A state is a territory that has a political structure and constitutes of a group of people that rule over the rest of the people. An example of a state that began in the early years and still has this kind of structure is the United States.A state has four essential components. The first element is the population. Without people to rule over or lead would mean that the territory is not sufficient. Secondly, there should be a government that comprises of a group of people elected by the population to lead and rules on their behalf. They help accomplish goals that the people chose them to achieve. The third critical component is the presence of sovereign power over their territory. Without an area, it would not be possible for the leaders to determine the region of governing. The level of technology has dramatically increased which has caused an increase in globalization in various states. Globalization is the increase in the level of international interactions which has led to the rise of trade, migration, and sharing of knowledge between different people of different states. This essay explores in depth the historical origin of the rules of America, the effects of globalization, and the challenges experienced during globalization of these states.
There exist different types depending on the power that their leaders hold. Some states have leaders have total control of their territories and do not subject their leadership to other higher powers. However, some states answer to other leaders in other states. Some countries such as Switzerland have federal states where they have a federal government that controls how these states are managed (Lomawaima, Tsianina 50). A country like America is made up of states that have existed for over two centuries. These states are unique because the national government does not rule over them but share power with leaders of these states. This sharing of power means that the Federal government does not have the right to pass laws that their leaders do not agree to unless there are forced to do the same (Lomawaima, Tsianina 54). The history of American states dates back to the colonialism era. The British and the French were responsible for the colonization of the states. Although this country gained independence in the year 1776, the impacts of these two countries are still evident up to now. During the British colonization, they ruled harshly against the Americans where they raised taxes to substantial amounts that were tough for the Americans to pay (Ward, Harry 45). They also manipulated resources such as fur trade to their benefits which increase their own country greatly but deteriorated the American economy. This dictatorship rule by the British led to the establishment of troops whose purpose was to drive away the colonizers. This army managed to disperse the British from the North thus gaining control of Boston and other colonies in this area. The prominent leader at the time was George Washington. The British dispersed to the south (Ward, Harry 50).
During the colonization period, British leaders divided the Northern America into 13 separate territories. Each region had its leader that reported to the supreme leader. After the end of the colonial period, the American leader at the time decided that they would remain with the 13 regions which took the name state instead of colonial territories (Ward, Harry 67). Each state had its leader. During this period these states were ruled under the Article of Confederation that provided the leaders with almost all the mandate of the same. However, small powers were given to the national government but were not enough for the stability of the government thus formulated a new constitution. The French also assisted the Americans to gain their independence by helping them to drive the British entirely out of American territories. After the British left, the American leader at the time performed Louisiana trade that was meant to increase the area that belonged to the Americans by buying some part of France. With this extensive land, there was a need to develop more territories as a way of helping the development. George Washington with the help of other government officials made policies that showed the way the land was to be divided equally with equal distribution of resources to develop the rest of the 50 states that are present up to date (Ward, Harry 80). With these states and the new constitution, it was easier for the two governments to work together to achieve development that has made this country one of the most successful economic nations in the world.
Although globalization has had positive impacts on the economic, cultural and social of the states, challenges are still evident which threaten the stability of the states. The first problem that the sovereignty of these states is affected in three ways. The first way in which the sovereignty of the states is getting challenged is the effect of terrorism that has become a worldwide problem. Through globalization, different kinds of people are allowed into the states. Although some of these people have good intentions, some have evil plans of destroying the economy and political stability of the country. When terrorism occurs, it shakes the government of a state making it more vulnerable to attacks and no longer can depend on itself. For instance, these American states have the mandate and power to rule over themselves with little or no governance from the national government. However, when this kind of attack occurs, the government is forced to engage its troops and military to assist the state cope with the problem (James, Paul 49). The attack that occurred in Washington called for all support from the military and other states to assist in the rescue and also chaptering of the perpetrators. The other way in which the states sovereignty get challenged is through private sectors. With organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), some of the sectors have too much power that can threaten the power of a state. For instance, these companies have the mandate to sue the state government if it does not meet the required demands which means that the state governments power is challengable by the legal charges from these companies (James, Paul 51). A states central role is to have total control over different aspects of the American citizens. This control ranges from various elements such as communication, markets, and institutions among others. However, this effect of states on these fields is decreasing with more global advancement which is proving to be a challenge to the governance. American states would prefer a situation where they can control the modes of communication and the information that flows in them. Different states outside America have started broadcasting centers and other channels of communication that allow the members of American states have access to these new ideas without the consent of the government.
Globalization means that different people get to interact at a social level. It shows that at some point, there is the creation of relationships even though they are short terms. One challenge about these kinds of interactions is that the states do not have control over peoples lifestyles. Therefore, when infected people interact, they may result in the spread of these diseases to even those that were not affected. Example of such a condition is AIDS transmitted through sexual relationships. The government of these states is forced to formulate ways and also supply more funds to health centers to help create more awareness which causes more resources to get drained for the states revenue to assist the health centers (James, Paul 60). Additionally, there may be an outbreak of diseases across the states. At airports, there is strict checking of the travelers luggage. However, there are no health check-ups which means that a person infected with a dangerous disease can quickly spread it across the states. This spread will affect the health stability of the state and may also affect the economy of these altered states since business will not be carried out as usual. Some people may even fear traveling to these states when such incidences occur.
The other challenge is that there are increased reports of unemployment after globalization took effect. Some states outside America have provided business opportunities for companies in American states. These opportunities are as a result of the lowered taxation at the borders and also the cost of the workforce in these states. Since every company is interested in realizing profits, the search for states where their ideas will be achieved and at a lower cost which has led to many other these companies moving their businesses from their home states to the new states which favor their aspirations. This movement has affected civilians very negatively. It has left many of the previous workers unemployed and looking up to the state government to help them get their jobs back. These unemployment rates have increased as more global advancement is occurring. It has led to more civilian movements that riot in streets is demanding that the state look at their issues and stop the movement of companies from their states ((James, Paul 78).Change of these businesses also affect the states income since the tax paid by the employees and even the company itself is no longer available. Another effect of globalization is that there are cheap products imported into the country through the different trade agreements put in place. These products are so affordable in that the citizens of these nations opt for these products rather than their homemade products.
With the increase in globalization, there is an increase in trade between different states which means that there are more products sold in various states. Although check-up during trade between states is thorough, there are still high chances that some products may slip the check-up points. Some of these products that pass these check-up might be of lower standards or harmful to the health of the citizens which means that the state is at a higher risk of suffering from these products if the infections were dangerous (Lyubashitset al., 277). For instance, the states of America found numerous vehicles that had some faulty equipment which was an indication that even with all this check-up, some illegal products still manage to pass through unchecked which may lead to significant losses by the states because of the faulty products. Even eating products such as fish and other agricultural products that are not up to the standards may find their way into the states without realization.
In conclusion, globalization has affected the states of America both positively and negatively. This essay has focused on the negative impacts of this trade.For instance, there are higher chances of importation of products that are not yet to the right quality. These products range from agricultural products to machinery. Other challenges the state face is the loss of sovereignty due to more power having an advantage on companies and also on other organization such as the media who can now spread information around the state without exercising its mandate. The additional challenge facing these states is the loss of employment due to the globalization of companies to other states that have lower labor force and lower taxes. Lastly, there are higher chances of disease spread across these states due to unmonitored transports across the states. The states of America originated early before the gain of independence through the territories that were first made by the British colonialists. Afterwards, the government bought more land and set up plans to divide the nation equally to develop the 50 states.
Work Cited
James, Paul. "Faces of globalization and the borders of s...
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