China is based on a complex political system that has been hard to understand by the westerners. The historical, political system of China dates to ancient times when emperors were ruling the country. They were the sole decision makers who imposed laws on people. However, the current China is more democratic as compared to three decades ago. The political system of the country has greatly changed as the country becomes more adaptive to the present world dynamics of economic changes. The Communist Party of China was founded in 1921 which led to the formation of the people's republic of China. CPC is the ruling and only party of China since 1921 to date. China is based on an authoritarian rule of government where decision making is hierarchal. The ruling party has been strong and a key focus for other world countries who study political science development. For a long time, CPC has been able to suppress any political challenges that threaten the party's regime. At the moment, CPC is facing objections due to environmental degradation, urban-rural equality and the influence of foreign media which has shifted people's perception of one party democracy. From everyone's point of view, environmental degradation threatens more than the other two.
Communist Party of China was considered indestructible all over the world; many scholars had considered the party durable. The party had developed mechanisms to cope with political challenges that stood on its way. For a long time, CPC has been able to suppress any political challenges that threaten the party's regime. It maintained its authoritarian resilience for a long time, the party has ruled for decades. However, the existence of CPC has come under new threats as the country gradually changes from authoritarian resilience to democracy. The authority of decision making originates from the party's top governance, but at this time of age, it had to consider consultations with other parties to be able to administer its authority. There are fears for the fall of a single party rule in China as the days go by. The party has encountered modern challenges that will lead to its downfall. At this, the party is getting new leaders who are promoting the development of the democratic rule. In the recent days, Xi Jinping, a younger leader has taken over. At the moment it's not a question of how but when will the one-party authoritarian come to an end.
The threats for the possible end of the one-party state in China range from economic challenges, political effects, and social problems. The party's previous regimes have been marked by different styles and strategies of governance which has been felt by the citizens of China. At the moment, CPC is facing challenges due to environmental degradation, urban-rural equality and the influence of foreign media which has shifted people's perception of one party democracy. People are shifting their thinking and behavior patterns on the politics of China which will significantly affect the power of Communist Party in the future.
Authoritarian politics is mostly marked by equality and social injustices in the course of administering their power to its citizens. At the same period, it is marked by environmental degradation which has seen the country's environmental pollution which is more of a threat to CPC. Environmental degradation in China results from the massive industrialization that has occurred in the recent past. However much this may be a problem for CPC legitimacy, it has come to this state due to the economic growth that is being experienced in China. The cost of environmental pollution has greatly raised and consumes much of the country's GDP. As it stands, CPC has not been able to assure clean environment for the people of China as it grows its economy through industrialization. Since then CPC has been stagnated from its authority and practice of power in country's decision making. The continued conversation about environment pollution has brought about political tension within the ruling party which is seen not capable of cleaning the county's environment. Thus, environmental degradation is propagated to be of grave concern among the three threats facing CPC.
CPC equally experiences threats from the massive influence of foreign media to the people of China. But the extent of this threat does not outweigh that of environmental degradation. Foreign media propagates news which does not support one party states, most of the western news have aimed at discrediting the legitimacy of CPC in China. However, this is not much of a threat since the party has faced such challenges before and conquered. Most media houses use problems such as massive corruption to turn the people against the state. Foreign media and news mostly spread the news that is in favor of the democratic rule. This brought about legitimacy issues on the authoritarian rule in China, in the recent days the ruling party has submitted to the citizen's pressure to conduct internal democracy within the party. However, the party has tried to suppress any attempts from the civil society who are trying to demonstrate against the party's rule. Media is supposing an influential role in the Chinese politics which has seen CPC change its tactics of the rule in the recent days.
Urban-rural inequality is another problem which is at the same level as that of foreign media and news threat. Most of the poor people are found in rural areas as compared to urban areas. Resource distribution is not equal in China. Despite China being one of the rapidly growing economies in the world, there exists a large gap in income between the rural and urban citizens. The central government in Beijing is not able to come up with effective economic policies that will see the reduction of income inequality gap that exists. This has also seen great rural-urban migration which has led to population increase in urban areas. Inequality is one of the things that influence people to advocate for democracy so that they can get an equal share. However, these inequalities can be attributed to corruption at the top authority of government and not deemed as a great threat to China. This has led to decrease in per capita income as only people benefit from the country's growing economy.
All in all, the strength of Communist party of China may seem to be too weak, but this is not the case. CPC challenges due to environmental degradation, urban-rural equality and the influence of foreign media which has shifted people's perception of one party democracy are redeemable. The party has built up strong allies and invested its time on economic pillars which are hard to break. The party has adapted to new modern ways of governance which may give it time to gather the strength it needs to maintain its monopoly in China. Environmental degradation has to be put under control among the three threats since it is seen to affect China than the rest of the two threats. Chinas political system is one of the most difficult systems to predict. All in all China's political power is not going to be easily broken at any time soon.
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