Although the telegraph was replaced by more convenient forms of communication like the telephone, the radio, fax, and internet, its invention was indeed a significant milestone in telecommunications. Developed in the 1930s and 1940s by Samuel Morse and other inventors, the telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication as it was the beginning of instant messaging. It vastly improved communication throughout the world by delivering messages over a short period as compared to previous forms of communication. The telegraph worked by transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations. Morse and Vail later created the Morse code that assigned letters in the alphabet and numbers, a set of dots and dashes based on the frequency of use ( Staff 1).
The advent of the telephone, radio, and internet overshadowed the telegraph that later lost its prominence. It is crucial to note that the telegraph stands as a turning point in world history as it paved the way for more efficient long-distance communication (Perles 3). This was because inventors who succeeded Morse relied on the principles of the telegraph system that they advanced to make more sophisticated communication devices. For this reason, it is evident that without the invention of the telegraph other forms of communication that depended on its operating system would never have been created. It has been established that many advancements and inventions are as a result of improving or studying previous works (Ogburn and Thomas 83). The telegraph indeed provided such a platform for more knowledge and ideas on telecommunication to be generated. Succeeding inventors could critically analyze the telegraph and establish its weaknesses and strengths that they used in further advancements. Take the telephone, for example; it employed almost the same technique as the telegraph the difference is that human voice could be transmitted through electricity in a telephone line while this wasn't possible with a telegraph. The telephone further led to the invention of the cell phone which was more sophisticated, portable and multipurpose. Without the telegraph, it would have taken so many years to make such life-changing devices.
The importance of the telegraph cannot be undermined since it contributed a great deal to molding our history. The effects of this telegraphic infrastructure were far-reaching, by 1872, the invention, quite literally, reached around the world with telegraphic cables stretching across Eurasia, North America, and the Atlantic Ocean. The telegraph altered the nature of commerce. Before the telegraph, many businesses were conducted on a regional basis but the telegraph brought about a significant boom in the commerce industry. Business people set commodity prices on opposite sides of the globe. Due to advancements in the telegraph, many companies opened subsidiaries internationally since it was now easy to manage them through effective communication. It also had a profound economic effect, allowing money to be wired across vast distances. The telegraph undoubtedly had a tremendous impact on the industrial revolution as it fostered the growth of industries.
The telegraph played a vital role in the American Civil War (1861-1865) as it enabled soldiers to acquire battlefield information quickly. Military commanders could pronounce orders to distant battlefields, and this was instrumental in war planning and strategy. The telegraph was associated with the end of the slave trade and the victory of the North in the civil war since it was very instrumental in navigating forces and efficiently organizing troops. The Morse code that assigned a set of dots and dashes to each letter of the alphabet was helpful for the simple transmission of complex messages through telegraphic lines. The telegraph also transformed political communication. States could now efficiently communicate with one another, and this helped foster good relations amongst states. Heads of states could conduct their state affairs more proficiently because of effective communication from crucial departments. For instance, the president could receive instant secret messages from his envoys abroad and military personnel which was pivotal in strategic planning. Policymakers could now promptly receive messages concerning crisis and thus able to react appropriately and resolve the issues more efficiently.
The telegraph also had a very crucial impact on diplomacy. Diplomatic engagements are significant as they guided the relations of states with each other. Initially, diplomats faced the laborious tasks of making decisions because they couldn't receive instructions from home on time. The telegraph changed all this as diplomats could now easily correspond with their sending states. This reduced the possibilities of errors within government, as deliberations and negotiations could make decisions. States could now positively engage with one another and resolve their disputes more efficiently than before.
The media could provide timely news over a short period as compared to previous methods that would take longer. Newspaper editors all over the country could share pieces of news promptly. Before the telegraph, editors mailed their papers to one another which was very slow and greatly hindered timely news coverage ( Staff 4,5). News now spread quickly over vast regions, and people became more up to date with current affairs even on issues happening in other countries. The telegraph was indeed a huge step towards connecting the world. It reduced distance and made the world much smaller and more connected than before. People from different parts of the world could now send telegrams to each other which facilitated communication of vital information.
Railroads were a very critical means of transportation during the industrial revolution. The telegraph enhanced communication between far-flung railroad stations since it was possible for instant communication making them operate efficiently. Before the telegraph, if a locomotive had to abort a departure then the communication would take a long time since it was dependent on horses, but the telegraph enhanced such communication and in the end facilitated smooth operations. Consequently, this improved American lives by allowing for massive transportation of goods over long distances which were available to consumers at lower prices.
Despite its immense contributions in commerce, politics, media and personal communication, the telegraph wasn't devoid of shortcomings. Communication through a telegraph was dependent on telegraph wires connected from one station to another. Therefore, a break on any point on the wire could significantly impair communication. The length of messages transmitted via telegraphs needed to be short because of the conversion time. This could, therefore, present a significant challenge to a recipient who could fail to comprehend the message appropriately. Telegraphs also require the knowledge of the Morse code that was their primary method of operation. Therefore, lack of understanding of the code meant that one could face a massive challenge in interpreting transmitted messages. Another demerit was that individuals could rarely access telegraphs since most of them were under the possession of governments, businesses, and large institutions. Companies that acted focal points for sending telegrams were established, and it could be expensive for individuals who wanted to send many messages. On the extreme end to say, the telegraph led to the soaring of many industries that may have negatively affected the environment due to increased pollution.
Despite its cons, the telegraph will continue to remain as an important invention of the 19th century. Its disadvantages do not account for a substantial argument as compared to the significant contributions it has made. Human beings were no longer under the tyranny of distance when it came to communication. The telegraph enhanced long-distance communication and provided a base for further developments. It undoubtedly had a tremendous impact on politics where it improved communication between policymakers, in commerce and industrialization where it saw the booming of businesses and the economy, in media where it facilitated instant news coverage and in personal communication where it hastened and eased long-distance communication among friends and relatives.
Technology is a never-ending journey where inventions and advancements are made almost every day especially in the current digital world, and it is sometimes difficult to keep up with the pace of modern technology. However, it is necessary that we appreciate previous inventions which were relevant in shaping our lives today. It is unfortunate that the telegraph has become nothing more but an embodiment of an obsolete technology. The telegraph is what gave the pathway for the phones and internet that we use today it should be an invention that should be held in high regards especially in the field of telecommunications.
Works Cited Staff. "Morse Code & the Telegraph." 2009. History .com. Document. 29th November 2017. <>.
Ogburn, William F. and Dorothy Thomas. "Are Inventions Inevitable? A Note on Social Evolution." Political Science Quarterly 37.1 (1922): 83-98. Document. 30 November 2017.
Perles, Carrie. "How did Samuel Morse Change America?" 2017. Document. 30 November 2017.
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