Lowe, M. R. (2007). Research into the Representation of Gender and Body Image in the Press. Master's thesis, The University of Leeds) Retrieved from http://ics. leeds. ac. uk/pg study/mashowcase/mlowe. Pdf.
This peer-reviewed article is an integration of visual and textual examination of the press treatment and presentation of the femininity and masculinity and body image. The researcher conducted an extensive content analysis of the British national newspapers examining how the press portrays gender and aspects of body image including appearance, weight, size, and beauty. This source is significance for studying the concept of gender in the American popular culture because it foregrounds the power of the graphic and audial representation of males and females through their images. The main strength of this source is that the researcher can use it to generate a large amount of reliable information. However, the article may raise contradicting opinions because the visual pictures portrayed in the newspapers may not present the real persons personality.
Aboim, S. (2010). Family and gender values in contemporary Europe: The attitudinal gender gap from a cross-national perspective. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 9(1), 33-58.
In this peer-reviewed article, the researcher uses the information from the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) 2002 on family and changing gender roles to examine the diversified attitudes towards the contemporary family values and gender relations. This source is relevant for studying gender in the American popular culture because it reveals the attitudinal gender gap regarding the family roles. The primary strength of this article is the authors ability to provide a logical exploration of the concept. However, it is difficult to draw a convincing conclusion from the article because the researcher based his argument on numerous probability samples.
Matanle, P., Ishiguro, K., & McCann, L. (2014). Popular Culture and Workplace Gendering among Varieties of Capitalism: Working women and their Representation in Japanese Manga. Gender, Work & Organization, 21(5), 472-489.
In this peer-reviewed article, the researchers are examining the Japanese media depiction of the working female gender to address the issue of workplace gender inequality. This source is relevant for understanding the topic of gender and popular culture because it reflects the interaction between the media, gender, and work in the current society. The main strength of this article its ability to pinpoint important implications for further research concerning the subject. However, the authors assumptions that women experience more severe impacts of workplace gender inequality than men is not persuasive as the study sample was drawn from a single culture.
Popa, D., & Gavriliu, D. (2015). Gender representations and digital media. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 180, 1199-1206.
This peer-reviewed article presents an integration of discourse analysis and content analysis in examining the relationship between gender and digital media. This source identifies the emerging images of the new gender hence relevant for understanding the concept of gender studies. The main strength of this article is that the topic is relevant in the contemporary world of technological developments. However, the source may not be reliable for analyzing the social environment of gender because of the rapid changes in digital technology.
Espinosa, D. (2010). Gender roles in the media and debunking societys stereotypes: Glee as a pop-culture reflection. A Capstone Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Counselor Education at Winona State University.
In this peer-reviewed article, the researcher demystifies the gender-based stereotypes in the society by examining various gender roles in the media using a feminist approach to analyze Gee, a television show. This source is relevant for understanding the concept of gender in the American popular culture because it highlights the role of the media in deconstructing the existing gender stereotypes. The primary strength of this article is its ability to provide a practical basis for redefining gender to the young population. However, the article depicts elements of researcher bias in selecting and criticizing the stereotypes.
Lightfoot, L. (2016, 14 January). Sexuality and Culture: the Appeal of Studying Gender at University. Courses focused on sexual inequality and diversity can be a key step towards Careers in Charities and Academia. The Guardian.
The author of this article urges the universities and learning institutions to consider gender studies because of its importance in academic research and career. Published by The Guardian, a popular newspaper, the article is relevant for understanding the relationship between gender and academic and professional development. The main strength of this article is that it presents an area of interest for the current researchers. However, it only provides an overview of the topic hence unreliable.
Torregrosa, L. L. (2010, 21 December). Pop Culture Creates New Heroines. The New York Times. The New York Times.
In this New York Times article, the author applauds the positive impacts of popular culture on the feminine gender. It is relevant in the study of gender because it depicts the role of popular culture in the eradication of the negative gender stereotypes and attitudes towards women. The main strength of this article is that it provides an elaborate explanation of how popular culture has influenced the contemporary female positively. However, it is difficult to ascertain the credibility of the data from this source because it is based on individuals opinion.
Miller. C. C. (2015, 26 May). The 24/7 Work Cultures Toll on Families and Gender Equality. The New York Times.
The author of this New York Times article explores the influence of the current work culture on gender equality and families. This source is relevant for studying the relationship between gender and family roles and career development. The primary strength of this article is that it provides the qualitative and quantitative facts concerning the subject. However, the explanations are narrow.
Miller. M. (2015, 15 June). Game of Gender Roles: Popular Culture and Women. TheHumanist.com.
This article from The Humanist website explores the media attribution of the feminine gender as presented in popular American television shows. This article is relevant to understanding the role of new media in defining the concept of feminine gender. That main strength of the article is that it presents multiple sets of approaches to understanding the polarization of women and gender equality. However, the content of the source may be subjected to author bias because of personal opinions and interpretation of the show.
Griggs, B. (2015, I1 June). Americas Transgender Moment. CNN.
The author of this article drawn from CNN recognizes 215 as the year that the transgender individuals received full recognition from the American President and media. This article is relevant in studying the emerging gender issues in the contemporary society and can be used to highlight the historical emergence of transgenderism. The main strength of this article is that the author refers to the experiences of the transgender individuals to back up his description. However, the article only highlights the negative perspectives surrounding the aspect of transgender hence making comparisons may be difficult.
Aboim, S. (2010). Family and gender values in contemporary Europe: The attitudinal gender gap from a cross-national perspective. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 9(1), 33-58.
Espinosa, D. (2010). Gender roles in the media and debunking societys stereotypes: Glee as a pop-culture reflection. A Capstone Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Counselor Education at Winona State University.
Griggs, B. (2015, I1 June). Americas Transgender Moment. CNN.
Lightfoot, L. (2016, 14 January). Sexuality and culture: the appeal of studying gender at university. Courses focused on sexual inequality and diversity can be a key step towards careers in charities and academia. The Guardian.
Lowe, M. R. (2007). Research into the representation of gender and body image in the press. Master's thesis, The University of Leeds) Retrieved from http://ics. leeds. ac. uk/pg study/mashowcase/mlowe. Pdf.
Matanle, P., Ishiguro, K., & McCann, L. (2014). Popular culture and workplace gendering among varieties of capitalism: Working women and their representation in Japanese Manga. Gender, Work & Organization, 21(5), 472-489.
Miller. C. C. (2015, 26 May). The 24/7 Work Cultures Toll on Families and Gender Equality. The New York Times.
Miller. M. (2015, 15 June). Game of Gender Roles: Popular Culture and Women. TheHumanist.com.
Popa, D., & Gavriliu, D. (2015). Gender representations and digital media. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 180, 1199-1206.
Torregrosa, L. L. (2010, 21 December). Pop Culture Creates New Heroines. The New York Times. The New York Times.
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