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Free Sociology Thesis and Essay Examples

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Case Study Example: Gender and Greetings

I observed different types of greetings among both male and female students as well as staff at the Oakland University, United States. I started my observation right from...
4 Pages 
(833 Words)

A Reflection on Consumerism - Essay Example

To keep up with the latest trends, my best friend has always been a big fan of shopping, from buying expensive, stylish handbags to making online orders on designer watch...
5 Pages 
(1224 Words)

Boot-camps: The Effectiveness of Reducing Recidivism or Not

Juvenile boot camps according to Hutchinson & Richards (2013) are short-term programs that use the paramilitary basic training styles for correction of juvenile offen...
3 Pages 
(638 Words)

Catfish: An Act of Social Deviance or Criminal. Essay Sample.

As technology advanced in the twenty-first century, the world experienced introduction of the internet which made the universe a global-village as people can communicate...
4 Pages 
(926 Words)

Interpreting the Past: Stonewall Rebellion. Essay on LGBT Political Activism.

The American gay rights movement dates back to 1924 when the Society for Human Rights in Chicago became the country's first gay organization. However, it was in the 1960s...
2 Pages 
(521 Words)

Sociology Essay Example: The Social Institution of Family

The family is a fundamental social institution. As children grow up, they think of how they can grow their families and keep them together. As a consequence, it becomes a...
5 Pages 
(1169 Words)

Research Paper Sample: Incorporation of Moral Development

Moral development is centred on the changes and the understanding of the good or bad from childhood to adulthood. In respect to moral development, morality is concerned w...
4 Pages 
(868 Words)
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Argumentative Essay Example: Gender Bias in Australian Film and Gaming Industries

Gender bias can be described as prejudice or discrimination against one gender. It can describe discrimination against men or even against women. However, in todays worl...
7 Pages 
(1764 Words)

Argumentative Essay Example: Gender Bias in the Technology Industry

Gender bias can be described as prejudice or discrimination against one gender. It can describe discrimination against men or even against women. Gender bias has been att...
7 Pages 
(1839 Words)

Essay Sample: The Relationship Between Poverty and Crime

Scholars from different fields hold are that poverty and crime are intimate. Poverty and crime have similar implication in the society. For example, in the process of try...
3 Pages 
(612 Words)