Taking nap services is healthy. Napping is a short sleep of about 45 minutes typically taken during daytime hours as an adjunct to the usual nocturnal sleep period. Naps are taken in response to drowsiness during waking hours. Students especially who live outside the campus hostels undergo the same. For Instance, In San Francisco State University, a lot of people do not live not only inside the campus but also the city. Students have busy schedules; they stay up too late in the night doing assignments. Also, they get tired due to the long distance between their learning centers and residential places. As a result, students end up taking naps in the library coaches. The practice has recently raised ethical concerns about how appropriateness it is to have a room with cots and beds that students can take their naps. Taking naps boost alertness, it improves learning and memory. It also zaps stress, leads to improved performance as well as preventing burnout. However, opponents argue that napping leads to health problems (Sarah 2014).
Undeniably, napping helps in boosting alertness. Recently, the performance of San Francisco has gone down. Students take naps in the library coaches for long hours due to lack of a better place to sleep. Most students need to sleep for around 9 hours in a day. If a student gets into that range of 7 to 9 hours even if it's a combination of both day and night sleep, they will be alert, failure to which, it affects their attention. Likewise, napping helps to reduce mistakes. When students are tired, they tend to make unnecessary mistakes especially when writing. This is triggered by paying attention for a long period. Since most students have busy schedules, they end up doing their assignments late in the night and therefore, they do not get enough sleeping hours. As a result, their alertness during the day is interfered with. Therefore, they should take a nap during the day.
Taking naps helps to improve learning and memory. Studies show that naps are better than caffeine when it comes to improved recall memory, which is good to have in mind if you have exams coming up (Abigail, 2014). However, the majority take caffeine instead of naps. Taking naps is a one way of letting the mind relax. It makes a student feel much stronger. A 45-minute napping is ideal to enhance motor skills and attention, while an hour to 90 minutes of napping brings Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. Mental tiredness vanishes upon waking. Set the alarm to make sure you get just the right amount of sleep (Sarah, 2014). Moreover, having a long nap leaves a student slightly sleepy. However, it is associated with brain benefits. Studies indicate that fact-based memories are stored in the hippocampus until they can be moved to long-term storage. Memories get moved from the memory center to long-term storage when a student is asleep. Apparently, napping helps to help to clear information out of the brain's temporary storage areas. This makes it get ready for preoccupation of new information. This means that the longer the naps, the more students will reap brain benefits.
In fact, napping helps in zapping stress. The sheer luxury of escaping for a nap can be a great stress-reliever, even if you don't sleep for long. Stress has some devastating effects such as heart diseases and stroke. Also, stress could have long-term effects on neurochemistry, leading to chronic anxiety, depression, and, well, more sleeplessness among others (Elijah, 2013). Historical, between 1 P.M to 3 P.M has been the time when students sleep more. This timeframe is optimal since that's usually after lunchtime when your blood sugar and energy begin to dip (Abigail, 2014). This means that regular napping lowers tension which reduces the risks of heart disease. Also, tiredness causes stress or emotional instability. In fact, when faced with stress, it happens automatically that, the adrenal cortex releases stress hormones to put the body on alert; the heart begins to beat more rapidly; your metabolism starts to speed up, and oxygen-rich blood gets pumped directly to the larger muscles in the body (Elijah, 2013). The point is to become energized, and finally, students find themselves dozing. Besides, most of the students are constantly stressed because of workloads; it seems like a good idea to have a short nap. Sometimes be on high alert when dealing with stressful situations.
Also, taking naps helps to improve productivity. Napping is not necessarily laziness as many people ought to think. As earlier mentioned, the afternoon is always the time where blood sugar and energy begin to dip. Students find themselves dozing during this timeframe. Therefore, after taking a nap, students get rid of mental weariness and become alert.As a result, they end up improving output (Sarah, 2014). Similarly, students are informed to take a nap if they find themselves taking longer to complete a task than usual. Napping makes them feel refreshed and can work efficiently (Abigail, 2014). Students who are well rested also have improved mood stabilization, emotional control, and mental balance. This is a survival based instinct. For Instance, Lack of enough sleep makes the body assumes that you are under more stressful circumstances, so it will fire its primitive survival portions of the brain more frequently. Since the brain is affected, emotional stability comes in the, it increases the fight or flight response and dampens higher levels of cognitive and emotional function (Elijah, 2013). Besides, students who regularly take short naps, or catnaps, may develop a good idea of the duration which works best for them, as well as which tools, environment, position, and associated factors help produce the best results.
Napping prevents burnout and reverses information. Although, most of the students tend to think that, taking a nap is a wastage of time, studies show that, working without having a rest reduces productivity as well as alertness. Aforesaid, napping enhances mental relaxation. Also, taking a nap facilitates the flow of information from the temporary storage to the permanent storage. Therefore, a relaxed mind tends to give quality results, unlike an unrelaxed mind which gives deteriorative work. It is clear that taking a nap is necessary as far as good performance is a concern (Sarah, 2014).
However, sleep affects people in very many ways. Long sleeping hours makes students feel tired. Studies show that a sleep-deprived student can deliver the same results as someone who is not sleep deprived. The focus is the key to determination and therefore, students should not base their argument on inadequate sleep when they perform poorly. Besides, napping messes up with nighttime sleep especially for students who take long naps. Napping should take 30 to 45 minutes. However, people end up taking a nap of about an hour. This adversely affects their nighttime sleep. On a different note, napping leads to breathing problems such as bronchitis, emphysema, and pneumonia (Abigail, 2013). Napping increases inflammation in the body This practice increases risks of students dying at young age. Therefore, encouraging napping among the students will increase risks of health problems.
Napping has been extensively experienced by not only students but also the people working. It is facilitated by tiredness, lack enough night sleep, stress or at times emotional instability due to conflicts among others. For instance, people get tired due to heavy workloads or traveling for long distances before reaching into their learning centers or worksites. Similarly, school programs also facilitate napping. Lessons are scheduled during the day, and afterward, students are assigned some projects. Due to the busy schedule of the day, students tackle their projects over the night and therefore, they lack adequate sleep. Because of this, their performance goes down due to low alertness and overworking the brain. Therefore, there is a need for the school to set up a room with cots and beds where these students can take a nap.
Works cited:
Abigail, R (2014). Benefits of Napping for College Students. College Campus News. Web 7 November 2017.
Elijah, W. (2013). Heath: Why Some People Respond to Stress by Sleep. The Atlantic Press. Web 7 November 2017.
Sarah, K. (2014). The Art of Napping at work: Health Effects of Napping. Men's Health Journal. http://health.msn.com/health-topics/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid. Web 7 November 2017.
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