An organization setting is meant to comprise a lot of people with different cultures which lead to different behaviors. The organization, therefore, against all odds unites all these people to become one; working with the same behavior and as per the culture of the organization. The organization makes use of several mechanisms to ensure that the people working within it can to freely interact amongst one another despite whatever differences that may exist between them, for instance, race, ethnic backgrounds, religious, and political ideologies (Kourti, 2016). This paper aims to provide an in-depth exploration of organizational behavior.
Theory to Improve Performance in Existing Organizations.
An organization primarily aims at providing its best for its consumers so that the team can realize maximum sales in its production. The performance of the organization needs to be maintained to a higher standard so that the output can be of high quality. Individual behavior and personality have a big role to play when it comes to the performance of a body. As such, one theory that can be devised to govern the manner in which the performance of the organization is sustained with regards to the individual behavior and personality is self-actualization.
Self-actualization requires an individual to use all that he or she has to offer for the group to make the organization a better place to be and work in. When everybody realizes that they have to be self-driven while working within the organization, the team is more likely to acquire a lot as a result of good input for quality output. The manner in which the people working in an organizational setting handle themselves matters for the latter output. People have to be on the best of their behaviors not to be forced around or supervised while working and still end up producing high-quality services for the organization. The staff working in the existing organizations have to clear off their personality differences for them to perform optimally towards achieving the goals set by the organizations.
Emotional intelligence and individual behavior
People working within an organization have different ways of expressing their feelings based on the condition that appertains to a reaction. Having a group of individuals with a high sense of emotional intelligence working in an organization, calls for a lot of respect from people outside the organization including the consumers (Van Dyne & LePine, 1998). A freely interactive environment for the workers, leaders, and the subordinates reflects positively when it comes to the performance and output of an organization (Chuang, Church, & Zikic, 2004; Kontogiannis, 2010). Anybody working in the organization has to keep his or her emotions in check not to let the emotions influence the way in which another person might behave or react within the organization.
Being of good character within the proximity of the organization facilitates smooth running of activities at the organization. The leaders have to set a direction for the employees to follow in the organization with regards to behavior; when the leaders behave maturely, then the employees will have no other option other than behaving in the same way (Akila & Thangavel, 2013; Liu & Liu, 2013). The coworkers and the subordinates must be able to fully cooperate with other people in the body (Brownlee & Motowidlo, 2011). Emotional intelligence calls for a good response to customers in spite of the mood which one may be in. The manner in which a person from the team will respond to a customer will have an impact on the customers view of the organization.
Motivation and Performance
According to Cherry (2016), intrinsic motivation is the behavior that is directed by rewards internally. The people working in an organization are required to appreciate the significant role played by the management for having employed them and bring out the best in them without being pushed around. Allowing the employees to actively participate in the activities hosted by the management of the organization. With intrinsic motivation, the employees are required to give out their best due to the inner driving force that drives them towards what they are best in performing for the organization.
The management needs to motivate the workers in the organization for them to feel that their efforts are being appreciated; this encourages the workers to be more than willing to give the best inputs while executing their duties at the organization (Baldegger & Gast, 2016). The motivation of workers enables a firm to grow effectively when it comes to matters related to performance. Drawing of various initiatives aimed at enhancing the organizations growth by actively involving all the relevant parties such as the workers, the investors, and the subordinates with directives from the management create a good ground for consumers to gain interest in the services offered by the organization (Van Dyne & LePine, 1998).
Setting goals for the organization provide a sense of direction for the staff towards achieving the set goals. The goals set by the management should be high and achievable. An abnormal setting of goals such that they are unachievable is more likely to hinder the growth and development of the organization. The management has to make sure that everyone working in the organization is aware of the goals which it has set for the organization so that they work knowing what is expected of them.
Interpersonal and Group behavior related to performance
Interpersonal skills are essential requirements for workers in an organization as they help the employees and the management to interact well amongst themselves and with other people out of the organization (Kontogiannis, 2010). Good interpersonal skills are a warrant for better performance for an organization. Organizing various social activities for the organization with a requirement of all workers and the management involvement without exemptions in instances such as parties unites the people within the organization. Any social groups which the employees might come up with from the organizational relation should be supported as this strengthens the bond among the workers thus fostering better performance for the organization (Van Dyne & LePine, 1998).
National and Organizational values and culture
Culture will always have a big role to play in the manner in which people perform in a certain setting, whether small or big. An organization, a company, or a firm has to adapt to the cultural practices of the community within which it operates from. Any violation of the cultural practice or disregard of the latter is most likely to hinder a firm from carrying out its services in a community. Organizational culture is to comprise of practices such as innovation which guides the employees towards better performance within the organization by the bringing in of new ideas for the growth of the organization (Dodge, et al., 2017).
At a national level, the cultural proximity within which organizations can operate should be considered to allow for many organizations to execute their services for the country. The national culture will have an impact on the performance of all the organizations that exist within the jurisdiction of the country (Skerlavaj, Su, & Huang, 2013). National culture should aim at incorporating all the people from the diverse communities to work together for optimal performance within the various organizations which they choose to work from. The country has to allow people exploit their innovative skills in coming up with different ideas that are meant to create employment opportunities for the citizens and earn the country foreign exchange (Magnier-Watanabe & Senoo, 2010).
Power and influence
The management of an organization needs to have effective leadership skills that efficiently govern the workers within the organization. How an organization is led by its management will affect how the people working within the organization operate. Bad leadership will end up derailing the growth of the organization, whereas good leadership will stimulate effective performance and growth of the organization. The leaders in the organization are required to exercise their powers in a fair manner without inappropriately governing the employees as this affects how the workers relate, operate, and produce within the organization (Conger & Kanungo, 1988).
Communication has to sustained effectively between the management and the workers so that whatever the workers have an issue is addressed to enable them to perform effectively. Poor communication systems between the management and the workers pose a high chance of a drawback for the organization (Ahuja & Carley, 1998) Active involvement of the workers in policy development and implementation makes them feel they presume a significant part of the organization which motivates them while working (Belias & Koustelios, 2014). The decisions made by the management of an organization should also involve the participation of the employees.
Organizational change and development
As time goes by, an organization will always have an urge to enforce some changes in its system to conform to the competition from the external environment. The changes which the organization goes through during a certain period to achieve a desired goal form part of a transformation process (Spector, 2013). The world has turned into a global village; this requires that organizations keep up with the augmenting changes in operations as far as technological systems are concerned. With the rise in competition in the economic environment, the organizations are forced to produce quality products and services which will attract a lot of customers and realize many sales. Edging out any factors that might be hindering the organization from growing is one way through which change can be implemented in the organization.
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