Being that social psychology is recognized as a scientific study that revolve around how peoples feeling, behavior, and thoughts are influenced by actual, implied and imagines presence of others, it is important to note that the reference to implied or imagined other suggest that human beings are subjected to social influence even if no other individuals are present (Fiske,2009). This includes situations like, following internalized cultural norms and even when watching television. In this essay, much focus will be done on the study of how attitude predicts behavior as one of the core topics in social psychology. Since attitudes are involved in virtually every other portion of the discipline, involving interpersonal attraction, conformity, prejudice and perception, a social psychologist is in place to explain human behavior that comes as due to the interaction of social situations and interaction of immediate and mental states. This topic is so significant since attitude and behavior is the anchor and control day to day operation of every individual in the society.
Scientifically, one of the underlying assumptions that play an important role in the explanation of the link that is between attitude and behavior is actually that of consistency. This indicates that we usually or often raise expectation that the behavior of an individual should always be consistent with the attitudes that such individuals hold. Hence generating the principle of consistency where there exists great reflection on the idea that individuals are attempt and rational to demonstrate a rational behavior at all times and that individuals behavior is supposed to show consistency with their attitude. However, at times this principle may be identified to be sober one, it is quite clear that individuals do not all the time go with it. And to some extent indicate behaviors that are quite illogical means, for example, an individual who is smoking cigarettes and back in their mind they are living with the knowledge that smoking causes heart disease and lung cancer. Through this, it is a clear demonstration that affective and cognitive components of behavior dont not allow show any match within the individual behavior.
The relationship that exists between behavior and attitude forms one of the serious controversial topics in the social psychology. According to the definition presented by Vaughan and Hoggs, attitude can be described as the general evaluation or feeling about an issue, object or an individual as well as a relatively enduring organization of feelings, behavioral tendencies and beliefs towards socially important groups, symbols or even objects(Alsamydai, Alnaimi, & Dajani, 2015). Technically, by definition, there is an indication that shows a closer relationship between attitude and behavior, however with different research that coming out in social psychology the relationship between behavior and attitude is dominant.
From the various individual perspectives, attitude predicts behavior better. It has been in the past recognized that individuals who are high in self-monitoring ( thats the tendency of regulating behavior to meet social situations demands) tend to make various changes in their behaviors to match the social situation. However, this, in the long run, does not always act in managing their attitudes. What normally happens is that high self-monitors tend to have AN agreement with a statement like in different situations and with various individual, I most of the time act like a different individual, I guess I entertain show to entertain or impress individual.
When our attitudes guide our behavior
Social psychologist( as well as politicians, marketers, and advertisers) are more so interested when it comes to the behavioral aspect of attitude.Since normality is experienced in our daily operation of attitudes with a sign that attitudes are somehow consistent and our behavior tend to follow from our cognition and impact. For example is one is capable of determining that one has a more positive effect and more positive cognition towards French toast than waffles. It is significant to naturally predict and be certain in the process that an individual will have a higher chance of ordering French toast than waffles when it comes to taking breakfast in a restaurant. Additionally, one can have a great influence when they do something that will make you feel or even think towards French toast more positively. This will also increase once the likelihood of taking it for breakfast.
On the other hand, the principle of attitude consistency ( showing that for any provided attitude object, the cognition and behavior are in most cases in line with each other) hence its capable of predicting our attitude. Raising support to such an idea, most famous analysis have recognized that there is a substantial and significant positive correlation among the various components of attitudes, and attitudes that are directed on a self-report is not capable of predicting some of their behavior.
However, it is important to note that our attitudes are not the only factor that is capable of influencing our decision take action. Through Martin Fishbein theory, this theory of planned behavior bring three major variables that have a great impact on attitude toward the behavior, attitude-behavior relationship, perceived behavioral control and subjective norms which we have the belief that can make the transformation and can predict individual behavior (Summers, & AbdElKhalick,2018).
