The texts, the Stone Carvers, and Great Gatsby are spectacular masterpieces that depict the aspect of the two societies and the way they pin its subjects to the societal pressures thus seem to be reprimanding. The Texts are based on the characters struggle with the forces of reality making vital decisions in their lives towards their previous and future life in the society that they live. This essay seeks to analyze the aspects that make Great Gatsby be a social commentary that airs out a powerful reminder to the precarious reality of the world and analysis of the Stone Carvers on the issue of abandonment and societal pressures.
Great Gatsby is depicted to be a brilliant social commentary piece that focuses on the themes of justice, betrayal, power American dream among others (Berman 3). The masterpiece focuses on the aspect of social change regarding the new money, old money and no money. While focusing on the abandonment by Daisy, Fitzgerald sends a powerful message that communicates about the elitism that runs through the all social strata. Great Gatsby is a new money in the society, and things seem to go wrong since he was surrounded by fake old money friends who dont give a damn to their friend Gatsby after he died. Before Gatsby died, he had Daisy and other friends who used to dime with him at his home but ended up to be the real partygoers (Berman 7). The aftermath of Gatsbys death and the partygoers makes the society and the no money people to realize the hypocrisy of the rich thus hating the past. The novel is set to air out that the lower class people hate the history which proved that the rich hate the poor and that they prefer living for the moment and engaging in parties.
The Stone Carvers portrays Klara to be a fictional character whose minority position was overshadowed by the men who tried their best to limit her from depicting her limitless genius deeds. For that matter, the men in the society made her mbitions to be seen as mere aberrations and male qualities that could explicitly appear in a woman. Notwithstanding the fact that the novel stone Carvers seem to be a successful struggle for recognition of a woman (Klara) in the society, the novel outlines other themes that portray the transition between old and new world. Klara falls in love with OSullivan who is a silent man and a son of Irish family (Scott 153). However, Klara is befallen by a breakup and abandonment by OSullivan who chose airplanes and war over her. Clara was devastated, and she attempted to clear her memories and emotions by living a life of a spinster after he was gone. This shows that Klara was feeling the pain of the past and hated it by her passion. She also portrayed her despair by quitting curving. Afte scalping Eamons face, she later falls in love Giorgio.
Daisy had engaged in malpractices that she thought she was making Tom jealous of her having affairs with other men. However, after realizing that her elite social class could not be the glue to Toms choice of women, she decided to maintain her dignity and made herself to be more admirable. Daisy accepted the fact that her husband Tom was a brute of a husband and thus she agreed to make a change to her previous choice of life. She depicts a sultry voice that enraptures men. Initially, Daisy communicated with Nick about her marital troubles and made an undercut that outlined absolute smirk (Berman 120). Daisy decides to date Gatsby again and plans to make a breakup with Tom at his house. Daisy turned the love she had for Tom to hate and she even hated Gatsby to the point that she never attended his burial (Berman 409). Daisys departure to New York is a journey that was made to make her accept the change that she was passing through and accepting herself and the society.
Klara had decided to carry on a spinster life until the time she accepted herself when she discovered that she was still young and that she expected more from experience. She engaged in sewing practices and continued with curving thus made her earn some money that made her bury the old and bad memories of love that she had on OSullivan. The quote When one embraces a moment of rapture from the past, by refusing to let it go, then how can the brightness of the persons life not tarnish and turn grey due to longing and sorrow? (Scott 121) and the lines sadness keep claims its rightful place in the mind shows that Klara accepted the reality of life and learned that the society is made in its unique way that produces both good and bad.
Gatsbys goal was to be categorized in the class of new money people. After several struggles of accumulating wealth, the old money people pretended to be his friend and made him squander his weal by several banquets that made the old money happy. Indeed, he accomplished the goal of becoming rich, but his dreams died with him when he died and not even one of his friends that he used to dime with attended the burial ceremony instead they pretended to be carrying on a busy life. Another person who dies with their dreams is Nick after he committed social suicide when he decided to forcefully pull away from Jordan Baker and Buchanan. Nick is portrayed to be a person who is good at setting goals but also easy at abandoning the same goals thus killing his dream (Bloom and Fitzgerald n.p)
Clara decided to live a life free from the past by relocating to Canada where she met her partner and memorized the people who died in the war. Klaras spiritual death occurred when she stopped being obsessed with love, and she quitted to be connected to the past that haunted her feelings. Regarding Scott (157), Klaras anger against Eamon makes her commit seven deadly sins. For instance, she shows lust and anger that is revolving around the love and hate relationship with Eamon. The anger made Klara to be restricted in doing what she had planned and what she truly loves in her life. The little sloth that she shows made her commit another deadly sin of giving up the purpose that she resolved to effect. The overall outcome is that she becomes a sloth and she lives a life of hiding from the pressures of life in caves and unplanned visits to foreign countries. However, she can overcome obstacles in her life towards the end after she accepted herself and the realities of life.
In conclusion, both the two texts portray the theme of love and hate, change, acceptance and nature of life by a succeeded flow of character information. For instance, the idea of love and hate that Klara depicts is outlined throughout the chapters until the time Klara accepts the realities of life and accepts herself. Also, Great Gatsbys text describes Gatsby as a character who made the society to acquire some lessons regarding the life of the poor, the rich and the wealthy while using characters like Daisy, Nick, Tom and Gatsby to outline theme of love, hate, change, and acceptance.
Works Cited
Bloom, Harold, ed. F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. Infobase Publishing, 2010.
Berman, Ronald. The Great Gatsby and Modern Times. University of Illinois Press, 1996.
Scott, Barb. "The Stone Carvers." Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal 35.2 (2003): 159-162.
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