1. The preschooler can become quickly upset over minor injuries
2. The preschoolers with guidance should be able to perform self-hygiene. Combing their hair, brushing teeth.
1. They understand the significance of their health.
2. Most can perform their hygiene.
List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.
1. Due to their dependency on their parents/ caregivers, they can have dental caries if proper dental hygiene is not applied
2. Toddlers are at risk of drowning if left unsupervised when in or around water.
1. Immature immune system poses an increased risk for infection and contagious diseases
2. Not Fully capable of understanding injuries/traumas preschoolers are at an increased risk for injury.
1. School-aged notice body defects like weight and height.
2. School-aged children also begin to show where the signs of hearing deficiency or vision problems.
Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern:
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic of each age group.
List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.
1. The toddler may experience periods of Food jags (may prefer only one Food for several days).
2. Mouthing, handling, tasting and extruding the Food from the mouth as well as resampling the Food often occur.
1. They need three nutritious meals each day
2. They can articulate their food preference and are open to learning about nutrition. 1.School-aged children can prepare their meals.
2. School-aged children know unhealthy and healthy meals.
1. Toddlers tend to have the lowest daily iron intake of any age group when breastfeeding or Formula Feeding ends and is replaced with iron-poor cow milk.
2. Toddlers juice intake exceeds the recommended amount of 4 to 6 ounces per day.
1. Preschoolers exposed to high sugar Foods and Processed Food.
2. Preschoolers who are overweight or underweight. 1 School-aged children have cases of anorexia, diabetes, and obesity.
two majority fail to reach a dietary recommendation.
The pattern of Elimination:
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic of each age group.
List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. 1. Toddlers begin toilet training and appreciate the difference between voiding and bowel movements.
2. Less frequent diaper changes as a toddler are capable of voluntary control over the sphincters.
1. Preschoolers can control their bladder and bowel movements better.
2. If a preschooler has elimination discomforts, they can express it.
1 .Just like adults they have regular elimination
2. After coming out of restrooms, they practice self-hygiene
1. Toilet training may be tried before the child is complete to act alone.
2. Parents show frustration with a toddler if parents/caregivers rush in toilet training.
1. At nighttime, bedwetting may be a problem if it continues.
2. Hand hygiene may be a problem especially if they forget to flush the toilet after using the restroom. 1. School-aged children may still experience bedwetting this may potentially be a problem.
2. Due to eating habits or poor personal hygiene habits, complaints of painful urination and bowel movements may occur.
The pattern of Activity and Exercise:
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic of each age group.
List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. 1. Toddlers enjoy parallel play (alongside other toddlers) rather than cooperatively.
2. Toddlers love outdoor physical play such as climbing on playground equipment.
1. playing is a part of pre-schoolers in this stage and mimicking is common
2. Active play ought to be exhilarated. 1. School-aged children appreciate the profits of physical activity and exercise.
2. Extra-curricular activity and sport are common at this stage for children.
1. Cannot build a tower of more than four blocks.
2. They are not able to explore and learn from their surroundings
1. A preschooler who is not interested in playing with other kids
2. One who spends most time on television rather than exceeding 1. Many school-aged kids spent a lot of times in periods of inactivity due to technology advancements.
2. lack of engaging in a sport or any social activity undermining their social skills.
Cognitive/Perceptual Pattern:
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic of each age group.
List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. 1. Egocentrism (Focus on self)
2. Increased Object Permanence (knows that objects out of sight still exist)
1. Implements magical thinking and believes her thoughts are all powerful.
2. Uses transduction when reasoning (he/she extrapolates a situation to one another although the events may be unrelated. 1. School-age children can handle defies and difficulties with reasoning.
2. They are mindful of other individuals Feelings. They comprehend issues to do with ethics and morals.
1. Not being able to speak 15 words.
2 .The absence of exploratory interests in various activities can be an indication of developmental delay.
1. Preschoolers who character play unfitting life occasions.
2. Preschoolers who fail to talk to others 1. In school-age children, if visual and hearing problems are present these may directly affect their learning.
2. Due to lack of guidance school, aged children may experience concerns when it comes to studying reading or writing.
The pattern of Sleep and Rest:
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic of each age group.
