In the first video entitled Reading to Infants, it is observed that reading to infants in most cultures is more about comforting and bonding up with the child than just reading. As much as the cognitive abilities of the child would not give most infants, aged from birth to 18 months, the ability to understand what is being read to them, it helps in building the learning and developmental abilities. The most important aspect that is usually associated with reading to infants is the fact that parents in diverse cultural, economic and language backgrounds are able to identify their childrens unique characteristics and needs. In the video discussed in this case, the parent is seen reading to the infant who is aged around 11 months, being keen enough to observe how the child responds to the words being read to them. It is at this part of development that learning and language acquisition begins, as a toddler, the child is able to respond to certain words while being oblivious of others (Cole & Lightfoot, 2005). Their mental capacity is growing and their word-meaning alignment is still dismal.
Amongst the unique characteristics and needs of the child, that are identified at infant stage include their pace of word mastery. Concentration of the infant is also studied by reading to them, and is usually done by studying their eyes and the sounds made by the infant. In the video, Reading to Infants, the adult is trying to put the infant to concentrate and at the same time analyzing the noises made by the infant. The physical development observed with the infant child in the video is evidenced by the childs body size, and her acoustic and mortar abilities. Cognitive development is evidenced by the way the infant is looking at the book and trying to hold it with its hands. Social and language development of the child is still at its early stages and evidenced by the babbling as a way of engaging with the adult.
Physical Development
Physical development in infants is the development that is associated with growth and the physical skills that can be applied by that child. In the video under discussion, the physical development of the infant to whom the story is read, is seen from her ability to apply certain motor skills that are physical. This development enables her to look at the book being read, be able to hear what is being read and put her attention into it. The infants ability to notice distracting factors when trying to listen to the adult reading the story is evidence that physical development has taken place. The video shows the adult holding the infants Hand which indicates the hands activity in trying to reach out to whatever is being read. In the video, there are other skills employed by the infant that prove its ability to apply large body movements. Moving its neck, body eyes and the perfect coordination of the sound and the direction in which the adult is looking at proves this development. Although physical development has taken place at this stage, the infant expects more physical development that accompanies its growth. Reading to infants is therefore one of the ways of identifying the characteristics and needs of children at an early stage by comparing them to the standard expectations of physical development at that age.
Cognitive Development
The infant in the video is within the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development, which starts at birth and extends to 24 months. Basing on the idea that the human brain is blank at birth, the infant in the video has therefore undergone some cognitive development (Cole, Cole & Lightfoot, 2005). One arrives at this conclusion by using the evidences from the video such as the childs ability to babble and try to imitate the sound they perceive from the reader. Cognitive development can as well be seen through an infant ability to look at the direction of any sound, or use the brain and the bodys senses, unlike physical development where the childs use of the larger body movement is noted. The infant in the video is able to coordinate the brain in concentrating and responding to both distractions and calls from the reader. The infants is able to coordinate secondary circular reactions, and seen to be entering the tertiary circular reactions stage.
Social Development
Infants begin to develop bonds with individuals from birth and they widen their social circle as they develop. The infant in the video is at peace with the adult, thus, explaining the fact that social development has taken place. There is a certain code of communication happening while the adult is reading to the infant. The use of gestures that can be understood between the adult and the infant only happens because of a social development that has taken place.
Language Development
An infants development in language is usually associated with their social development (Cole, Cole & Lightfoot, 2005). This happens in the sense that language used by infants is better understood by the people around that infant. An infants language is also gotten from the people surrounding it, usually the parents. Language development in infants begins almost at birth when an infant realizes that crying brings them the comforts they needs, like food and warmth. Later in infancy a child develops other language skills like the ones observed in the Reading to Infants Video. The infant in the video, through its facial signs and sounds is, is observed to be recognizing some of the sounds as they are read out. Language development of the infant in this video is therefore taking place in the manner that it is supposed to be happening. It is also seen trying to imitate the speech sounds from the book being read.
