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Free Medicine Thesis and Essay Examples

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Essay Example on Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Symptoms of gonorrhea in women include discharge from the vagina which may be watery, slightly green or yellow, or milky. A person can experience lower abdominal pain and...
3 Pages 
(587 Words)

Medical Malpractice - Case Study Example

Medical malpractice entails professional negligence by act or omission by a healthcare practitioner. The neglect may occur in the concept through which the kind of care o...
3 Pages 
(673 Words)

Correct Positioning of the Clients During the Intraoperative Stage

Worth pointing out is that correct positioning of the clients during the intraoperative stage is an essential undertaking in the operative department. Placing a patient i...
5 Pages 
(1344 Words)

Case Study Example: Medication Errors Reporting

A community memorial hospital faces challenges in medical reporting which result in the hospital's medical errors. These problems include timely incident reports and inco...
5 Pages 
(1103 Words)

The Human Nail Dust - Literature Review Example

Podiatry is the field of health involved with the analysis, treatment, prevention, and management of medical illnesses involving lower limb, foot, and ankle. The person w...
7 Pages 
(1832 Words)

Supply and Demand for Oncologists - Essay Example

Currently, there is a crisis in the cancer care in the United States, and the experts predict that the condition will still worsen in the near future. It is due to the in...
3 Pages 
(607 Words)

Truncus Arteriosus and Coarctation of the Aorta

Truncus arteriosus is a rare congenital heart condition in which a single blood vessel leads out of the hearts right and left ventricles, rather than the normal two vess...
7 Pages 
(1890 Words)
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Research Paper Example: Bipolar Disorder Assessment and Treatment

Bipolar 1 condition is a bipolar condition characterised by the occurrence of more than one mixed manic or episode. Most victims of this disorder also at a point in time,...
7 Pages 
(1747 Words)

Essay Example: Symptoms of Tuberculosis

According to the World Health Organization (2017), the primary symptoms of active lung tuberculosis include coughing. In some cases, the cough has sputum and blood. Coug...
5 Pages 
(1292 Words)

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2: Interpretation and Review

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory displays the existing belief of clinical theory that is committed to understanding experiences of human being with underst...
2 Pages 
(401 Words)