For example, imagine the case where Clinton is working to decide on whether to recycle some of his used phone batteries or just make sure that they are thrown away. Basically, through this, we recognize that his attitude towards recycling is positive, and what is running in his mind is that she is supposed to be doing it. However, the whole process takes time and work. In this case, it is then much easier just to dump them away. However, if Clinton has stronger feelings about the significance of recycling and if he is receiving a positive influence from family and friends and has higher ease of managing the whole process. Then what comes out is that she will have a stronger when it comes to conducting the whole process and likely have a greater chance to go after it. The fact is that since the theory of planned behavior was proposed, it has developed to become one of the greatly influential models that can be used to develop a prediction of planned behavior.
Comparatively, one other type of match that has a significant influence on attitude-behavior relationship concerns on how we are capable of measuring the behavior and attitude. It is important to note that attitude predicts behavior better when the attitude level is measured at a level that is quite similar to the predicted behavior. In most cases, the behavior tends to be specific hence it is important to have the measurement of attitude at one specific level. For example in raising questions like how frequent do you expect to take ice cream in the next coming month? Through such specific questions, a better platform is created, and a better predictor of some specific behavior and generally attempt is made in measuring the specific attitudes.
Attitudes are also predicted behavior in a better means for some individuals than others. Being that self-monitoring is referred to as individual differences in the tendency of attending to social cues to adjust to the social environment. An example of Magritte one is a position of wondering whether she is the kind of an individual who capable of being persuaded by the influence of peer pressure since is specifically concerned by others liking her. However, the case is that is Magritte is specifically concerned about going after her friends' social norms; then she will be capable of being resisting persuasion. Notably, high self-monitors are identified as individuals who tend to attempt blending into an existing social situation so that they can be liked and contrary to this case low self-monitor forms the contrary option. Since such individuals provide the allowance for a social situation to have a greater impact on their behaviors, then the relationship that exists between behavior and attitudes will be greatly weaker for a high self-monitors that it is demonstrated for a low self-monitors.
When the attitude is used to predict behavior, the influence will involve various variables such as the approaches to attitudes measurement. These include social norm, attitude strength, habits, and experience.
The match that exists between situations in which there exist an expression of attitude and engagement of behavior also matters, in that when a social situations match, there exist greater attitude-behavior correlation. Using an example of a sixteen-year-old student by the name Magrittes who report to her parents that she doesnt like and hate the idea of smoking cigarettes. However, the question that can be raised is that how sure is one that Magritte attitude will have to predict her behavior? On the other hand, would one be in a position or even show the willingness to bet that she never made attempt smoking when they are out with friends.
In providing general wisdom in the case of Magritte, attitude is expressed in one social situation in the situation she is hanging around with the parents and when the behavior of trying a cigarette is going to take place in various social situations, the moment she is out with the friends. What comes out, in general, is that the relevant social traditions are of course very different in two opposite situation. In Magrittes case, the friends might in their level convince Magritte to smoke, in spite of her first negative attitude, by making a great influence through peer pressure. Comparably, when the social situation in which behaviors are taking place is the same to the situation in which the attitude is expressed then one behavior is more likely to be consistent with the situation.
Even though it is at times not a big surprise to hear that our attitude is closely related to our behavior and it has the great chance of predicting our behaviors, it can be a serious surprise for to learn that individual behaviors have a great impact on our attitude. For example, it will make great sense that if I love any product from NIKE, I will buy them. However, this demonstrates that our behavior is normally predicted with our attitudes and the great surprise is that with more research the outcome at one point will achieve that behavior says a significant role and most cases they influence our attitudes. Notably, my attitude towards Nike may also become more positive if a decision is made based on whatever reasons to acquire some. Additionally, sense is also driven by love, what normally happens is that the love Charlie has for Charlene will make him work hard to propose marriage
According to the study that was conducted by Ajzen and Fishbein, the study focused on refining the link that exists between attitudes and behavior, showing that in some cases, attitude can be used to indeed predict one's behavior(Judge,Kammeyer & Hulin,2017). However, it is a great mistake when it used in predicting specific behavior from general attitudes. In most cases, specific attitude can be used when conducting a specific behavior prediction, and on the other hand, a general attitude can be used in the prediction of general behavior. However, this can be done through making use of multiple-act criterion as one unique behavioral index based on a general combination of various inclusions of some of the specific behavior. However, according to Fishbein and Ajzens theory, what comes out clear is that attitude alone can be used in predicting one's behavior. The intenti...
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