Drugs and substances consumption has been an issue of debate for a considerable period. Some states and countries have considered legalizing and delegalizing some substances based on their proven effects on human health, environment, and moral standards. The use of marijuana continues to be considered illegal in many states because of its perceived effects (Joffe). However, there are countries and states where the use of marijuana has been legalized based on the peoples interests and the perceived advantages over other substances. This paper aims to discuss the legalization of marijuana. It will focus on the pros of legalizing the substances consumption in different states.
Marijuana is not addictive as compared to other substances. Studies have indicated that people who consume this substance do not have traces of addictive behaviors. Smokers of cigarettes and users of other substances have a tendency to be addicted and the use become part of their lives. However, people who use marijuana can endure a prolonged period without an urge to use (Joffe). As such, the withdrawal process is simpler as compared to other smokers. Other products like coffee and tea are considered safe for human consumption and recognized as human food. However, the amount of caffeine in tea and coffee is more than one in tobacco. This caffeine is highly stimulus and will lead to addiction. Cannabis Sativa has Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is also considered as a stimulus. Nevertheless, the stimuli in coffee and tea is more addictive that in marijuana. Therefore, governments and authorities that have legalized marijuana have acted to the best interests of their peoples health and lifestyles.
Marijuana has less known health effects as compared to other legalized materials. In most places, studies have indicated that smokers of cigarettes are more susceptible to lungs and throat cancers. Contrary to this, marijuana has not to date been linked to any health hazard or life-threatening effects (Swift). Therefore, it would be moral to legalize marijuana because it will pose fewer health challenges to the people.
Legalization of marijuana will reduce harm to human health. Traditionally, people have consumed substances without health support and enlightenment on the pros and cons. However, with the legalization of the practice, there will be the creation of an awareness among the users on the best way of its consumption. Further, there is a usual trend of considering some groups as users based on their colors. The practice has led to criminalization of groups based on color and race leading to suspicion within the society. If the use of marijuana is legal, the harms posed to blacks and marginal groups will end (Swift). Additionally, there will be reduced factors of stigmatization because the contemporary community considers the marijuana users as criminals. Therefore, there will be lower cases of violence and crimes because the governments will ensure an ease access to the substance and a free environment for the users without discrimination.
There will be the creation of employment opportunities. Like other substance industries like cigarettes, the marijuana farmers, packers, and sellers will earn a living, more opportunities will be created for the youths further addressing the issue of unemployment. Studies have reported that legalizing marijuana will create countries largest cash crop in many areas. Additionally, the crop growth is adaptable in many environments and can be compatible with other crops (Leyton). Therefore, more farmers will benefit from the growth of the product as well as the entire industry. Again, the economic development will be eminent. As the marijuana industry expands, more taxes will be paid as government revenue increasing the sources of funds for other social and fundamental growths. The government will regulate the sale of marijuana. Hence, the provision of sale and use licenses will create an additional source of revenue.
People will save more money in the search for scarce substances and court cases. In some states where marijuana is legal, industries use more money to search for the substance which in these countries is scarce. On the other hand, the users in areas where its use is illegal to use more monies to finance court cases in the criminal justice system. Therefore, there would be a demand satisfaction if more countries legalize marijuana (Leyton). The users will save their income because the product will be made more available to the people and the criminal justice system will not consider it a crime to be in possession of bhang.
The governments should invest more in protecting and promoting health safety of the people. Legalized substances are easier to control and monitor. Further, people will be made aware of the amount of such product that they ought to use without harm. In the current situation, people continue to use marijuana but without the relevant information on the amount that would be safe for their health. Consequently, they tend to suffer the effects of excessive consumption and loss of health. As such, the government invests more in creating rehabilitation and correction centers as opposed to using of such funds in creating awareness on the safe use of substances. Therefore, the government ought to invest more in promoting and protecting peoples health.
Conclusively, legalizing and regulating marijuana will promote peoples lifestyles. The government will only ensure that the substance does not get in hand of specific groups like minors. People will consume the product openly without fear and in a civilized manner. When the substance is legal, its consumption will not appear abnormal, and its supply will be open to the public. Finally, there will be reduced criminal activities and gangs related to the use of marijuana.
Work Cited
Joffe, Alain, and W. Samuel, Yancy. Legalization of Marijuana: Potential Impact on Youths. Pediatrics Journal 113.6 (2014): e632-e638.
Leyton, Marco. Legalizing Marijuana. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience 41.2 (2016): 75-76. Web
Swift, Art. For the First Time, Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana. Gallup Politics (2013)
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