As of late, ecological security in the shores of Niger Delta has had a developing academic interest from different points of view looking for more extensive explanation and comprehension of policy response of the State. These threats of environmental security outstandingly land and water contamination, oil leaks, acidic rains, gas flaring, mangrove deforestation, and so forth are connected to the misuse of oil resources and to the Multinational Oil Corporations (MNOCs). These have been unreasonable, bringing about environmental breakdown, crisis, vulnerability and ecological instability challenges since 1970s when oil in the locale turned into the pillar of Nigeria's economy. This paper expands on the political framework of ecology which talks about the effect of worldwide power asymmetry on common resource extraction and broad assemblage of work in the wide discipline of environmental security to investigate notable pointers, which show the proof of the threats of environmental insecurity and poor response of the Stain terms of policy approaches.
Cafaro, P., & Crist, E. (2012). Life on the brink: Environmentalists confront overpopulation.
Athens: University of Georgia Press.
Life on the Brink tries to reignite a powerful discourse of issues of population amongst scholars of environmental studies, environmentalists, general public, and policymakers. A portion of the main voices in the American movement of environment restate the issue that population increase is a noteworthy force behind the many serious and risk environmental problems, such as climate change, species extinction, and habitat loss, as well as water and pollution, and water and food scarcity. As world occupants exceed the seven billion mark, scholars contend that regulation of population growth globally and in particular in the United States are an ethical imperative that merits rejuvenated commitment. Sourced from various domains and presenting distinct points of view, the author in like manner supports the sharing of resources among various species and humans show demonstrate eagerness to consider what will be important to do as such. With regards to nature and human future, scholars stand up to difficult issues of contraception, premature birth, and immigration, which numerous environmentalists have turned out to be excessively tentative or politically right, making it impossible to address.
Cox, L. E., Tice, C. J., & Long, D. D. (2015). Introduction to social work: An advocacy-based
profession. Los Angeles: SAGE, 2015.
The text is an energizing and convenient new content that introduce readers to the underlying premises of the social work calling, confining its history, carrier paths, and practice settings through the perspective of advocacy. Firmly lined up with the most recent Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS), the content goes past the standard scope to investigate such front line content as ecological issues, military social work, worldwide social work, and housing. Powerful, connected pedagogy and an accentuation on reflective and advocacy practice help underline the transformative commitments and opportunities of social work on clinical, customer, group, national, and worldwide levels. The text is an opportune content that goes past the standard scope by including sections on environmental and global issues, monetary framework, collective bargaining, and housing issues. These parts are novel and will help separate the text. The book is likewise firmly lined up with new EPAS models of CSWE and consolidates smart practice. This is an imbuement over the educational modules to enable understudies to reflect and develop as they advance their knowledge. The developmental approach is viewed as a key quality of this proposition.
Knezevic, I. (2017). Community Food Security in Pictou Landing First Nation. Nourishing
Communities, 41-57. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57000-6_3
The participatory research researched food security in Pictou Landing First Nation, situated in Canadian territory of Nova Scotia. The undertaking utilized photovoice a subjective research technique that gathers photographic data alongside oral data from participants of the project. It was uncovered that environmental changes and pollution within Pictou Landing First Nation was the most huge group test to eating admirably. Members of the community shared stories and photographs to depict their encounters with food and describe their key concerns, which additionally included economic and physical access to right food. Members additionally remarked on various resources within the community, for example, the development of knowledge and farms of traditional foods currently in the community. The text offers reflections on the findings and the ramifications of these discoveries to the problems of Indigenous people with regards to food security, environmental consequences of industrialization, and cultural safety.
Munz, R., Reiterer, A. F., Schweizer, J., & Wiegandt, K. (2009). Overcrowded world?:
Global population and international migration. London: Haus.
Today the world is home to 6.8 billion individuals. By 2050, the worldwide populace will have reached 9 billion. However, the issues that will accompany this huge population growth are not widespread. Numerous developing countries will encounter high growth in population, whereas industrialized nations will be compelled to manage declining population and aging, and also with more migration. The text offers a point of view on the circumstances and end results of swift populace growth, and addresses two key inquiries: by what means can the planet support this development and what can be done to enhance the conditions of living of present and future generations.
