Lucifer was previously angel and indeed was so much exalted. The meaning of his name was the giver of light but unluckily he lost his grace due to his refusal to the recognize God as the creator of Adam. Eventually, he got banished to Hell and became the source of evil and devils itself. The devil formulated his objective of exposing the evil in manhood via temptations in indulging in evil things. According Zimbardo, (2007), it is in-fact this metaphor that has generated inspiration from his side to well on the research on the Transformations of the characteristics of human beings as that which is not dramatic but instead the ordinary one despite the good persons starting to engage in evil deeds for either shorter or longer durations that lead them being classified as evil.
Zimbardo, (2007) started with the work on the "The Stamford Prison Experiment". A section of students was on random basis assigned to be prisoners or guards for a duration of two weeks where they were to conduct an experiment on the issues that conform to the social responsibilities. The guards assumed their responsibilities in a good manner such that ended up in bullying and harassing of the prisoners as well causing dehumanization on them. For instance, Zimbardo alone ended up in losing his detachment and thus becoming embroiled in the duty as governor of the prison. In future, his wife while visiting the mock jail ensured that Zimbardo came to his sense and experiment after being out control was shut after a six-year period. The fact is that the experiment realized its objective in showing how good people are capable of learning very fast in doing bad things. During this period, Zimbardo ensured that during this time he was able to understand the processes that lead to the people succumbing to the Lucifer Effect and what needs to be done in order to earn protection from it.
Symptoms of Lucifer effect
In his research study on The Lucifer Effect', Zimbardo found out the major factor within the workplace in the treatment of a group that less favourable as the Dehumanizing process' of the group (Butler, 2010). The process entails the taking of the victims humanity and the reduction of them to less and more animalistic kind of status. The instance is attained following propaganda and may be realized in several manners as suggested in the below examples.
Hitler and the Jews:
Children within the school were forced to follow stories that portrayed Jews in increasingly negative form of light. Jews despite being greedy to appear different with clothes that are strange clothes as well.
Racial type of stereotyping that entail the use of psychological variations to give a suggestion of the lower form of intelligence, cunning and degenerative form of natures
Within camps that take away the clothe, name, hair and even the body possessions of the thin bodies so that they no longer appear human
Faces representing enemies to motivate the soldiers in fighting
Use of stereotypes representing faces, uniformity and other features to create inspiration of hatred
Images depicting them as rapists and molesters of children
Images depicting them as the powerful, cold and also alien
Strange Fruit
Abel Meeropol documented the words associated with the Billie Holiday song in a relationship with the lynching of the young black men in the southern section of the states within the USA during the early period of the 20th century. The unique fruit are the dead bodies that have been to hang from trees
Trophy photographs captured by the people at places where lynching was going on such as the big game hunters offering services to the turn dead young, black men towards the dead game
Trophy photographs captured by Lindy England and his colleagues at Abu Ghraib that show of the naked prisoners from Iraq in pyramids and being directed close to the naked on the leads and made to engage in acts that appeared sacrilegious towards the religious beliefs.
Soldier composing a trophy picture in the Abu Ghraib Irak prison
Dehumanizing language
Language may be utilized in a manner that that leads to the removal of the act of inhumanity. The death of the six million in a number of the Jews was termed as the last solution. Committing murder on civilians in any form of conflict has been referred to as a collateral form of damage and also committing murder of people from one's generation has been on the other hand termed as friendly fire'.
Influence of Lucifer effect on sexual harassment in workplace
With respect to how researchers give its definition, Stevens, (2011) noted that close to the 18% and the 70% of the workforce in the US has undergone some form of sexual harassment at their respective workplaces. Some scholars make use of the term harassment in an interchangeable manner while others give its definition in a different manner as well. Sexual harassment takes places in its own way within the workplace due to the victim's characteristics and the abuser. Many people seem to be conversant with the schoolyard type of bully. In this scenario, the tough guy often manhandles the weak and may at times be in groups of people assisting him or her in doing the act. Sexual harassment of persons within the places of work may appear to be strong, creative and also loved by those who perpetrate it. The sexual harassment behaviour often has a target of the victims who have greater importance to the institution but a threat to the boss or bosses. Through intimidation, exclusion, threats and cases of humiliation, the perpetrators often succeed in the neutralization of the victims competency. Eventually, the victim ends up developing cases such as insomnia, lack of concentration, anxiety, intestinal problems and heart diseases as well.
