Transgender are people whose gender identity differs from their assigned sex. They usually anchor the thought of being born the wrong way or with abnormalities. In most circumstances, the transgender community finds themselves getting discriminated or marginalized hence forming the marginalized group in the society. They mainly suffer from the inexistence of continuity in their identity, low self-esteem and the overemphasized with the inclusion of unrecognized distinctiveness. Most societies find ease in hiding them due to the consideration which social structure consents to the binary classification of gender. Therefore, the paper is founded on a research proposal essay which seeks to explain in details the issues that surround the marginalization of the transgender community. The aim will be achieved based on the following three sub-points; the historical view of transgender, the fundamental problems of the group and lastly the steps which can be taken to ensure that the transgender rights are upheld.
It is significant to realize that nearly every person is categorized within the framework of male and female sexes and those who portray expression of behaviors or characteristics attributed to other gender are stigmatized with the basic concern being on social deviants. The inconsistency between the biological sex and those of gender expressions also receive lack of tolerance by other individuals (Demos and Marcia, 2). The primary reason is noted on them being viewed as violators of the conformist gender expectation. It is out of these areas among others that the transgender finds themselves being targets of both discrimination and oppression. The state also qualifies them to join the category of the members of the marginalized and vulnerable population who are subject to more psychosocial and health complications than other social groups within the society.
Historical View of Transgender
Equally notable, the case of marginalization of the transgender group is not a new concern, historical evidence shows that the group in the discussion has been part of the society since the beginning of time and the existence of humanity. The only difference between now and then, is that the naming never existed in the latter case but is very much evident and active in the former. In consideration of the issue of marginalization and inequality directed to them, the British era considered providing for them land and food allocation to feel part of the society like any other ordinary person (Jeanes, 3). Much of the debate has been experienced over the recent years with many concerns advocating for the mitigation of the marginalization and enhancement of policies and mechanisms which would see the group getting included in most of the activities and programs that concern development. These recent developments have also ensured that systems are put in place to see to it that they are accepted and accorded equal opportunities and access to resources in the society.
The evidence for the imaged was noted in April 2014, when the Supreme Court of India gave an important boost to the transgender rights by recognizing their liberty of adopting the self-identified gender. The mentioned outlined that they were able to adopt the gender of their choice, either male or female or even assuming a third gender which covered both. The decision saw many executive orders being executed to enhance the rights of the group of people in the discussion. It is important to realize that the marginalization of the transgender mainly comes out based on the denials and violence on the basic human rights which they possess. They face all these challenges basically because of the gender identities which makes them become targets of stigmatization and exclusion by the society.
The Fundamental Problems of Transgender
The first problem is drawn on education which is part of the basic human rights. Education helps in both the expansion of the peoples prospects and building of better skills needed for various forms of developments. Most societies present strong connection between the level of income and the education level of an individual. Even as the connection exists, not every person is accorded the opportunity of learning in an environment characterized by freedom and equal opportunities. Most evidence shows that the transgender people face the challenge of unequal educational opportunities considering the harassment, violence, and discrimination which they go through in their quest of attaining educational excellence (Josselson and Michele, 5). They, therefore, end up becoming school dropouts.
The second concern is mainly noted in the employment. Employment exists as a significant tool to the well-being of people and by extension their families. The same is supported by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which guarantees the right to work at the job of preference and receiving equal pay without any form of discrimination. The marginalization of the transgender community subjects them to the denial of the right even after being stipulated by the law. Even those employed end up losing their jobs and receiving subjections to depressions among other health-related challenges. The discrimination goes a long way to the health sectors where they are denied the right to quality medical care. They also face numerous barriers when seeking accessibility to preventive medicine, routine, and emergency care or even the transgender-related services which include both the hormone and counseling replacement therapy (Kollen, 9). Unlike other discriminations, those of health care usually see most them being exposed to medical related risks due to the inability of accessing immediate and timely medical services. The situation may lead to death if not given consideration.
Works Cited
Demos, Vasilikie P, and Marcia T. Segal. At the Center: Feminism, Social Science, and Knowledge. , 2015. Internet resource.
Jeanes, Emma L. Handbook of Gender, Work, and Organization. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley, 2011. Print.
Josselson, Ruthellen, and Michele Harway. Navigating Multiple Identities: Race, Gender, Culture, Nationality, and Roles. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print.
Kollen, Thomas. Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations: Global Perspectives on Lgbt Workforce Diversity. , 2016. Internet resource.
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