Richmond, C. A., & Ross, N. A. (2009). The determinants of First Nation and Inuit health:
A critical population health approach. Health & Place, 15(2), 403-411. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2008.07.004
Environmental dispossession excessively affects the wellbeing of Aboriginal populace, yet little is researched regarding how its impacts are sustained with time. The study utilized a population approach to investigate the health determinants in remote and rural First Nation and Inuit people, and to hypothesize the pathways upon which environmental dispossession influences these health determinants. It draws from the analysis of narrative with twenty-six health representatives of the community from Canadas Inuit people and First Nation. CHRs recognized six determinants of health, which included material resources, education, life control, cultural and environmental connections, balance, and social resources. CHRs reaffirmed the physical environments role for health as attached to cultures. Environmental dispossession was characterized as a process that comes with adverse health consequences, especially social environment.
Rieder, T. N. (2016). Toward a small family ethic: How overpopulation and climate change
are affecting the morality of procreation. Switzerland: Springer, 2016
This interesting treatise contends that present human rates of fertility are leading to a crisis in public health both locally and globally. The author provide a summary and an analysis of data on the ecological costs of child bearing, displaying moral predicaments for forthcoming parents in a time of rivalry for rare resources, enormous poverty and wealth disparities, and untenable practices placing unsalvageable stress on environment. Question of integrity and individual responsibility, and in addition procreative and personal moral issues are inspected painstakingly against bigger and extensive concerns. The authors declaration that even self-effacing endeavors toward diminishing worldwide fertility rates would moderate the rising temperatures, control carbon discharges, and prevent climate disaster is very much contemplated and more conceivable.
Singh, S., Agrawal, S. B., & Agrawal, M. (2017). Harmful Effects of Ecosystem Impairment
on Human Health. Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies Environmental Issues Surrounding Human Overpopulation, 224-232. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1683-5.ch013
The increasing worldwide population has resulted in degradation of the environment through over exploitation and ecosystem impairment. In spite of that fact, people have made extraordinary efforts to enhance lifestyle, and appreciate a definitely enhanced quality of life although such changes have been made at the expense of the environment degradation. Environmental change will compel people to cope with changing conditions and discover approaches to manage short-term safeguards and long-term consequences to health. The scope of potential dangers to human health as a result of environmental change is growing and in the meantime unclear. Along these lines, attributable to the potential universality and size of such a problem, the author believes that humans have a moral commitment to creating appropriate tools and settle on well-informed decisions for enhancement of the quality of life.
Tobin, P. (2009). The social and cultural experiences of food security in the Takla Lake
First Nation: Informing public health. doi:10.24124/2007/bpgub489
Food security is an idea that alludes to the ability to access nourishment that is nutritiously sufficient, safe, socially acceptable, and culturally proper. Numerous First Nations are confronting problem with food security because of segregation, risk to accustomed food sources, low income status, and high costs of locally acquired food. Presently, merger research consideration has been given to the perceptions and lived experiences of food (in) security from First Nations communities. The exploration looked to get insights from the people of Takla Lake in northern British Columbia about what they consider can address food insecurity. The study involved content analysis and observation of the interviews of fifteen elderly informants. Findings propose that concerns of food security are believed to strengthen among more the youth and are credited overwhelmingly and straightforwardly to the aggregate legacies of different colonial processes.
Turnock, B. J. (2016). Essentials of public health. Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones &
Bartlett Learning.Among the foundational texts within the series of the Essential Public Health, the book is a brilliant prologue to the public health field. Composed for graduates or senior-level undergraduates students in the field of public health , nursing, health science and other wellbeing professions, the author of the book gives uncommon attention to field of public health and general wellbeing offices. Joining the best components of other texts Turnock utilizes clear, friendly dialect and accommodating learning tools, for example, discourse questions, making it a perfect content for understanding population dynamics and the social factors that are integration to sustainable livelihood. It provides thorough new scope of topics, for example, the implementation of strategic planning, Affordable Care, accreditation of organizations and approaches to community health.
Amadi, L. A., & Alapiki, H. A. (2018). Environmental Security Threats and Policy Response
in the Niger Delta, Nigeria 1990-2016. Lagos: University of Port Harcourt.
Cafaro, P., & Crist, E. (2012). Life on the brink: Environmentalists confront overpopulation.
Athens: University of Georgia Press.
Cox, L. E., Tice, C. J., & Long, D. D. (2015). Introduction to social work: An advocacy-based...
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