Lim & Cortina, (2005) established that sexual harassment tends to thrive because of vacuum leadership. Weak, overburdened or incompetent and corrupt administration is the tenets that promote the development of the acts of the sexual within the workplace. Workplaces that report incidences of sexual harassment need to see the administration authorities before late for further actions. Where the administration offers training, resolution of conflicts, disciplinary measures and defines zero embracing policy on the behaviour, it then places a chance in the recovery of the workplace.
In any case one has a belief of incidence of sexual harassment within his or her place of work; such an employee needs to take action as soon as possible. Many people often tend to be reluctant towards these incidences with the hope of the vices stopping or may not become very worse. However, sexual harassment tends to grow worse as time elapses, in any case, it is not stopped. In scenarios where one workgroup tends to be alienating an individual, by use of gossip or jokes to identify an aspect or engaging in conversation on an issue such as, I doubt whether any of our members may be tempted to engage in such discussions', or hey, that appears not cool. We have not option but to send an invitation to each and every person'. Baddeley, (2015) noted that the only crucial thing for the evil to win a battle is definitely for the good men to engage in doing nothing. Normally, what it requires is one person to go against what is morally right in what Zimardo (2007) terms as the the Lucifer Effect'. Further to this, Zimbardo furnishes what belief to be a good advice in knowing on the way resists the social forms of pressure that lead to people engaging in or committing bad things. Most victims often end up being embarrassed when engaging in discussions pertaining to the humiliation treatment they get while in their workplaces. Some do not want to do the same since they fear being classified as petty or on the hand also as paranoid. According to Bowling & Beehr, (2006), in his research studies established that one lady was wondering if she indeed was becoming paranoid after she started developing worries of the possibility of her tormentors following her up to her home and eventually cause damage to her family. Butler, (2010) stressed that one where one has a belief of being a victim of sexual harassment, then such a person should resort to using the below suggestions in order to remain healthy all the time and also fight back as well;
Maintain detailed, updated data on all forms of harassment. A section though not all forms of harassment forms of actions is illegal. Comprehensive records may assist in the protection of oneself and the interests as well.
Engage in discussions with the family, close friends and workmates so that you may come up with a strategy of attacking the problem.
Make a report to the department of the Human Resource
Book an appointment the professional offering assistance to the employees
For cases with symptoms such as insomnia and intestinal problems, one needs to seek medication
Seek referral to the managing director or the insurance company for competent counselling. This stands a chance in the prevention of the development of severe symptoms and also offer an optional fight towards the war
Engage in the daily management of stress practices such as exercise, meditation, good diet and social for of relationships.
Refraining from joining opposing camps
Ekvall, (2014) noted that in cases where age, race, gender or any other form of title VII protections become an issue, one may enjoy some legal backing. Similarly, the whistleblower's laws may be applicable as well. In spite of this, most cases of sexual harassments may lie between the cracks linking the legal and personnel based policy of protection. In such situation, one may still seek good treatment. Also, one should not forget about practising on the management of stress, coming up with plans and also not giving up as well.
How to recognize and avoid Lucifer effect in organizations
According to Zimbardo (2017), he agitated for being mindful of ones context, feelings and situations by following the below steps as ways of recognizing and avoiding the Lucifer effect in institutions;
Accepting mistakes instead of wasting time in the justification of oneself; that is move on.
Being mindful and critical of the language and actions of other people
Assume the responsibility for the actions committed
Being clear on one's individuality and the identification as well as the enjoyment of the same.
Respecting the authority in place though also resist the unjust types of authorities as well
Ensure balancing of the desire for acceptance through a group with the need for personal identity
Being vigilant through being aware of the way of expressing ideas
Develop thoughts on the time-based context; decisions that lack time consequences
Never sacrifice freedom for cases of illusion on security
Kolthoff, E. (2016) adds that the above present on the long way ranging from the innocence of beans within a jar that encompasses the Ghraib. However, if Zimbardo (2017) was right, then we have all the responsibility for the prevention of our Lucifer from assuming the responsibility.
Baddeley, G. (2015). Lucifer Rising: Sin, Devil Worship & Rock'n'Roll. Plexus Publishing.Bowling, N. A., & Beehr, T. A. (2006). Workplace harassment from the victim's perspective: a theoretical model and meta-analysis.
Butler, R. P. D. F. E. (2010). Sex: Abuse, Pain, Deliverance. Xulon Press.
Ekvall, A. (2014). Gender equality, attitudes to gender equality, and conflict. In Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence: Part A (pp. 273-295). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Kolthoff, E. (2016). Integrity Violations, White-Collar Crime, and Violations of Human Rights: Revealing the Connection. Public Integrity,...
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