List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. 1. The toddler is averaging 12 13.5hrs of sleep per day.
2. Sleeps through the night and takes one daytime nap.
1. Preschoolers need about 11 to 12 hours a day and they may or may not nap.
2. Unless very tired many preschoolers will resist going to bed From time to time. 1. Average sleep is about 8 12 hours a day without naps.
2. Majority sleep with ease.
1. Night waking (because of change in routine or as a desire For nightmare attention)
2. Co-sleeping (Sleeping in parents bed) interferes with the toddlers independence as per some professionals.
1. Sugar and caffeine consumption in the evening.
2. Allowing the child stimulating activities such as roughhousing before bedtime 1. nightmares are common to some children (From watching television)
2. Sleepwalking and sleep talking may occur during this stage.
The pattern of Self-Perception and Self-Concept:
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic of each age group.
List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. 1. Separation & Individuation (who they are as a person) seeing oneself as separate From parent or caregiver.
2. Learning takes place in the form of smelling, tasting and touching
1. Most understand their action and what to result from their action
2. Preschoolers could express their likes and dislikes. 1. This group has developed a sense of responsibility and independence.
2. They know how others perceive and see them.
1. Due to their sense of autonomy and desire to tasks independently they are at risk for injury.
2. Should a toddler not respond by their name, they may have a sensory problem.
1. pre-schoolers have a hard time being independent since they still depend on their adults
2. They are much attentive to behaviors and criticism 1. School-aged children may negatively see themselves if not encouraged with positive thoughts.
2. Issues of self-worth and self-esteem arise when they are not accepted.
Role-Relationship Pattern:
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic of each age group.
List 2 potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. 1. Toddlers imitate adults as well as playmates.
2. Allied people with their characters regarding the toddler (for instance mother is supposed to do this and dad does the other thing)
1. they understand gender difference.
2. Are involved in plays that relate to gender 1. have a bit of relationship from outside, but family is still important.
2. they know their responsibilities and roles in their houses.
1. Regression
2. Continued sibling is fighting even after established rules.
1. Positive role models needed
2. separation of adults causes regression. 1. School-aged children may become involved in gang-related activities.
2. School-aged children may experience strenuous relationship with the parents
Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern:
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic of each age group.
List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.
1. Toddlers may question parents about gender differences by and may begin to explore genital.
2. Toddlers can also begin to mimic social gender differences.
1. Preschoolers understand the difference in female and male.
2. Are curious about opposite gender 1. they are curious about sex. The child should be well informed.
2. Some have breasts or pubic hair.
1. Caregivers are confusing toddlers by calling genitalia multiple names.
2. Toddler continues to masturbate excessively or in public.
1. The Preschooler plays inappropriately with his/her toys.
2. may practice inappropriate sexual behaviors is abused. 1. They may wear inappropriate and revealing clothing attracting sexual responsiveness.
2. homosexual children have a hard time in roles of gender
The pattern of Coping and Stress Tolerance:
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic of each age group.
The list wo solve potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. 1. They have tantrums, or they may cry
2. Comfort themselves with toys.
1. They talk out their frustrations.
2. They play to reduce stress
2. engage in sports or talking to friends to deal with stress
2. family is important during time of stress
1. aggressive toddlers
2. inconsolable toddlers who play for long period
1. they struggle with their feelings and emotions
2. they can have tantrums when frustrated 1. anxiety and helplessness are usually present
2. depression is a major likelihood
The pattern of Value and Beliefs:
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic of each age group.
List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. 1. Having security
2. Beliefs and values mostly learned from parents
1. They attend church or other religious establishments and learn values.
2. They were to have thoughts of guilt and conflict due to the values and beliefs instilled. 1. parental, cultural or religion may provide beliefs and values
2. their decisions revolve around ethics and morals they have learned.
1. they are a risk if boundaries and limit setting is not constant.
2. Only receiving attention from parental figures when misbehaving.
1. Peers can easily influence their beliefs or values.
2. hearing or watching negative things from peers negatively affects their behavior 1. Peers could influence the school-aged child that what they were taught was incorrect.
2. sometime...
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