Video 2: Special Quest Christophers story
In the video, Christophers story, the early life of an infant with disabilities is detailed, and from it, one understands the various types of receptions that are given to infants with disabilities by the parents and members of the community in different cultures and economic backgrounds. In Christophers story, one understands that the community in which Christopher, a disabled child was born accepts him as he is. As said by one of the respondents in the video, Christopher has been accepted and is loved in his community with his specialties. The economic situation of the parents would have raised a concern regarding their financial quest to support a special child and help him live a normal life.
Christophers parents and health workers helped in the identification of the infants special characteristics which have led all the concerned parties to finding appropriate care for Christopher. These unique characteristics are identified through observation of the childs rate of development in areas that include physical, cognitive, and social and language development. Christopher lacks a relatively normal physical development which is observed through the childs diagnosis of spinal bifida. He is confined to a wheel chair which impairs his normal physical growth. However, Christopher has a normal cognitive development documented by his interaction with the parents and friends. He is seen hugging another child in the video, as well as responding enthusiastically to the flying dolphins on a retreat. The hugging, further explains his social development, he interacts normally with other children, though him being on a wheel chair. His peers are able are to take him in a normal way and this helps with Christophers esteem. The childs language development is not much expounded on in the video.
Physical Development
Christopher suffers spinal bifida, which impairs his normal physical growth and development. Unlike other kids of his preschool age, Christopher is not able to apply all the skills that call for the movement of the larger body parts. This challenges his physical development. However, despite the physical condition, there are other physical developments that Christopher has been able to achieve, similar to his pre-school peers. In the video, Chris is observed waving hands and hugging other kids from his wheel chair. He is also seen moving parts of his body like the head, twisting his neck and turning the abdomen part of the body to look at whatever is behind him. Christopher is able to use his hands perfectly. Physical development has been used in Christophers case to identify how unique his development is from that of other preschool children.
Cognitive Development
In the video about Christophers case, cognitive development is seen with Christophers ability to think and make mental judgments like any other child of preschool age. Cognitive development is still evidenced in the manner that Christopher is able to coordinate the images reaching his eyes with mood, like in the moment he is taken to watch the flying dolphins. His interaction with the people around him is the other aspect that can be used in explaining how cognitive development has taken place. It takes proper coordination of the brain and the other parts of the body to do what Christopher is seen doing the video. This is all cognitive development entails, and the evidence of which is his hugging of a fellow kid. His recognition of family and ability to communicate well is another factor revealing that cognitive development is taking place despite the disability.
Social Development
Social development in children aged below three years is one of the indicators showing whether children have unique characteristics or special needs (Cole, Cole, & Lightfoot, 2005). In the case of Christopher, who is a special learner, his confinement to a wheel chair affects the way he interacts with other children. With his age, he is supposed to be playing with peers but because of the disability, his interaction and sociability has to be done in a different way. The social development of the child in this videos case is therefore challenged and does not take place in efficiently. The parents and members of the community in which Christopher belongs try to make up for the challenged social development by taking him out to fun places, and organizing for him to play with other children. On his wheel chair, Christopher is able apply social skills which puts him on an equal position with other children of his age. Despite his unique characteristics, his social development can still be observed to be above par.
Language Development
Language development is affected by a childs cognitive and social development. Christophers language development, as seen in the video has taken place and is going at the required pace, basing on his age (Cole, Cole, & Lightfoot, 2005). He is able to communicate using both signs and sounds and is also able to distinguish all the sounds within the language used in his community well. Christopher is also efficient in the identification of all the communication signs that are expected to be known by a child at the preschool-going age.
Video case 3: Caring for the Community
The video, Caring for the community is a kindergarten, third grade lesson involving the pupils role in the society. The learners are taught on the essence of having a productive role in the community. Relating this video to the idea of identifying the childrens unique characteristics and needs brings one to listen to the responses given by each and every student. The teacher, as seen in the video, asks the children to state the things they can do to help in the community. This engages the childs knowledge in relating her abilities to the needs of the society, and in turn evidencing the unique characteristics, abilities and needs of every single pupil.
Some of the learners in the video are asked to read the writings on the board. This explains thei...
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