, Prez keeps his promise when he meets Dukie using the money he had borrowed him to buy drugs.
Lastly, Prezs personality is seen to be kind-hearted, but at the same time, he is seen to be incompetent while performing his street-level police duty. Prez is understood to be struggling to act as a kind and sober-minded guy since he tries too hard to be a big man thus he tends to be stuck in undesired situations. In his speech, he openly mentioned that he was incompetent police since he failed to identify himself as a corp (Penfold et al., 2011). For instance, he stated that it sounds like I was guilty in most of the aspects of my career thus he was seen as the most unmannered corp, but he was the most intelligent in all aspects he participated in.
In conclusion, Prez as a character in the wire TV program has passed a series of problems before letting his real character to be known to the audience. Although it has taken seasons after seasons while being misunderstood by his actions, it can be concluded that he was waiting for an opportune moment to let everyone to know what was in his mind. Despite the fact that many people together with the commanders thought and observed Prez be a racially guided chap, it has been seen that more Blacks inhabited Roland's patrol area than Whites hence any action against a criminal activity was taken to be violence against the black race. However, it is proven that Roland is not biased at all when he confronted and punched his father-in-law for limiting him from performing his duty. Later on, Roland showed that he was a remorseful person when he realized that he overreacted by hitting his senior inform of all his juniors. He then participated in a night shift duty for more than two months to show that any form of disobedience did not guide him but instead liked to work in the field of his choice. Categorically, Roland proved that he was not meant to work in forces but rather in an area where he could show sympathy and empathy for the people he served. It was seen when he was able to associate with the students he taught well then the way other teachers did. Moreover, Rolands kind heart made him assist any person who asked for his help so long as the support was not used for weird acts.
Work Cited
Penfold-Mounce, Ruth, David Beer, and Roger Burrows. "The wire as social science-fiction?." Sociology 45.1 (2011): 152-167.
The wire season 3. Retrieved from
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