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Vanderbilt University
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In every successful business, a manager always does more than just taking the reports and word from his/her employees or being an undercover executive. Managers have to go down to the fields or workplace, interact with the employees and get a more profound understanding of the activities around the institution. This essay aims at analyzing the need for the daily interaction of managers to their employee and the impacts it has on the business.

Question 1

As managers work closely with their employees, they learn and understand the challenges they face as they perform their tasks. The manager also gets to know if the workers work truthfully, legally and uphold the ethics of business and the society. Employee attitude and drive for their work is never reflected in work reports and hence the managers can note if his/her employees are satisfied with their working conditions and management strategies. The manager also gets to see how the employees relate to customers, especially the harsh and arrogant customers, as well as how they relate to each other as employees (Men, 2014).

Question 2

According to Men (2014), a supervisor that take time to walk around as employees work show great concern for the success of the business. As an employee, I would highly cherish an employer that avails themselves among the workers almost on a daily basis. It shows his concern for his employees and the company. It is always more relaxing and respectful for an employee to give their best to a company whose executive shows interest by interacting with the employees. Such concern by the employer also boots the relationships between the employee and employer. The knowledge that top executives of the company I work for walks within the workers regularly paint a good and positive attitude towards the company. It's a sign that the executives are concerned about all the activities that run around the company which is vital for organizational success (Men, 2014).

Question 3

Executives can arrange open sessions like coffee talks or lunch talks where the employees get a more relaxed atmosphere to communicate with their managers, addressing organizational issues at an open communication platform, where the views of the employees and get taken into consideration (Men, 2014). The executives also pass their concerns. Moreover, a manager can decide to become part of the employees' regular meetings. The executives can also hold regular meetings with the representatives from each line of work where they listen and go through their achievements, challenges and give new insights to the employees (Men, 2014).

Question 4

Yes, there exist some dangers associated with executives walking among employees since not every employee is open to such management strategies. Yes, the action of employer walking within the workstations can make some workers uneasy with the thoughts of getting spied on (Men, 2014). Some employees think that their executives don't have enough trust in them to let them perform their duties without supervision (Men, 2014). The executives can share the importance of their choice of that management method to the workers in an attempt to reduce such thoughts of mistrust of employees and boost the productiveness of the program. They should reinforce the fact that the employees can learn much from the executives who have more experience and insights regarding their top management positions (Men, 2014).

In conclusion, an excellent working institution includes input from all the parties involved. The executives need to walk among its employees to grasp and understand their points of success as well as their areas of weaknesses from the work field. It's a competitive world, and the best is always required.


Men, L. R. (2014). Strategic internal communication: Transformational leadership, communication channels, and employee satisfaction. Management Communication Quarterly, 28(2), 264-284.

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